Figure 4
Sankey plot for "GPT's answer uses the illness script" and answer plausibility categories in relationship to one another. Numbers indicate the total QAPs per group or connection, and connections without numbers are 0. GPT: generative pretrained transformer; QAP: question-answer pair.
Source publication
Communication is a core competency of medical professionals and of utmost importance for patient safety. Although medical curricula emphasize communication training, traditional formats, such as real or simulated patient interactions, can present psychological stress and are limited in repetition. The recent emergence of large language m...
Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... further analyzed whether the answers used explicit or implicit information from the illness script or fictitious information (Figure 4). Among answers that used explicit script information (n=578, 67.7%), 218 (37.7%) were "plausible, highly specific for the case," 161 (27.9%) were "plausible, relevant for the case," and 197 (34.1%) were "plausible, not case specific," with a mere 2 (0.3%) answers being rather implausible and none very implausible. ...