Figure 4 - uploaded by Steve Craig
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1936 Sears Silvertone Farm Radio. The introduction of low drain tubes allowed farm radios to be powered by self-contained disposable batteries. Even so, the batteries still occupied a considerable amount of cabinet space (Sears Roebuck and Company, 1936, p. 593).
Source publication
For nearly a century, mail order catalogs were a major segment of the American retail business. After the arrival of radio in the 1920s, catalogs provided consumers with compelling descriptions and detailed illustrations of the sets and parts available for purchase. This paper draws upon the radio pages of the Sears, Roebuck and Montgomery Ward cat...
Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... built around the new "low drain" or "low voltage" tubes could operate for long periods on the relatively small current supplied by disposable batteries tucked away inside the radio cabinet. The result was a series of new farm radio models that eliminated the need for constant recharging of wet-cells (See Figure 4). ...
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