Screenshot of a module of the Mental Health COVID-19 platform (in Spanish).

Screenshot of a module of the Mental Health COVID-19 platform (in Spanish).

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Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has become a public health emergency of international concern; it has not only threatened people's physical health but has also affected their mental health and psychological well-being. It is necessary to develop and offer strategies to reduce the psychological impact of the outbreak and promote adaptive coping. O...

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... modules will be delivered to the participants with a frequency of at least 1 day between modules to give the participants time to integrate the contents and perform the activities assigned to them. Figure 2 shows how the modules will be presented to the participants. ...


... This assessment aimed to address their concerns, provide guidance or resources as needed, and facilitate referrals to specialists if necessary [49]. For a further explanation of the chat and images, please refer to the study by Dominguez-Rodriguez et al [50]. ...
... As we stated in the protocol article: "Participants will be recruited through advertisement in digital media (eg, notes in news magazines), as well as through dissemination on social networks" [50]. The participants were recruited through social networks. ...
... The calculated sample size for this study was 166 participants (83 per group). Further study details are available in the protocol manuscript by Dominguez-Rodriguez et al [50]. The sample size was considered based on the effect sizes in controlled clinical studies in which the efficacy of web-based psychological interventions was evaluated. ...
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Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on mental health worldwide. Low- and middle-income countries were largely affected by it. Mexico was one of the most affected countries. Extended periods of lockdowns, isolation, and social distancing, among other factors, highlighted the need to introduce web-based psychological interventions to the Mexican population. In this context, Mental Health COVID-19 emerged as a self-guided web-based intervention (SGWI) aimed at adults to improve mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic. Objective: This study aims to assess the efficacy of 2 modalities of a self-guided intervention (with and without chat support) in reducing depression symptoms, generalized anxiety, community posttraumatic stress, widespread fear, anxiety, sleep quality, physiological and affective coping, and suicide ideation. In addition, it aimed to compare the moderating role of coping strategies, acceptance, and satisfaction in participants’ symptom reduction. We hypothesize that the self-guided, chat-supported modality will show higher efficacy than the modality without chat support in achieving clinical change and better performance as a moderator of depression symptoms, generalized anxiety, community posttraumatic stress, widespread fear, anxiety, sleep quality, physiological and affective coping, and suicide ideation, as well as an increase in participants’ satisfaction and acceptability. Methods: A randomized controlled trial was conducted. Data were collected from May 2020 to June 2022. We performed intrasubject measures at 4 evaluation periods: pretest, posttest, and follow-up measurements at 3 and 6 months. Differences between intervention groups were assessed through the Mann-Whitney U test for continuous variables and the chi-square test for categorical variables. Changes due to intervention were analyzed using Wilcoxon W test. Moderated regression analysis was performed to test the hypothesized moderating role of coping strategies, usability, and opinion about treatment on clinical change. Results: A total of 36 participants completed the intervention; of these, 5 (14%) were part of the SGWI group, and 31 (86%) were on the SGWI plus chat support (SGWI+C) group, which included a chat service with therapists. The perceived high complexity of the system for the SGWI group had a moderating effect associated with a lack of efficacy of the intervention regarding depression, but not when controlled for sociodemographic variables. A perception of lower helpfulness of the intervention was associated with poorer outcomes. Coping strategies did not show moderating effects. Conclusions: Enhancing the utility of web-based interventions for reducing clinical symptoms by incorporating a support chat to boost treatment adherence seemed to improve the perception of the intervention’s usefulness. Web-based interventions face several challenges, such as eliminating complexities in platform use and increasing the users’ perceived utility of the intervention, among other issues identified in the study. Trial Registration: NCT04468893; International Registered Report Identifier (IRRID): RR2-10.2196/23117 JMIR Form Res 2024;8:e53767
... Estos procesos están acompañados por un incremento en el malestar relacionado con interrupción de las actividades ordinarias, ansiedad y miedo de contraer la enfermedad (Paricio del Castillo & Pando Velasco, 2020; Montoya Romero et al., 2020; Ruiz et al., 2020). Igualmente, también están en desarrollo ensayos controlados sobre el uso de intervenciones autoadministradas para el incremento de emociones positivas y calidad del sueño en pacientes con ansiedad o depresión en el contexto de la pandemia (Dominguez-Rodriguez et al., 2020). ...
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La interacción constante entre el desarrollo de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación (tic) y la prestación de servicios en salud conlleva, intrínsecamente, expectativas sobre sus potencialidades y reflexión sobre sus limitaciones. La transformación digital de la atención psicológica puede ser entendida como parte de la progresiva digitalización de los servicios en salud, y de las nuevas tendencias en telesalud. La masiva migración de atención sanitaria a los ambientes virtuales por las medidas de aislamiento por el covid-19 hizo, a su vez, repensar los desafíos de los profesionales en psicología frente a la adopción de estas herramientas y los nuevos modos de atención basados en ellas. Se realizó un proceso de exploración, mediante revisión narrativa y crítica de la literatura acerca del estado actual de la telepsicología, considerando las publicaciones sobre la efectividad de la atención telepsicológica y la adopción de las tecnologías emergentes para complementar, automatizar o replantear los procesos de terapia y asesoramiento. La telepsicología, que aparece en medio del interés renovado por el futuro de la atención sanitaria y telesalud, se debate entre la paradoja de la expansión del acceso a servicios en salud mental junto a la exclusión de amplios sectores sin acceso a conectividad. Se concluye que se requiere una mayor investigación al respecto, a la vez que una discusión que fundamente las políticas que impulsen una reducción de las brechas de acceso a tic a la par de las que ya existen en acceso a salud mental.
... En la actualidad y derivado de la pandemia mundial causada por el virus SARS-CoV-2 fue inevitable el incremento en el uso de las tecnologías, para todas las actividades, sin ser la excepción los servicios de psicología (Kavoor & Chakravarthy, 2020;Dominguez-Rodriguez et al., 2020). Autores como De la Rosa (2021) y Olivella-López et al. (2020) afirman que la telepsicología ha tenido grandes avances, por ejemplo, en la investigación basada en evidencia científica de su efectividad y eficacia, la incorporación de aplicaciones móviles a los tratamientos psicológicos, así como la familiaridad y el acceso que las personas tienen a la tecnología, por lo que el futuro se muestra prometedor para brindar servicios de psicoterapia o consejería en diferentes circunstancias, como se ha probado durante la pandemia. ...
La revolución surgida a partir de las tecnologías digitales, en particular de la incorporación de Internet, ha superado expectativas de alcance y comunicación en todo el mundo, ya que ha favorecido la cercanía entre personas con el uso de sistemas inteligentes y potenciado los avances en temas de entretenimiento, socialización y en los servicios de salud, incluidos los de psicología. Esto se ha evidenciado de manera contundente durante la pandemia por la covid-19.
... De manera particular, el desempeño de los profesionales de la salud mental presentó limitaciones durante su participación en la atención del chat de la plataforma, como dificultades de conexión por parte de las personas atendidas, o la limitada capacidad adquisitiva y de conocimiento para el uso de dispositivos y herramientas tecnológicas, acorde con lo reportado por Justo y Alba (2020), quienes también señalan que, dada la importancia en la recolección de datos en problemáticas de salud, para políticas públicas, un elemento a considerar es que, a pesar de contar con información, la misma no siempre se rescata a través de una plataforma adecuada que permita la recogida y análisis de los datos clínicos. ...
... Esquivias-Zavala et al. (2020) señalan que esta emergencia sanitaria no solo implicó consecuencias en la salud física de la población, sino un impacto a nivel emocional, psicológico y comportamental en los diversos sectores de la población. Y tal como lo señalan Justo y Alba (2020), otro elemento fundamental resulta la capacitación a profesionales en temas de crisis, trauma, entre otras situaciones, como una meta de autoridades y gremios profesionales. ...
... Esquivias-Zavala et al. (2020) señalan que esta emergencia sanitaria no solo implicó consecuencias en la salud física de la población, sino un impacto a nivel emocional, psicológico y comportamental en los diversos sectores de la población. Y tal como lo señalan Justo y Alba (2020), otro elemento fundamental resulta la capacitación a profesionales en temas de crisis, trauma, entre otras situaciones, como una meta de autoridades y gremios profesionales. El abordaje en contextos de emergencia requiere de la destreza particular que rara vez se aborda en universidades, o en cursos especializados, así como la actualización en cuanto a enfoques y técnicas emergentes. ...
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Ante la pandemia por la COVID-19, surgió una necesidad imperante de adecuar la práctica clínica a distancia para la atención a la salud mental. Conformar un modelo accesible, de pronta respuesta y que mantuviera la cercanía con el consultante resultó un objetivo fundamental durante la emergencia sanitaria. Por esta razón, un grupo de profesionales de la salud mental de diversas partes del mundo desarrollaron una plataforma digital con el fin de atender las necesidades psicológicas de la población a raíz de la pandemia. Como parte de los servicios disponibles de dicha plataforma, se habilitó un chat de asistencia en el cual se brindó contención emocional, orientación sobre los módulos que la conforman y referencia a servicios de atención especializada en caso de ser necesario. En el presente trabajo se informan las principales afectaciones psicológicas identificadas (estrés, ansiedad y riesgo de suicidio) en la muestra atendida a través de este servicio, además se documenta la experiencia de un grupo de psicólogos que atendieron el chat durante los meses críticos de la pandemia en México.
... En la actualidad y derivado de la pandemia mundial causada por el virus SARS-CoV-2 fue inevitable el incremento en el uso de las tecnologías, para todas las actividades, sin ser la excepción los servicios de psicología (Kavoor & Chakravarthy, 2020;Dominguez-Rodriguez et al., 2020). Autores como De la Rosa (2021) y Olivella- López et al. (2020) afirman que la telepsicología ha tenido grandes avances, por ejemplo, en la investigación basada en evidencia científica de su efectividad y eficacia, la incorporación de aplicaciones móviles a los tratamientos psicológicos, así como la familiaridad y el acceso que las personas tienen a la tecnología, por lo que el futuro se muestra prometedor para brindar servicios de psicoterapia o consejería en diferentes circunstancias, como se ha probado durante la pandemia. ...
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Entre los retos que enfrentan los profesionales de la psicología, hoy día, destaca el de disminuir las brechas que existen tanto entre las demandas de atención y la oferta de servicios efectivos y de calidad como entre la generación del conocimiento y su aplicación en las comunidades. A lo anterior habría que sumar un reto más: el desarrollo de competencias tecnológicas para aplicar nuevos métodos que demanda el contexto actual. En este sentido, esta obra reúne la evidencia científica más actualizada en relación con la evaluación neuropsicológica en psicología clínica; las etapas del proceso terapéutico; estrategias de intervención de primera, segunda y tercera generaciones; proceso de investigación en psicología clínica; competencias teórico-metodológicas, tecnológicas, técnicas, contextuales, adaptativas, éticas y profesionales para el ejercicio de la práctica clínica; así como las aplicaciones y actualidades en la psicología clínica. Lo anterior con la intención de acercar estos conocimientos a las nuevas generaciones, quienes estarán en posibilidades de incidir en estas problemáticas y disminuir estas brechas.
... Finally, the COVID-19 pandemic focused attention to the remediation of negative emotional experiences as emerging studies showed that loneliness, anxiety, stress, insomnia, fear and depression rose (Killgore et al., 2020;Kokou-Kpolou et al., 2020;Loades et al., 2020;Palgi et al., 2020;Shigemura et al., 2020). As PPI studies conducted during the pandemic are still forthcoming (i.e., Bono et al., 2020;Dominguez-Rodriguez et al., 2020;Prinzing et al., 2020), they too showed promise. For instance, Brouzos et al. (2021) evaluated a six-week online PPI program with Greek adults showing that positive outcomes persisted two weeks later. ...
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Positive psychology interventions hold great promise as schools around the world look to increase the wellbeing of young people. To reach this aim, a program was developed to generate positive emotions, as well as improve life satisfaction, mental toughness and perceptions of school kindness in 538 expatriate students in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Starting in September 2019, the program included a range of positive psychology interventions such as gratitude, acts of kindness and mental contrasting as examples. Life satisfaction and mental toughness at mid-year were sustained or grew by the end of the year. Positive affect, emotional wellbeing and social wellbeing increased at post-intervention 1, compared to baseline. However, this improvement reverted to baseline levels at post-intervention 2, when data were collected during the COVID-19 pandemic. Only psychological wellbeing, negative affect, perceptions of control, and school kindness were increased at post-intervention 2. During the lockdown, students moved less, but slept and scrolled more. Those who extended their sleep duration reported greater wellbeing. Boosting wellbeing through the use of positive psychology interventions works – even in a pandemic – and extended sleep duration appears to be a driving factor for this observation.
... For example, at the Latin American level, Integrative Community Therapy (ICT) has been developed as an online psychosocial intervention within the public health system with the aim of strengthening and building support networks, minimizing stigma and prejudice toward people affected by COVID-19 and giving hope to those in social confinement (de Paula Barreto et al., 2020). In Mexico, an intervention based on positive psychology is being carried out through a web platform to reduce anxiety and depression symptoms and increase positive symptoms (Dominguez-Rodriguez et al., 2020). Working on the basis of positive emotions fosters the development of long-term personal coping resources to promote self-improvement, greater wellbeing and post-epidemic growth (Fredrickson et al., 2003). ...
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The COVID-19 pandemic has gravely impacted Latin America. A model was tested that evaluated the contribution of socio-demographic factors and fear of COVID-19 on anxiety and depression in samples of residents in seven Latin American countries (Argentina, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay, Uruguay, Colombia, and El Salvador). A total of 4,881 individuals, selected by convenience sampling, participated in the study. Moderate and severe levels of depressive symptoms and anxiety were identified, as well as a moderate average level of fear of COVID-19. In addition, it was observed that about a quarter of the participants presented symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder and a major depressive episode. Fear of COVID-19 significantly and positively predicted anxiety and depressive symptoms, whereas the effects of socio-demographic variables are generally low [χ²(287) = 5936.96, p < 0.001; RMSEA = 0.064 [0.062, 0.065]; CFI = 0.947; and SRMR = 0.050]. This suggests the need for the implementation of preventive actions in the general population of these countries, with the aim of reducing the prevalence of depressive, anxious and fearful symptoms related to COVID-19.
... For example, at the Latin American level, Integrative Community Therapy (ICT) has been developed as an online psychosocial intervention within the public health system with the aim of strengthening and building support networks, minimizing stigma and prejudice toward people affected by COVID-19 and giving hope to those in social confinement (de Paula Barreto et al., 2020). In Mexico, an intervention based on positive psychology is being carried out through a web platform to reduce anxiety and depression symptoms and increase positive symptoms (Dominguez-Rodriguez et al., 2020). Working on the basis of positive emotions fosters the development of long-term personal coping resources to promote self-improvement, greater wellbeing and post-epidemic growth (Fredrickson et al., 2003). ...
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Se probó un modelo que evaluó la contribución de los factores sociodemográficos y el miedo al COVID-19 sobre la ansiedad y depresión en muestras de residentes de siete países latinoamericanos (Argentina, Ecuador, México, Paraguay, Uruguay, Colombia y El Salvador). Participaron un total de 4.881 individuos seleccionados mediante un muestreo por conveniencia. Se identificaron niveles moderados y severos de síntomas depresivos y de ansiedad, así como un nivel moderado de miedo al COVID-19. Además, se observó que alrededor de una cuarta parte de los participantes presentó síntomas de trastorno de ansiedad generalizada y un episodio depresivo mayor. El miedo a la COVID-19 predijo significativa y positivamente la ansiedad y los síntomas depresivos, mientras que los efectos de las variables sociodemográficas son generalmente bajos.
... Within this context, our findings can also be used to inform the design of wide community-based interventions designed to promote resilience, build hope and reduce anxiety, which may help mitigate depression associated with exposure to the COVID-19 pandemic. For example, online [87,88] or inperson [89][90][91] mindfulness-based interventions may offer a flexible as well as an effective approach to reduce anxiety and depression levels, while other forms of online supports such as virtual support groups [92] and self-administered web-based interventions [93] may also facilitate wider access and promote psychological well-being. ...
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International evidence published so far shows that the COVID-19 pandemic has negatively impacted on global mental health. Specifically, there is some research suggesting that the psychological distress related to depression, anxiety and posttraumatic stress has impacted on the psychological well-being of the general population. Yet, there is limited evidence on the relational paths between COVID-19 traumatic distress and depression. Participants of this cross-sectional study were 456 adults 18 years old or older from the general population (Mean age = 41.2 years, SD = 11.7) who completed an online questionnaire including measures assessing depression, anxiety, resilience, hope and traumatic distress related to COVID-19. Structural equation modelling was applied to examine the proposed mediation model. The results confirmed the proposed model, with traumatic distress of COVID-19, resilience, anxiety and hope explaining a considerable amount of variance (59%) in depression scores. Traumatic distress of COVID-19 was a strong positive predictor of depression, while anxiety, hope and resilience were both joint and unique mediators of this relationship. Exposure to the COVID-19 pandemic is strongly associated with depression in adults of the general population. The co-occurrence of anxiety may negatively contribute to experiencing higher levels of depression, while resilience and hope may act as buffers against depression associated with the impact of this pandemic. Our findings suggest that wide community-based interventions designed to promote resilience, build hope and reduce anxiety may help mitigate depression associated with exposure to the COVID-19 pandemic.
... However, there are several ongoing randomized controlled trials (RCT) assessing online cognitive based interventions in general population [29,30] and in health care workers [31]. ...
... Dominguez-Rodriguez et al. aims to assess the efficacy of an intervention program based on the Positive Psychology approach for the reduction of anxious and depressive symptoms, increase of positive emotions and sleep quality during and after the pandemic [29]. ...
Sleep problems have been frequently reported in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Although psychological treatment is the first line of treatment for these problems, the evidence is still scant in this context. This paper summarizes the state of the art of the study of the efficacy of non-pharmacological treatment for the treatment of sleep problems in the general population and in health workers.