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Electric vehicle technologies have seen rapid development in recent years. However, Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability (RAM) related concerns still have restricted large-scale commercial utilization of these vehicles. This paper presents an approach to carry out a quantitative RAM analysis of a plug-in electric vehicle. A mathematical m...
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Context 1
... that, it is essential to have a look at the topological layout of the vehicle system and its components. Figure 2 illustrates the schematic diagram of a typical PEV system. The entire vehicle system can be divided into four major functional blocks or subsystems: (a) Energy Source Subsystem (ESS), (b) Electric Propulsion Subsystem (EPS), (c) Auxiliary System (AS), and (d) Mechanical Transmission System (MTS) [10]. ...
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The reliability of power electronic converters is one of the essential issues in designing of electric vehicles. This paper estimates the lifetime of the boost converter switch by Semikron and Coffin‐Manson models for two common failure mechanisms of Bond wire and Base plate solder, respectively. Four mission profiles based on the Artemis standard are applied to hybrid electrical vehicle model to determine unidirectional output power. Kharitonov's theory is used to design a robust controller to handle the uncertainty raised by different power cycles of the electric vehicle and the parameters of the converter during simulation. Stability of converter is achieved during simulation by identifying simple proportional integral controller coefficients with Kharitonov's theorem. A prototype 230 W boost converter is designed and utilized to validate average model and switch loss calculation relationships. The lifetime results indicate that the number of cycles, and the average and the maximum junction temperature have a more impact than the duration of the drive cycle on the lifetime of the converter. A mixed mission profile is considered to investigate the effect of sudden change in driving modes and speed on total consumed life and lifetime to enhance the study's applicability. Lifetime of switch is decreased significantly in mixed mode in comparison with other mission profiles in the same driving time. Furthermore, the motorway mission profile has 53%, 39.6%, and 160% less total consumed life in comparison with the urban, rural and mixed mission profiles, respectively. In addition, the effect of ambient temperature changes on IGBT lifetime has been investigated for four mission profiles. While motorway had the least total consumed life in 25°C, the urban had better performance in comparison with other mission profiles from 25 to 55°C.
... The accessibility of EVs declines as they are unavailable till the energy is restored. Charging systems frequently undergo forced outages due to internal defects, which keep them out of use for the left-over period and reduce the number of charging hours [5,6]. EVs availability is provided by: ...
... Talukdar and Deka [38] presented a methodology for quantitative RAMS analysis of plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) through Markov mathematical modeling. It considers the reliability characteristics of essential electrical components in the vehicle system. ...
... The paper [70] discusses how Electric vehicle technology has been developing rapidly in recent years. However, reliability, availability, and maintainability (RAM) issues still limit the large-scale commercial use of these vehicles. ...
Modern power and transportation systems are subject to high requirements for reliability and performance in performing their specified functions. At the same time, these requirements are constantly increasing with the increasing complexity of technology and the introduction of electronics and computer technology into its structure. This is fully applicable to energy and transportation infrastructure, including electric vehicles. The complexity of the systems and increasing requirements for them have led to the fact that the problem of increasing their operational reliability has acquired great importance. The article presents a review of methods and justification of ensuring a high level of reliability and serviceability of technical systems as one of the most important tasks in the creation and operation of complex systems, such as modern energy and transportation systems. It is shown that a significant reserve in solving the problem of increasing the reliability and performance of technical systems is the information on failures and malfunctions of these systems obtained from the field of operation. The methodology of collection and processing of statistical information on failures of vehicles described by different distribution laws is outlined.
... From the reliability aspect, these components are different. A comprehensive study of the reliability, availability, and maintainability (RAM) of the vehicle framework has been conducted to assist in distinguishing the failure-prone components in the design (Talukdar & Deka, 2021 Table 4. Moreover, the cost of the charging system in Table 4 comes from the average cost both in California and outside of California based on one charger per site for the specification of a Level 2 public and workplace charger, which can be found in the literature (Nicholas, n.d.). ...
Electric Vehicles (EVs) have become a trending topic in recent years due to the industry’s race for competitive pricing as well as environmental awareness. These concerns have led to increased research into the development of both affordable and environmentally friendly EV technology. This paper aims to review EV-related issues beginning with the component level, through the system level, based on intelligent maintenance aspects. The paper will also clarify the existing gaps in practical applications and highlight the potential opportunities related to the current issues in EVs for the EV industry moving forward. More specifically, we will briefly start with an overview of the fast-growing EV market, showing the urgent demand for Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) applications in the EV industry. At the component level, the issues of the major components such as the motor, battery, and charging system in EVs are elaborated, and the relevant PHM research of these components is surveyed to show the development in the era of EV expansion. Moreover, the impact of an increasing number of EVs at the system level such as power distribution systems and power grid are explored to uncover possible research in the future.
The combination of existing PHM techniques and robust measurement or feature extraction methods can provide better solutions to address the motor, battery, or transformer issues at the component level. A comprehensive optimization and cybersecurity strategy will help to address the issues of the whole network at a system level. Four aspects of vision in the overall charging network – battery innovation, charging optimization, infrastructure evolution, and sustainability – that cover the demands of research in new battery materials, innovative charging techniques, new architectures of the charging network, and reliable waste treatment mechanisms are outlined. A conclusion is reached in this paper by summarizing the opportunities for future EV research and development.
... The reliability analysis of different inverter and converter topologies for electric vehicles has been introduced by [5] and [6] respectively. Reference [7] proposes a method to realize a quantitative Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability (RAM) analysis for electric vehicle plug-in charging. Battery modules and cells are vital components to the reliability of electric vehicles' power supply. ...
... Many studies therefore attempt to identify the most fault-prone component and increase its reliability. In [31], the fault tree model is used so the failure of the electric controller or electric machine leads to the failure of the electric drive system and finally to the failure of the vehicle. The comparison of Figures 14 and 15 shows that the reliability of the individual components, and thus, also the overall reliability of the electric vehicle is additionally influenced by driving behavior. ...
Increasing stress on power-dense electric traction machines is prompting scientists to intensify investigations into the reliability and lifetime of automotive drives in particular. Special focus is placed on the electrical insulation system, whose probability of failure increases sharply at higher stresses. The influence of physical parameters on the lifetime is investigated in many publications. There is consensus among scientists that high temperature significantly damages the insulation system of electric machines and leads to failures. In this article, the human influence is additionally investigated by considering three different driving behaviors. A mild, an average, and a sporty driver behavior is examined on a highway, a rural, and an urban driving cycle. The driving cycles are used as input to calculate the thermal effects in an initial model. As a further step, a lifetime model is developed on the basis of measured data, which indicates the lifetime as a function of the previously calculated temperature.
... Besides, the impact of different driver patterns including recharge time, arrival and departure times, driving time during the day, and also, different charging strategies on the reliability indices of the composite power system is studied. In [21], to evaluate the reliability, availability, and service continuity of grid-connected electric vehicles, a suitable method based on the Markov structure is proposed. In this paper, a Markovbased reliability model of the main components of the electric vehicles including battery, electric motor, motor driver, controller, charging unit, and energy management unit is developed. ...
The transportation system contains many fossil fuel-based automobiles equipped with the internal combustion engine that results in the pollution of the environment and greenhouse gas emissions. In recent years, to replace these automobiles with clean choices, electric vehicles are developed. So far, three kinds of electric vehicles including hybrid, plug-in, and full-electric vehicles are introduced. In the hybrid and plug-in electric vehicles, both the internal combustion engine and electric motor are used to move the vehicle. However, in the full-electric vehicle, the movement of the vehicle is done only by the electric motor. Due to the development of the electric vehicles in the transportation system, different aspects of these vehicles such as reliability must be studied. The reliability indices of the electric vehicles are affected by the failure rate of the composed components. Thus, to exactly determine the reliability performance of the electric vehicles, the failure rate of the main composed components affected by different parameters such as speed of the vehicle and temperature is taken into account. In the present paper, to accurately study the reliability of all-electric vehicles, the impact of variation in the temperature and vehicle speed on the failure rate of the composed components including battery, inverter, electric motor, and other static and rotation parts of the full-electric vehicle and consequently the failure rate of the vehicle is investigated. To determine the impact of operating temperature on the failure rate of composed components, the Arrhenius law is proposed. Based on the variation in the vehicle failure rate in terms of the vehicle speed and temperature, the reliability of the electric vehicle at different conditions is determined. It is concluded from numerical results performed in the paper that the failure rate of the understudied full-electric vehicle varies between 3.5 and 6 failures per year when the temperature varies between 0 and 50°C and the vehicle speed varies between 0 and 200 km/h.
... Since EVs will be connected to the grid for the purpose of V2G power flow, the failure rates of the EV and EV charging system must be taken into consideration. Using values from [30], the total failure rate of the charging station is calculated below. When EVCS are present at the load point, one parallel line will have the base case failure rate and the other parallel line will have the EVCS failure rate. ...
In this thesis, a method was developed to evaluate the impact of bidirectional electric vehicle (EV) charging on power system reliability using Synergi Electric software. Load profiles, EV availability, EV state-of-charge (SOC) were important factors considered in this study. The analysis in this study is based on local and interregional vehicle-to-grid (V2G) implementation at different load points in the system. In general, local V2G implementation is observed to be more effective in improving system reliability over interregional V2G power flow. System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI) and System Average Interruption Frequency Index (SAIFI) improvements were observed to increase with increasing SOC but are less progressive between higher SOCs. Based on the simulation results, the method proves to be sufficient in calculating SAIDI and SAIFI reliability indices as the simulation results are corroborated with theory.
... Maintainability thus refers to restoring a faulty system back to its operational state in a specified time interval. The reliability and maintainability of the system forms the basis for the assessment of system availability which in turn integrates the system operation time, system fault identification time and its restoration time [35][36][37] Most of the analytical system considers only the failure characteristics, while the repair process is considered to be negligible. However, it is an important metric to be considered to design the system. ...
... The basic framework is shown in Figure 10. fault identification time and its restoration time [35][36][37] Most of the analytical system considers only the failure characteristics, while the repair process is considered to be negligible. However, it is an important metric to be considered to design the system. ...
... EV system's functional states is directly dependent on functional states of EU and PU systems. The transition matrix of the EV is given in Equation (37). The availability of the EV is equal to the combined availability of the EU and PU, and this is determined by Equation (38). ...
The growing oil demand and serious environmental concerns have promoted the concept of the usage of electric vehicles (EVs) across the globe. EVs can be integrated into the grid for power transaction and to support the grid requirements, thereby drawing the attention of researchers, policy makers and industries. EVs are not only a transportation tool but also act as a distributed source or load. The EV battery plays a prominent role in grid integration and sustainable transportation. The monitoring and control aspect of the battery management system (BMS) plays a vital role in the successful deployment and usage of EVs. In this paper, an equivalent circuit model (ECM) of battery is proposed and analyzed that describes the battery behavior at various temperatures, considering the internal resistance of the battery. A stochastic model was developed for the battery ageing and replacement to ensure that systematic replacement of batteries based on the calendar ageing was performed. A reliability assessment of EV accessibility and availability was carried out by using Markov chain. A case study of a Diesel-renewable powered Electric Vehicle Charging Station (EVCS) in a micro-grid was carried out that suits the requirement of large-scale EV fleet integration to the grid for power transaction. The holistic approach of BMS was considered for the sustainable transportation and grid integration