Table 1 - uploaded by Jose A. Gomez-Limon
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This paper analyses the impact of the Agri-environmental Extensification Scheme for the Protection of Flora and Fauna (F&F Scheme) on the eco-efficiency of a sample of dryland farms in the Spanish region of Castile and Leon. Using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and the so-called program decomposition approach to efficiency measurement, we explore...

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... the higher the energy ratio is, the greater the pressure the farm exerts on the environ- ment. Table 1 presents the main descriptive statistics of all these variables for the whole sample of farms and separately for each of the groups considered. This table also includes the results of a t-test for the statistical significance of averages across farms included and not included in the F&F Scheme. ...

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In this paper we use simulations to numerically evaluate the Hybrid DEA – Second Score Auction. In a procurement setting, the winner of the Hybrid auction by design receives payment at the most equal to the Second Score auction. It is therefore superior to the traditional Second Score scheme from the point of view of a principal interested in acqui...


... One of the very important variables for calculating eco-efficiency is the Shannon-Weaver Diversity Index (SWDI), which captures the environmental impacts of monoculture. According to [30], the diversity index can be calculated as follows: ...
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With the economic growth of the Brazilian agroindustry, it is necessary to evaluate the efficiency of this activity in relation to environmental demands for the country’s economic, social, and sustainable development. Within this perspective, the present research aims to examine the eco-efficiency of agricultural production in Brazilian regions, covering 5563 municipalities in the north, northeast, center-west, southeast, and south regions, using data from 2016–2017. In this sense, this study uses the DEA methods (classical and stochastic) and the computational bootstrap method to remove outliers and measure eco-efficiency. The findings lead to two fundamental conclusions: first, by emulating the benchmarks, it is feasible to increase annual revenue and preserved areas to an aggregated regional level by 20.84% while maintaining the same inputs. Given that no municipality has reached an eco-efficiency value equal to 1, there is room for optimization and improvement of production and greater sustainable development of the municipalities. Secondly, climatic factors notably influence eco-efficiency scores, suggesting that increasing temperatures and decreasing precipitation can positively impact eco-efficiency in the region. These conclusions, dependent on regional characteristics, offer valuable information for policymakers to design strategies that balance economic growth and environmental preservation. Furthermore, adaptive policies and measures can be implemented to increase the resilience of local producers and reduce vulnerability to changing climate conditions.
... Masuda (2016) pointed out that the reduction in the use of nitrogen fertilizer has great potential for mitigating aquatic eutrophication while maintaining the wheat yield in Japan. Beltrán-Esteve et al. (2012) analyzed the impact of the Agri-Environmental Scheme for the Protection of Flora and Fauna (F&F) on the eco-efficiency of a sample of dryland farms in the region of Castile and Leon, Spain. Their results show that environmental load could be reduced if all farms adopted F&F Scheme technology. ...
... In line with Ait Sidhoum et al. (2023a,b) results show that there are no differences in eco-efficiency between non-participating and participating farms, irrespective of the method that is applied, duration in years, or amount of AE subsidy. These results contrast with the other previous findings in the literature (Beltrán-Esteve et al., 2012;Bonfiglio et al., 2017;Picazo-Tadeo et al., 2011). However, this contrast is not surprising at least for two reasons. ...
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The literature on the effectiveness of Agri-Environmental Schemes focuses mainly on the environmental effects; only a few studies have focused on economic aspects. The number of papers that address ecological and economic outcomes simultaneously is even more limited. In this paper, we apply the concept of eco-efficiency to integrate these two factors. The aim of the paper is to analyze the impact of participation in the agri-environmental scheme of Hungarian field crop farmers in terms of eco-efficiency. To make unbiased and consistent comparisons we use advances from aggregation and bootstrap theory in Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) context. The results indicate that there exists a significant potential for enhancing eco-efficiency in Hungarian crop farms. Furthermore, our results reveal that, in terms of eco-efficiency, perceived as the relationship of farm income to pesticide, fertilizers and energy use, no significant differences exist between participating and non-participating farmers. The results are robust to different methods. Our results pose questions about the efficacy of the Agri-Environmental Scheme.
... This challenge could causes an intensive use of resources because of the increasing demand for food production (Laso et al., 2018). One sector that has become affected by this concern is agriculture (Beltrán- Esteve et al., 2012). In fact, the concept of sustainable agriculture outlines the relationship between agriculture and its environmental impacts (Hansen, 1996). ...
The environmental impact generated by different agricultural production systems (organic, conventional, or other systems) can vary considerably even within a given one. This variability in the environmental impacts is due, among other factors, to the different agricultural practices used and the yield obtained. Few studies have analyzed the variability attributable to different practices within a given production system. Studies analyzing smallholder production, as is the case for raspberries in Chile, are even scarcer. Within this context, the main objective of this study is to evaluate how management practices affect environmental impacts and to identify efficient practices of smallholder raspberry production. The methodology used in this study follows the ISO 14044 guide by taking into account a cradle-to-farm gate system boundary and focusing on 1 kg of harvested raspberries as the functional unit. A total of 35 orchards were studied. For each one, the agricultural activities included were fertilization, pest management, and plastic and pruning waste management. The evaluated impact categories were global warming potential, acidification potential, eutrophication potential, stratospheric ozone depletion potential, photo-oxidant formation potential, and human toxicity potential. The variability in each category was analyzed through statistical measures of dispersion. Results show that fertilization was the highest contributor in four of the six environmental impact categories evaluated. Regarding the variability in environmental impacts, the categories with the highest coefficient and lowest coefficient of variation are human toxicity potential at 72% and eutrophication potential at 48%, respectively. Variability in environmental impacts is principally associated with three causes: quantity of agrochemicals used, type of agrochemicals, and orchard yield.
... In contrast, information on land use, in our case, is available for the entire universe of (footnote continued) farms within the Lombardy Region.. Hence, as the objective of this paper is to estimate the effect of participation in AEMs for a large sample of farms, variables on farmland use represent a valuable proxy for capturing the (potential) environmental effects of the selected schemes. 6 Note in addition that the selected outcome variables are in line with those used in previous studies evaluating, at the territorial or farm level, the environmental effects of the different CAP payments (see for instance Arata and Sckokai, 2016;Paracchini et al., 2015;Desjeux et al., 2015;Chabé-Ferret and Subervie, 2013;Beltrán-Esteve et al., 2012). ...
This paper studies the effect of agri-environmental measures (AEMs) in improving greener farming practices. We focus on the quantification of the effectiveness of AEMs implemented in the Rural Development Programme of the Lombardy Region, during the 2007–2013 programming period. Our work attempts to address the wellknown potential failures of these kinds of policy instruments – such as adverse selection effects – by relying on an innovative matching procedure, the coarsened exact matching (CEM). This methodology presents a number of interesting properties that are worth considering in policy-evaluation analyses. Our empirical analysis focuses on three AEM schemes protecting and enhancing the environment, Crops diversification, Grassland maintenance and Organic farming. Overall, our results suggest that AEMs were apparently effective in improving the farms’ environmental performances. However, our preliminary cost-benefit analysis highlights that the costs of implementing this policy, when compared to the additional results obtained, tend to be quite large.
... In recent years, agri-environmental measures (AEMs) have become important elements of rural development (RD) policies by addressing issues such as multifunctionality, biodiversity and eco-efficiency in farm and agricultural development (EC, 2005;Beltrán-Esteve1 et al., 2012). Correspondingly, there are several studies of farmers' attitudes towards environmental conservation, including their AEM participation. ...
... Sin embargo, en otros trabajos se construye un índice sintético que recoge el efecto de varias variables conjuntamente. Estos índices se han elaborado bien para representar un agregado de impactos (Dios-Palomares y Martínez-Paz, 2011) o para medir la biodiversidad como atributo opuesto al detrimento medioambiental (Beltrán-Esteve et al., 2012). Para ilustrar las distintas mediciones del impacto medioambiental que se han llevado a cabo hasta la fecha en la literatura, se ha elaborado una tabla (Anexo nº 1), donde se recogen las características de las variables que se han cuantificado en los trabajos dedicados al análisis de eficiencia y productividad en el sector agropecuario. ...
... La eco-eficiencia aumenta cuando las presiones medioambientales disminuyen, si se mantiene el valor añadido, o también cuando el valor añadido aumenta si se mantienen las presiones ambientales. Así, siguiendo la clasificación de Huppes e Ishikawa (2005), este enfoque adopta la consideración del ratio de productividad medioambiental a nivel microeconómico (Beltrán-Esteve et al, 2012). Suponemos que observamos la variable v, valor añadido, generado por el proceso productivo en un conjunto de n unidades de decisión (DMUs). ...
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At this works we make a bibliography review over the environmental efficiency measure, although parametric work has been developing they are restricted, so we were limited to the no parametric methods using as a specific DEA. We consider In the first place the necessity to value the environmental efficiency, by one side as necessary require for getting the sustainable system, threated by negative effects of the technologic progress, and the other hands, by your link with the productivity. Subsequently, different approach were showing that they were used for measuring de efficiency through the frontier methods depending of the variable used as input, output o environment. Finally, we show some work where the methodologies mentioned were used in Latin America and Caribbean, so as others that compare with other countries in the word level.
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The European Union (EU) budget allocated to agri‐environmental schemes (AES) has increased consistently over the past 20 years. European citizens should expect effective spending of these public funds, so investigation of the effects of these schemes on both environmental benefits and farm efficiency is warranted. We examine the effects of European agri‐environmental schemes on farm‐level eco‐efficiency. Our analysis combines data envelopment analysis and impact assessment methods to evaluate the impact of scheme payments on eco‐efficiency measures. Our results suggest that there is considerable scope for eco‐efficiency improvements, both for dairy and crop production. Results also show that the average change in eco‐efficiency scores does not vary significantly between AES participants and non‐participants, which questions the effectiveness of present AES.
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Resumo: A produção agropecuária na região amazônica avançou de forma exponencial, no entanto esse crescimento econômico resultou em significativos impactos ambientais nos ecossistemas desse bioma, como aumento do desflorestamento e da degradação da biodiversidade da floresta amazônica. Com esse enfoque, o presente artigo objetivou estimar a ecoeficiência da produção agropecuária dos municípios do bioma Amazônia, tendo como ênfase a discussão dos fatores determinantes e os desdobramentos espaciais desse indicador de sustentabilidade. Para isso, utilizou-se da metodologia DEA com duplo bootstrap e regressão truncada (DEA-BTR) e o índice espacial de Moran. A partir dos resultados, observou-se que a ecoeficiência média foi de 0,5490, indicando que os municípios amazônicos poderiam reduzir o consumo dos insumos e a pressão na biodiversidade em 45,01%, em conjunto com a manutenção das receitas agropecuárias e da área preservada. Por outro lado, entre os fatores determinantes da sustentabilidade da agropecuária amazônica, a escolaridade do produtor e a assistência técnica estiveram positivamente associadas aos índices de ecoeficiência estimados, sendo essas as variáveis exógenas mais consistentes do modelo. Ademais, o índice global de Moran foi positivo e significativo estatisticamente, o que demonstrou a presença de autocorrelação da ecoeficiência agropecuária na Amazônia.
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The discussion on a balanced development of small agricultural farms is justified by the importance of the very concept of a balanced economic and social development of agriculture and the important role of small family farms in the Polish agriculture. In this subject area, there is an evident research gap regarding cross-sectional research concerning small family farms. The analysis of this subject presented in this article is based on theoretical concepts of political economy and new institutional economics. The main aim of the article is to identify microeconomic and political factors and market links that affect the level of economic and applying the TOPSIS method, the authors calculated first the degree of economic and social balance in individual farms, and then using the multiple regression they estimated the impact of the selected factors on the equilibrium level. The analysis indicates that the key determinant of a balanced development of agricultural farms is their integration with the market and their position in the marketing chain. Efficient distribution channels and trade links strengthen the economic and social position of the farm. A positive effect is also provided by the education and young age of the farmer, as well as by the output volume and size of the farm. On the other hand, a high share of EU subsidies in the farmer’s income hampers a balanced development of the farm. As far as production structure is concerned, a mixed production model contributes more to a balanced development of the farm than the one-sided specialization in the vegetable or animal production. These dependencies may be an important advice for the policy providing governmental support for small agricultural farms in Poland.