Fig 1 - uploaded by Petro Fochuk
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Schematics of a parallelepiped-shaped virtual Frisch-grid CZT detector (bar). The shielding electrode is decoupled from the cathode cap and extends to the anode side of the device.
Source publication
Virtual Frisch-grid CdZnTe detectors potentially can provide energy resolution close to the statistical limit. However, in real detectors, the quality of the crystals used to fabricate the devices primarily determines energy resolution. In this paper, we report our findings on the spectral response of devices and their relation to material-characte...
Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... schematic of a bar detector is shown in Fig. 1. The geometry of its electrodes [7] includes the features of two designs previously proposed for parallelepiped-shaped CZT detectors: the CAPture device [9,10], and the Frisch-ring (or capacitive Frisch-grid) detector [11,12]. As in the CAPture device, the cathode electrode extends ~2 mm on the crystal's side surfaces to form a cap. ...
Context 2
... detectors. The edge effects are explained [14] by local variations in the electric field causing the clouds to approach the side surfaces where they become trapped. The second problem concerns twins and subgrain boundaries, overlooked during the processes of crystal selection that can directly trap electrons. Both effects are illustrated in Figs. 10 (a-d) that plot the pulse-height spectra and X-ray maps measured for four representative detectors. The first detector (a) has a good spectrum with a narrow peak and high peak-to-Compton ratio. This good spectral response correlates well with the uniform lateral response map measured with a collimated X-ray beam (small dots in the map ...
Context 3
... defects: incoherent twins, stacking faults, and subgrain boundaries. Thus, the IR microscope reveals many extended defects as such clusters of Te inclusions [22]. We note that dislocations with their dangling bonds affect electron transport in semiconductors, and their roles in changing a device's performances have been long recognized [29]. Fig. 11 (a) shows a photograph of the Te inclusions clustered along the plane located near the long side surface of a bar. This cluster was visible from one direction only, and for particular orientation of the crystal; we would not have been able to find it before taking the X-ray diffraction topography measurements for this sample. However, in ...
Context 4
... of the Te inclusions clustered along the plane located near the long side surface of a bar. This cluster was visible from one direction only, and for particular orientation of the crystal; we would not have been able to find it before taking the X-ray diffraction topography measurements for this sample. However, in the topographic image of Fig. 11 (b), the presence of a twin boundary along the long side of the bar is obvious. The high geometrical contrast in the diffraction pattern results from differences in relative orientation of adjacent domains. The consequence of the presence of the extended defects on the device's performance is illustrated in Figs. 11 (c), (d) and (e) that ...
Context 5
... in the topographic image of Fig. 11 (b), the presence of a twin boundary along the long side of the bar is obvious. The high geometrical contrast in the diffraction pattern results from differences in relative orientation of adjacent domains. The consequence of the presence of the extended defects on the device's performance is illustrated in Figs. 11 (c), (d) and (e) that show the responses measured for the same detector with gamma-rays and the collimated X-ray beam. Figure 12 has several more examples of the extended defects observed with synchrotron diffraction topography, and their correlations with the device performances. The topograph of the detector 1 shows two slightly disoriented ...
Context 6
... (c), (d) and (e) that show the responses measured for the same detector with gamma-rays and the collimated X-ray beam. Figure 12 has several more examples of the extended defects observed with synchrotron diffraction topography, and their correlations with the device performances. The topograph of the detector 1 shows two slightly disoriented domains (circled) located near both sides of the bar. ...
Context 7
... indicating the presence of significant strains within it; no other defects (accept for Te inclusions) were identified with IR. The device fabricated from this bar had an atypical performance. Thus, while the X-ray response was very uniform over device's area except for the one edge where the boundary is located, the peak in the spectrum is broad. Fig. 10. Pulse-height spectra and X-ray mappings measured illustrating two kinds of defects in parallelepiped- shaped detector caused extended defects (see explanations in the text). For detector 3, we located several Te-inclusion clusters (boundaries) similar to those Soldner et al. [22] identified as twins, which stretched across the crystal ...
Context 8
... walls of dislocations. The formation of this type of dislocation network is likely to occur during either the post-growth cooling process or annealing. The presence of such walls of dislocation in the crystals we studied might explain why some detectors cannot perform satisfactorily despite having good prerequisite transport properties. Fig. 13 (top) shows a photograph of the etched surface of the bar used to fabricate detector 4; it reveals clearly these aligned dislocations patterns. We re-fabricated detector 4 by placing new contacts on the long sides of its surfaces, and carried out an X-ray scan to see the effect of the dislocations walls. The response map, wherein the darker ...
Context 9
... clearly these aligned dislocations patterns. We re-fabricated detector 4 by placing new contacts on the long sides of its surfaces, and carried out an X-ray scan to see the effect of the dislocations walls. The response map, wherein the darker areas represent the areas in the device from which smaller signals were measured, also is shown in Fig. 13 (bottom). The map was filtered to enhance the faded features and, as a result, the density of the dark spots corresponding to the Te inclusions is disproportionally increased. The dark lines seen in the X-ray map perfectly correlate with the dislocation lines in the photograph, verifying that polygonized dislocations affect charge transport. ...
Context 10
... 13 (bottom). The map was filtered to enhance the faded features and, as a result, the density of the dark spots corresponding to the Te inclusions is disproportionally increased. The dark lines seen in the X-ray map perfectly correlate with the dislocation lines in the photograph, verifying that polygonized dislocations affect charge transport. Fig. 13. A photograph of the etched surface of the crystal used to fabricate Detector 4 (top) and the X-ray map (bottom) measured for the same crystal re-fabricated as planar detector with the electrodes deposited on the long ...
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We present our new results from testing 15-mm-long virtual Frisch-grid CdZnTe detectors with a common-cathode readout for correcting pulse-height distortions. The array employs parallelepiped-shaped CdZnTe (CZT) detectors of a large geometrical aspect ratio, with two planar contacts on the top and bottom surfaces (anode and cathode) and an additional shielding electrode on the crystal's sides to create the virtual Frisch-grid effect. We optimized the geometry of the device and improved its spectral response. We found that reducing to 5 mm the length of the shielding electrode placed next to the anode had no adverse effects on the device's performance. At the same time, this allowed corrections for electron loss by reading the cathode signals to obtain depth information.
... A virtual Frisch-grid detector design is a robust, inexpensive approach for making large-area detection planes for imaging and spectroscopy of gamma radiation [4][5][6]. Such arrays of long bar-shaped crystals can replace the more expensive 3-D devices, whose operation rests on the principle of the Time Projection Chamber (TPC), in certain applications with slightly relaxed requirements on position-and energy-resolution. ...
We detail our new results from testing an array of 15-mm long virtual Frisch-grid CdZnTe detectors with a cathode signal readout-scheme intended to improve spectral response by correcting for electron trapping. We designed a novel electrode configuration for these long-drift detectors that ensures an energy resolution close to the statistical limit, and high detection efficiency. However, in reality, the quality of the crystals limits the performance of this type of device. Here, we describe the characterization of the array, show our preliminary results obtained with gamma-ray sources, and expound on their relation to our material-characterization data.
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