Figure 1 - uploaded by Boris Legradic
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3: Schematic view of an inductively coupled plasma.

3: Schematic view of an inductively coupled plasma.

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This thesis presents an investigation into arcing and parasitic plasmas in large area plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition reactors. Two types were investigated: RF breakdown in millimetric gaps in absence of plasma (e.g. dark space shielding), in a millibar pressure range, and RF hollow cathodes in glow discharges. RF breakdown curves (volta...

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... The electrons are lost by two dierent channels: they recombine on the walls; volumetric collisions becomes a possible non-negligible source of recombination for electrons in certain gases at pressures above a few hundreds Pa. If the production rate exceeds the loss rate, then distance between the electrodes, electric eld, gas composition, gas pressure) [53]. ...
... This is due to the fact that, as the pressure goes down, the electrons lose less energy by collisions. They can travel a greater distance in the electric eld and have a greater chance of ionizing the gas [53]. In region II, the breakdown voltage is relatively at. ...
... In region II, the breakdown voltage is relatively at. In this region the electron loss to the walls increases due to their higher oscillation amplitude in the electric eld [53]. Here the exact range of region II is only approximative since there is only two measurement points in the vicinity of this region. ...