Fig 4 - uploaded by G. Czapowski
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Schematyczny przekrój pionowy (A) przez wysad solny Damasławek na podstawie danych sejsmicznych (wg Krzywca, 2000, 2009, zmienione) i przekrój poziomy (B) wysadu na głęb. 400 m (wg Kornowskiej, 1983, zmienione) Q+Pl+N -czwartorzęd + paleogen + neogen, utwory cechsztynu: PZ4 -cyklotem PZ4 (najmłodsza sól kamienna [Na4]), PZ3 -cyklotem PZ3 (młodsza sól kamienna [Na3] + młodsza sól potasowa [K3] + zuber brunatny [Na3t] + anhydryt główny [A3]), PZ2 -cyklotem PZ2 (starsza sól kamienna [Na2]), c.w. -utwory czapy wysadu

Schematyczny przekrój pionowy (A) przez wysad solny Damasławek na podstawie danych sejsmicznych (wg Krzywca, 2000, 2009, zmienione) i przekrój poziomy (B) wysadu na głęb. 400 m (wg Kornowskiej, 1983, zmienione) Q+Pl+N -czwartorzęd + paleogen + neogen, utwory cechsztynu: PZ4 -cyklotem PZ4 (najmłodsza sól kamienna [Na4]), PZ3 -cyklotem PZ3 (młodsza sól kamienna [Na3] + młodsza sól potasowa [K3] + zuber brunatny [Na3t] + anhydryt główny [A3]), PZ2 -cyklotem PZ2 (starsza sól kamienna [Na2]), c.w. -utwory czapy wysadu

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Underground hydrogen gas storage might be the alternative energy supplier. Filled-up during energy surplus could be utilized during energy shortage by combustion in special installations. Salt caverns within the salt domes are being considered as one of the optimal places for such energy storage. Caverns within the domes of Zechstein salts that int...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... w świetle dostępnych danych ma kształt rozszerzającego się nieco ku górze słupa solnego, którego strop jest położony stosunkowo blisko powierzchni ( fig. 4A). W interpretacji Dadleza (2001) wysad Damasławek ma bardzo regularny strop, jednak dane płytkiej sejsmiki refleksyjnej jednoznacznie pokazały, że jego czapa wraz z nadkładem kredowo-kenozoicznym jest pocięta systemem uskoków. Wysad ewoluował począwszy od triasu, a swoją obecną formę zawdzięcza syninwersyjnej kompresji (Czapowski i ...
Context 2
... solny -podobnie jak w większości wysadów na Niżu Polskim -budują ewaporaty cyklotemów PZ2, PZ3 i PZ4 ( fig. 4B). Czapę gipsowo-iłową wysadu nawiercono na głębokości 184,0-835,5 m, a jej miąższość waha się od 84 do 294 m (Kornowska, 1983). Zwierciadło solne stwierdzono na głęb. 446,0-538,8 m, a grubość nawierconej serii solnej wyniosła >154,0 m. Wysokość wysadu Damasławek waha się od 4,5 do 5,5 km, licząc od podłoża cechsztynu do spągu utworów ...
Context 3
... powierzchni zwierciadła solnego pod czapą wysadu wydają się mieć sole cyklotemu PZ2, a najmniejszy -PZ3 (Kornowska, 1983). W świetle dotychczasowych danych (Tarka, 1992;Ślizow- ski, Saługa, 1996;Marek, Pajchlowa, 1997) spośród trzech wysadów (Wapno, Damasławek, Mogilno) omawianej strefy słup solny Damasławka wydaje się mieć najprostszą budowę ( fig. 4B). Jego środkową część zajmuje starsza sól kamienna (Na2), a otulinę stanowią kolejno ku zewnątrz wydzielenia solne cyklotemów PZ3 (młodsza sól kamienna [Na3] i młodsza sól potasowa [K3] oraz zubry) i PZ4 (najmłodsza sól kamienna ...
Context 4
... formations, aquifers identified, degree of water saturation in cap rocks and surrounding formations), and the degree of their recognition (number of boreholes and seismic profiles, geological documentations of deposits, and salt resources). This assessment concerned, in turn, the following salt domes: Goleniów ( Fig. 3; Tab. 3), Damasławek ( Fig. 4; Tab. 4), Izbica Kujawska ( Fig. 5; Tab. 5), Lubień ( Fig. 6; App. 1 4 ), Łanięta ( Fig. 7; App. 2), Rogóźno ( Fig. 8; App. 3) and Dębina ( Fig. 9; Tab. 6). This characterization allowed providing a valorisation of the usefulness of the selected salt domes as hydrogen storage caverns (Tab. ...


... Table 2 shows the relevant parameters of bedded rock salt deposits selected to estimate H 2 storage capacity. In the central zone of the Polish region of the Permian Zechstein Basin, there are numerous elevated salt structures in the form of pillows and rock salt deposits, often elongated in a NW-SE direction [51,109]. These structures include salt domes that, either partially or completely, pierce the overburden of Mesozoic rocks. ...
... A similar procedure, taking into account the salt caverns required to meet the storage capacity of the assumed cases, was applied for both the bedded rock salt deposits and salt domes. Table 3 Basic data and storage potential of salt domes selected for analysis (based on [109,110] ...
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Geological structures in deep aquifers and salt caverns can play an important role in large-scale hydrogen storage. However, more work needs to be done to address the hydrogen storage demand for zero-emission energy systems. Thus the aim of the article is to present the demand for hydrogen storage expressed in the number of salt caverns in bedded rock salt deposits and salt domes or the number of structures in deep aquifers. The analysis considers minimum and maximum hydrogen demand cases depending on future energy system configurations in 2050. The method used included the estimation of the storage capacity of salt caverns in bedded rock salt deposits and salt domes and selected structures in deep aquifers. An estimation showed a large hydrogen storage potential of geological structures. In the case of analyzed bedded rock salt deposits and salt domes, the average storage capacity per cavern is 0.05–0.09 TWhH2 and 0.06–0.20 TWhH2, respectively. Hydrogen storage capacity in analyzed deep aquifers ranges from 0.016 to 4.46 TWhH2. These values indicate that in the case of the upper bound for storage demand, there is a need for the 62 to 514 caverns, depending on considered bedded rock salt deposits and salt domes or the 9 largest analyzed structures in deep aquifers. The results obtained are relevant to the discussion on the global hydrogen economy, and the methodology can be used for similar considerations in other countries.
... For the simulation tests, assumptions were made, resulting from the technical conditions of the leaching technologies used so far in Poland, for the geological and mining conditions that can be expected in the Damasławek salt dome. This salt dome is one of the largest in Poland, located in the Zechstein salt formation, covering 60% of the country [27,28]. Detailed values are presented in Table 2. ...
... The internal structure of the dome has been identified only to a small extent; only a small interval in the depth range from 102 m (IG-12) to 180 m (IG-2) below the salt mirror was identified, only the upper part of the salt trunk. Construction of the deposit at greater depths, where it is possible to locate storage caverns, based on the knowledge of the geological structure of this type of deposit in Poland, should not be less successful than in other domes such as Mogilno or Kłodawa [28]. The roof of the storage cavern is probably located within the range of 700-1400 m below sea level. ...
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For the storage of hydrocarbons, hydrogen, or other products, underground caverns left over from the exploitation of salt deposits, or made specifically for this purpose, are successfully used. This article analyses the effectiveness of currently used well-leaching technologies in terms of the possibility of increasing the speed of obtaining industrial brine, better control of the shape of the created cavern, and, as a result, a shorter production time. An innovative solution was proposed, which consisted of creating appropriate niches in the walls of the leach well using the high-pressure hydrojet technique, just before the start of the sump leaching. A series of numerical simulations of the technologies were performed for various combinations of niche locations along the well, determining the successive phases of the formation of the cavern space at individual stages and the brine concentration increments for the two assumed technology scenarios. As a result of the modified technology, the possibility of creating a sump with a volume greater than 17%, compared to the classical method carried out at the same time, was indicated. The resulting sump also had a better shape to partially eliminate the reduction in leaching efficiency due to the accumulation of insoluble matter at the bottom. In addition, the brine obtained according to the modified technology had a 15% higher concentration than in the classical method.
... The suitability of layered salt deposits in a given area for the location of underground cavern gas storage facilities depends on the depth of the rock salt roof, the sufficient thickness of the rock salt layers and the lack of anhydrite and potassium salt intercalations and of clay layers [50,52]. In northern Poland these conditions are met at the Łeba Elevation area, and in southwestern Poland at the Fore-Sudetic Monocline (Fig. 2). ...
Salt formations of an appropriate thickness and structure, common over the globe, are potential sites for leaching underground caverns in them for storage of various substances, including hydrogen. Underground hydrogen storage, considered as underground energy storage, requires, in first order, an assessment of the potential for underground storage of this gas at various scales: region, country, specific place. The article presents the results of the assessment of the underground hydrogen storage potential for a sample bedded salt formation in SW Poland. Geological structural and thickness maps provided the basis for the development of hydrogen storage capacity maps and maps of energy value and heating value. A detailed assessment of the hydrogen storage capacity was presented for the selected area, for a single cavern and for the cavern field; a map of the energy value of stored hydrogen has also been presented. The hydrogen storage potential of the salt caverns was related to the demand for electricity and heat. The results show the huge potential for hydrogen storage in salt caverns.
... The suitability of layered salt deposits in a given area for the location of underground cavern gas storage facilities depends on the depth of the rock salt roof, the sufficient thickness of the rock salt layers and the lack of anhydrite and potassium salt intercalations and of clay layers [50,52]. In northern Poland these conditions are met at the Łeba Elevation area, and in southwestern Poland at the Fore-Sudetic Monocline (Fig. 2). ...
The subject of this article is an estimation of the initial capacity of a gas storage cavern, depending on the thickness and the depth of a bedded salt deposit, and the cavern's capacity decrease in time due to its convergence. It was assumed that the relative rate of convergence depends on the depth, the range of the storage pressure and the cavern diameter to height ratio. The discussion will consider the shape of the cavern and the pressure range of natural gas storage. Also, potential locations in Poland for natural gas storage in bedded rock salt deposits in terms of geological and mining criteria are presented in this article. Based on Zechstein isopach maps, as well as maps of its top depth, potential storage capacity maps per unit area were developed. Presented examples will cover two potential regions i.e., bedded salt deposit in the Zatoka Gdańska region and Fore-Sudetic Monocline. These maps will be the basis for the analysis of the suitability of the bedded rock salt Zechstein deposit for natural gas storage.
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Hydrogen is expected to play a key role in a future climate-neutral economy by decarbonising ‘hard to abate’ sectors, and importantly act as an energy carrier to balance intermittent renewable energy production which if stored, could be used to address grid-scale energy demands. It is evident that for unlocking the vast potential of hydrogen technologies, large-scale hydrogen storage with the capability of fast cyclic operations needs to be secured. Underground salt caverns, where decades of operational experience exist, offer an attractive option for hydrogen storage due to the; high hydrogen sealing potential of salt, capability for large injection/withdrawal flow rates and capacity for large volume storage. This study presents a novel methodology for selecting offshore salt cavern sites based on publicly available datasets, which leads to eventually estimating regional hydrogen storage capacities. The Southern North Sea was investigated and a case study detailing a single diapiric salt structure is presented, demonstrating the strength and practicality of the framework as well as highlighting the potential of offshore salt cavern storage of hydrogen in the decarbonisation energy journey of the UK. Supplementary material at