Table 4 - uploaded by Yoshiki Mikami
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Selected countries with its richest language diversity in Asian region

Selected countries with its richest language diversity in Asian region

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The paper gives an overview and evaluation of language resources of Asian languages, in particular of Indonesian official and local languages that are currently used on the Internet. We have collected over 100 million of Asian web pages downloaded from 43 Asian country domains, and analyzed language properties of them. The presence of a language is...

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... 2600, only around 51 languages are recognized by Asian governments as official or national language(s) of the country and other languages have been recognized as a language of their home use. Official and national language(s) in selected Asian countries is summarized in Table 4. [2] CIA Fact book as of July 2006 Through the survey, the rich diversity of written pages is found in the country with the richest diversity of languages in the region, in Indonesia. ...

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... (Lauder, 2004: 3-4). Of these 13 languages, only 7 languages have presence on the Internet (Riza 2006). ...
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In this paper, we report a survey of lan- guage resources in Indonesia, primarily of indigenous languages. We look at the offi- cial Indonesian language (Bahasa Indone- sia) and 726 regional languages of Indone- sia (Bahasa Nusantara) and list all the available LRs that we can gathered. This paper suggests that the smaller regional languages may remain relatively unstudied, and unknown, but they are still worthy of our attention. Various LRs of these endan- gered languages are being built and col- lected by regional language centers for study and its preservation. We will also briefly report its presence on the Internet.
... (Lauder, 2004: 3-4). Of these 13 languages, only 7 languages have presence on the Internet (Riza 2006). ...
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An ontology can be seen as a representa- tion of concepts in a specific domain. Ac- cordingly, ontology construction can be re- garded as the process of organizing these concepts. If the terms which are used to la- bel the concepts are classified before build- ing an ontology, the work of ontology con- struction can proceed much more easily. Part-of-speech (PoS) tags usually carry some linguistic information of terms, so PoS tagging can be seen as a kind of pre- liminary classification to help constructing concept nodes in ontology because features or attributes related to concepts of different PoS types may be different. This paper pre- sents a simple approach to tag domain terms for the convenience of ontology con- struction, referred to as Term PoS (TPoS) Tagging. The proposed approach makes use of segmentation and tagging results from a general PoS tagging software to pre- dict tags for extracted domain specific terms. This approach needs no training and no context information. The experimental results show that the proposed approach achieves a precision of 95.41% for ex- tracted terms and can be easily applied to different domains. Comparing with some existing approaches, our approach shows that for some specific tasks, simple method can obtain very good performance and is thus a better choice.
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