FIGURE 3 - uploaded by Gregor Torkar
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Science and technology (S&T) and all elective school subjects executed in the 2015-2016 school year in deciles.
Source publication
The article presents an analytical overview of the science and technology curriculum from the
viewpoint of the inclusive approach adopted toward gifted education in Slovenian basic
education. The main research question concerns how the current curriculum fits the learning
needs of gifted students. For the purposes of the study, 16 compulsory and el...
Context in source publication
Context 1
... total of 112 elective school subjects were executed in the 2015-2016 school year, including 30 Science and Technology subjects. The data in Figure 3 are divided into deciles, with "I" representing school subjects selected by less than 10% of schools and "X" representing subjects selected by more than 90% of schools. The largest number of school subjects executed by schools in the 2015-2016 school year fall into the lowest decile; these school subjects were executed by 44 or fewer schools out of 452 schools. ...
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Background: British Columbia (BC) is undergoing a curriculum migration. While the new curriculum highlights elements
inspired by gifted education practices, there has been little conversation on how gifted education should/could be situated in this
new curricular context. Moreover, a shift in the field of gifted education toward more inclusive prac...
... Technology and engineering constitute integral components of a science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) curriculum (Fan et al., 2020), permeating all levels of education (Torkar et al., 2018). Gender stereotypes regarding who can or should engage with technology and engineering have long-term implications for motivation and involvement in technology and engineering education (TEE) (McGuire et al., 2020). ...
Previous research has demonstrated that stereotypes associated with the female gender can impact technology and engineering education results. However, it remains unclear whether these stereotypes affect other relevant factors in technology and engineering education performance. The research used quantitative methods to investigate the correlation between technology and engineering self-efficacy, creative thinking attitudes, and project-based learning value, moderated by gender stereotypes. A total of 262 junior high school students were involved in the research. Correlation analysis showed that dimensions of creative thinking attitudes were positively correlated with project-based learning value, and technology and engineering self-efficacy was positively correlated with creative thinking attitudes and project-based learning value. Moreover, gender stereotypes can effectively moderate individuals’ creative thinking attitudes and technology and engineering self-efficacy in technology and engineering education environments based on the project-based learning approach. Therefore, teachers should create an inclusive learning environment, utilizing authentic teaching methods and diverse materials to showcase gender achievements, thereby highlighting the potential of both genders. In addition, it is possible to create a more equitable environment to minimize the impact of gender stereotypes on students .
... Metode pelaksanaan pengabdian ini adalah pelatihan dan pendampingan (Torkar et al., 2018). Metode pelaksanaan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang diterapkan dalam hal ini adalah berupa pelatihan dan pendampingan kepada pendidik di Kota Semarang untuk peningkatan kemampuan mengembangkan media pembelajaran berbasis digital. ...
Abstrak: Pendidik di jawa tengah sedang mengalami proses transformasi kompetensi yang dianggap masif dan inovatif. Perkembangan teknologi menuntut pendidik membangun proses pembelajaran yang dapat memberikan pengalaman menyenangkan dan dapat menyediakan fasilitas belajar berbasis digital. Namun, pendidik di wilayah Kota Semarang mengalami kesulitan mengelola kelas dengan integrasi media digital, sehingga banyak pembelajaran yang belum bisa mengikuti inovasi dalam teknologi. Media pembelajaran digital bisa digunakan untuk pembelajaran mandiri jika disiapkan secara baik dan memperhatikan prinsip pedagogy yang memuat tujuan belajar dan teknologi pembelajaran. Melalui peningkatan kemampuan mengajar berbasis digital media diharapkan para pendidik bisa mengurangi kekhawatiran akan tidak efektifnya pembelajaran yang disampaikan. Mitra pengabdian ini adalah Dinas Pendidikan Kota Semarang, dengan subjek pelatihan guru di wilayah Dinas Pendidikan Kota Semarang sebanyak 241 guru TK, SD, SMP, SMA dan SMK. Transfer pengetahuan disampaikan melalui metode pendampingan secara berkelanjutan dengan program pelatihan pengembangan digital media untuk pembelajaran individu. Program pengabdian yang dilakukan menghasilkan peningkatan keterampilan guru dalam mengembangkan digital media untuk peningkatan kualitas pembelajaran dengan rata-rata peningkatan keterampilan sebesar 45%.Abstract: Educators in Central Java are undergoing a competency transformation process that is considered massive and innovative. The development of technology requires educators to build a learning process that can provide a fun experience and can provide digital-based learning facilities. However, educators in the Semarang City area have difficulty managing classes with digital media integration, so many lessons have not been able to keep up with innovations in technology. Digital learning media can be used for independent learning if it is well-prepared and pays attention to pedagogy principles that include learning objectives and learning technology. Through improving teaching skills based on digital media, it is hoped that educators can reduce concerns about the ineffectiveness of the learning delivered. The partner of this service is the Semarang City Education Office, with the subject of teacher training in the Semarang City Education Office area totaling 241 teachers of kindergarten, elementary, junior high, high school and vocational school.. Knowledge transfer is delivered through a sustainable mentoring method with a digital media development training program for individual learning. The service program increased teacher skills in developing digital media to improve learning quality with an average skill improvement of 45%.
... A 6-hour music enrichment activity entitled 'Music In Film', was outlined encompassing the elements of differentiated instruction. The topic of 'Music in Film' was chosen since it considers recommendations from previous studies that found this topic is appropriate in meeting the needs of music education for gifted students (Burnette, 2013;Torkar et al., 2018;Zorman et al., 2018). Teachers could select a day to run this programme as enrichment for gifted students. ...
Music is not only an important subject in general education, but it particularly serves gifted students who face various psychological issues not encountered by their ‘normal’ peers. Nonetheless, it is found that not all schools are implementing proper music lessons due to the focus on STEM subjects. This paper provides an overview of developing music enrichment activities as an approach to meet gifted students’ needs. Differentiated instruction was used as the main approach to developing a comprehensive music enrichment activity, namely ‘Music in Film’, in which gifted students integrated music and computer skills in completing a given task. Furthermore, a research survey was conducted involving 36 gifted students. The MUSIC Inventory was used to measure their motivation and engagement towards the activity to measure the methods. Five domains—empowerment, usefulness, success, interest and caring—were measured on a 6-point Likert scale. Results revealed that all five domains were rated from moderate to high by the gifted students with a minimum 4.5 mean. Although it can be concluded that this enrichment activity is apt and effective for implementation in gifted education, future studies could look at participants with different backgrounds and demographics. It is hoped that this paper will contribute to designing more enrichment activities with a differentiated instruction approach as gifted students possess high potential in various talents that need to be nurtured.
... Differentiation has emerged as a strategy applied by teachers who want to customize their teaching and adapt their lessons according to their own group of students or school environment. In this context, recent studies have generally differentiated according to student characteristics (McGee, 2018;Maeng & Bell, 2015;Yuen et al., 2018;Torkar, Avsec, Čepič, Ferk Savec & Juriševič, 2018) and in some cases in order to employ a new factor (technology) (Altıntaş & Özdemir, 2015;Maeng, 2017). The findings support the previous literature that there is more development in the applications in which differentiation is used in the gifted (Altıntaş & Özdemir, 2015;Çalıkoğlu & Kahveci, 2015). ...
... Farklılaştırma; öğretimini özelleştirmek isteyen, kendi öğrenci grubu veya okul ortamına göre derslerini adapte etmek isteyen öğretmenlerin başvurduğu bir strateji olarak kendini göstermiştir. Bu bağlamda bakıldığında son yıllarda yapılan çalışmalarda genellikle öğrenci özelliklerine göre (McGee, 2018;Maeng & Bell, 2015;Yuen, Chan, Chan, Fung, Cheung, Kwan & Leung 2018;Torkar, Avsec, Čepič, Savec & Juriševič, 2018), bazı durumlarda da yeni bir etkenin işe koşulması adına (teknoloji) farklılaştırma yapılmıştır (Altıntaş & Özdemir, 2015;Maeng, 2017). Üstün yeteneklilerde ise farklılaştırmanın kullanıldığı uygulamalarda gelişimin daha fazla olduğu yönünde bulgular daha önceki literatürü desteklemektedir (Altıntaş & Özdemir, 2015;Çalıkoğlu & Kahveci, 2015). ...
The concept of “Global citizenship”, which has become more and more important, based on the students' multi-focused individual development, has brought to the fore based on 21st century skills and has required appropriate educational environments for gifted students. In this context, the development of differentiated inquiry-based science lesson modules for gifted students will fill the current gap as it is important for the literature. The aim of this study is to examine the impact of differentiated inquiry-based science lesson modules for gifted students on the students' scientific process skills (SPS). As a method, the nature of the study was directed us to mixed nested patterns and developed three modules that applied to 16 gifted students in Science and Art Centers. In the evaluation process, we used “Diet Cola SPS test” as quantitative data source for pre and posttests. Also, we used observations in the implementation process and SPS activity reports filled out by students as qualitative data sources. As a result of data analysis, we found that SPS improved significantly (t (14) = -5.06, p <.05). Accordingly, we have seen that this development in students is in basic and causal SPS, there is less development in experimental processes. We concluded that the gifted students needed more in depth and challenging activities in longer periods using modules like given in this study.
... It is noted that children would not learn if they do not use befitting technology (Torkar et al. 2018). Smart mobile devices have become a very popular medium for primary education (Zaranis 2016) as well as university education (Ojino and Mich 2018). ...
The purpose of this study is to identify the factors that can impact the adoption of mobile apps for teaching-learning process focusing on the girls’ school in rural India. The hypotheses were proposed and a conceptual model has been developed. There is a survey work conducted to collect the data from different respondents using a convenience sampling method. The model has been validated statistically through PLS-SEM analysis covering feedbacks of 271 effective respondents. The study highlights the impact of different antecedents of the behavioural intention of the students of using mobile applications for teaching-learning process. The results also show that among other issues, price value has insignificant influence on the intention of the girl students of the rural India. During survey feedbacks have been obtained from the 271 respondents, which is meagre compared to vastness of the population and school of rural India. Only few predictors have been considered leaving possibilities of inclusion of other boundary conditions to enhance the explanative power more than that has been achieved in the proposed model with the explanative power of 81%. The model has provided laudable inputs to the educational policy makers and technology enablers and administrators to understand the impact of the mobile applications on the rural girls’ school of India and facilitate the development of m-learning. Very few studies been conducted to explore the impact of mobile applications on the school education of rural India especially focusing on the girls’ schools.
... y 2018. Los datos indican que el interés y esfuerzo por el estudio del aprendizaje mediado por tecnología en alumnado con AACC ha ido creciendo, así se refleja en el aumento de trabajos publicados y disponibles en la base de datos Scopus fundamentalmente en los últimos 10 años llegando al número máximo de trabajos en 2018 con cinco contribuciones (Lutsik, Sobolev, & Isaev, 2018;Mullet, Kettler, & Sabatini, 2018;Mun & Hertzog, 2018;Tofel-Grehl, Feldon, & Callahan, 2018;Torkar, Avsec, Čepič, Ferk Savec, & Juriševič, 2018), por lo que se apunta a que la tendencia es creciente. ...
RESUMEN: Este trabajo implica una revisión del trabajo de investigación sobre el aprendizaje mediado por tecnología en estudiantes de alta capacidad. El estudio fue realizado por medio de un análisis bibliométrico de la producción científica en la renombrada base de datos Scopus. Fueron evaluados, sin filtro temporal, 35 artículos publicados entre 1993 y 2018, de los cuales se analizó una selección de indicadores de productividad científica, colaboración, consumo e impacto, así como variables estructurales y de contenido. Aunque el número de artículos no sea muy alto, los resultados mostraron un aumento en las publicaciones científicas recientes centradas en procesos de aprendizaje mediados por estudiantes de alta capacidad y una concentración de publicaciones en revistas de ciencias sociales y psicología, además de mostrar los patrones emergentes en estos artículos, publicaciones y temas de interés en este campo. Finalmente, se sugiere una revisión de las prácticas de diseminación de resultados y un enfoque de cuestiones relacionadas con los efectos de la tecnología en el aprendizaje, en relación con el sexo, la edad, el papel de las familias y la formación inicial y continua.
... y 2018. Los datos indican que el interés y esfuerzo por el estudio del aprendizaje mediado por tecnología en alumnado con AACC ha ido creciendo, así se refleja en el aumento de trabajos publicados y disponibles en la base de datos Scopus fundamentalmente en los últimos 10 años llegando al número máximo de trabajos en 2018 con cinco contribuciones (Lutsik, Sobolev, & Isaev, 2018;Mullet, Kettler, & Sabatini, 2018;Mun & Hertzog, 2018;Tofel-Grehl, Feldon, & Callahan, 2018;Torkar, Avsec, Čepič, Ferk Savec, & Juriševič, 2018), por lo que se apunta a que la tendencia es creciente. ...
RESUMEN: Este trabajo implica una revisión del trabajo de investigación sobre el aprendizaje mediado por tecnología en estudiantes de alta capacidad. El estudio fue realizado por medio de un análisis bibliométrico de la producción científica en la renombrada base de datos Scopus. Fueron evaluados, sin filtro temporal, 35 artículos publicados entre 1993 y 2018, de los cuales se analizó una selección de indicadores de productividad científica, colaboración, consumo e impacto, así como variables estructurales y de contenido. Aunque el número de artículos no sea muy alto, los resultados mostraron un aumento en las publicaciones científicas recientes centradas en procesos de aprendizaje mediados por estudiantes de alta capacidad y una concentración de publicaciones en revistas de ciencias sociales y psicología, además de mostrar los patrones emergentes en estos artículos, publicaciones y temas de interés en este campo. Finalmente, se sugiere una revisión de las prácticas de diseminación de resultados y un enfoque de cuestiones relacionadas con los efectos de la tecnología en el aprendizaje, en relación con el sexo, la edad, el papel de las familias y la formación inicial y continua. PALABRAS CLAVE: Tecnología educativa. Tecnología de la información y de la comunicación. Enseñanza-aprendizaje. ABSTRACT: This paper is a review of a research regarding technology-mediated learning for gifted students. The study was carried out through a bibliometric analysis of the scientific production in the well-known Scopus database. Thirty-five articles published between 1993 and 2018 were evaluated without a time filter, from which a selection of indicators of scientific productivity, collaboration, consumption and impact, as well as structural and content variables were analyzed. Although the number of articles is not very high, the results showed an increase in recent scientific publications focused on learning processes mediated by high-capacity students and a concentration of publications in Social Science and Psychology journals, in addition to showing, in these articles, the emerging patterns of authorship, publication and topics of interest in this field. Finally, it is suggested to review the practices for disseminating findings and addressing issues related to the effects of technology on learning in terms of gender, age, family role, and initial and continuing education.
Parents and teachers play a key role in developing students' self-regulated learning (SRL), which is closely linked to academic achievement and acts as a protective factor for students from low socioeconomic backgrounds. Research has shown that authoritative parenting style, parental responsiveness, emotional warmth, behavioural control, and autonomy support are associated with better academic performance. In addition, studies have shown that the quality of the teacher-student relationship plays an important role in the development of SRL. However, there is limited research on the relationship between school and home environmental factors, student characteristics, and SRL, especially in primary school. The present study examined the relationship between parenting styles, teaching styles, student characteristics, and SRL. The sample included 328 ninth-grade students in Slovenian primary schools. SRL, parenting styles, and teaching styles were assessed using student self-reports. Using latent profile analysis, three subtypes of parenting styles (discipline-oriented parenting, democratic parenting, and responsive parenting) and three subtypes of teaching styles (autonomy-supportive teaching, diverse teaching, and directive teaching) were identified. Results indicate that students who perceive autonomy-supportive teaching and responsive parenting styles exhibit higher levels of SRL. Autonomy-supportive teaching was positively associated with student achievement. This study highlights the importance of an authoritative parenting and teaching style for the development of SRL in primary school.
This case study aimed at developing a research-based career ladder for public school teachers in Qatar, in an attempt to combat the flatness of the teaching career. Six focus groups interviews, each involving 3–5 teachers from governmental schools comprised the study sample. Data was analyzed using theme-based analysis. Findings suggest the legitimacy of a multi-directional career path for teachers, rather than the current linear career system, in order to support their resilience and wellbeing. A data-driven teacher career ladder is presented, discussed, and debated.
This study aimed to reveal science teachers’ expectations from a technology-based professional development program and designate the said program accordingly. The case study was carried out with 12 science teachers of gifted students. In order to identify the needs of the teachers for effective technology integration in the classes, interviews were conducted. The interviews unearthed that the use of technology in classes was mainly at a basic level, and resorted to with a view to providing visualization, make presentations, or web-search. The teachers declared that they would like to attend technology-based training programs to improve their technology competencies. After determing the teachers’ needs, the researchers developed a technology-based professional development program based on the ASSURE model and implemented the pilot study. After the pilot study, the participants put forth that the program was beneficial for enriching classes with technology in various ways. It is thought that the dissemination of this training by making extensive applications to teachers in different fields will contribute to the development of their technological competencies and help overcome the difficulties in the use of technology. In order to enhance the technological competence of teachers, technology-based trainings need to be designed and thereupon overcoming the barriers to technology usage can be made possible. It is recommended to carry out studies to evaluate teachers' technological abilities and efficiencies in other ways and pursue them according to their developmental characteristics.