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Fig 8 - Single View Metrology in the Wild

Fig. 8: Scene parameters estimation and virtual object insertion results on COCO-Scale. The detected boxes are shown in green and reprojected ones in blue. The horizon is shown as dashed blue line. Camera parameters are overlaid on the top (camera height as yc, focal length in millimeters as fmm assuming 35mm full-frame sensor, and pitch as θ). A chair of 1m tall is inserted alongside each person with the estimated parameters.
Scene parameters estimation and virtual object insertion results on COCO-Scale. The detected boxes are shown in green and reprojected ones in blue. The horizon is shown as dashed blue line. Camera parameters are overlaid on the top (camera height as yc, focal length in millimeters as fmm assuming 35mm full-frame sensor, and pitch as θ). A chair of 1m tall is inserted alongside each person with the estimated parameters.
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