Sensitivity to the mixing angle as a function of the sterile neutrino mass for the cored (dashed orange) and NFW (green) profiles, showing the 68% and 95% containment regions of the sensitivities and the median (solid line) from the Monte Carlo runs with an NFW profile.

Sensitivity to the mixing angle as a function of the sterile neutrino mass for the cored (dashed orange) and NFW (green) profiles, showing the 68% and 95% containment regions of the sensitivities and the median (solid line) from the Monte Carlo runs with an NFW profile.

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Context 1
... sensitivity of eROSITA on the mixing angle as a function of the sterile neutrino mass is presented in figure 1. The two green bands show the 68% and 95% containment regions from the Monte Carlo runs, whereas the green solid line represents the median with the NFW profile. ...

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