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Semantics of the Component Specification Language
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Coordination and composition of components is an essential concern in component-based software engineering. In this paper, we present an operational semantics for a component composition language called Reo. Reo connectors exogenously compose and coordinate the interactions among individual components, that unawarely comprise a complex system, into...
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... In contrast with these formal techniques which are used in verifying the composition correctness, Reo satisfies specification and simulation needs besides the verification. In [7] Arbab et al. introduced the specification, simulation and verification of Reo connectors' behaviour. Also recent work on comparing Reo and Petri nets shows that one can relatively easy transform existing Petri net to Reo circuits, while the opposite proves to be difficult [20]. ...
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... Due to space limitation, we do not present the details of our implementation here. A more detailed version of this paper can be found in [14]. The implementation code in Maude and its accompanying documentation with several examples are available at the following URL: ...
... In the remainder, we first assume that the output values of components are available as initial data sequences that are used as the input to Reo connectors. This assumption can be easily relaxed in our semantics as we illustrate in the extended version of this paper [14]. There, we also present initial ideas on how to systematically define new channel types and use them within our framework. ...
... In this section, we restrict ourselves to a fixed set of the basic connector types which is expressive enough to specify most practical systems (in fact, this subset is Turing complete [2]). In [14], we show how to generalize this subset. ...
We present an operational semantics for a component composition language called Reo. Reo connectors exogenously compose and coordinate the interactions among individual components that comprise a complex system, into a coherent collabora- tion. The formal semantics we present here paves the way for a rigorous study of the behavior of component composition mechanisms. To demonstrate the feasibility of such a rigorous approach, we give a faithful translation of Reo semantics into the Maude term rewriting language. This translation allows us to exploit the rewriting engine and the model-checking module in the Maude tool-set to symbolically run and model-check the behavior of Reo connectors.
... However, the formal verification techniques that we advocate are also appropriate for analyzing control-driven models. In fact, this is already being done [MSA04]. ...
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