Fig 3 - uploaded by Cedric Troadec
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STM images showing a single HB-NBP molecule (a) before and (b) after manipulation. An atomic sized impurity bind to an elbow shown in (a) appears as a small protrusion from center of molecule after being mounted on top of it shown in (b). I = 10 pA, V = 100 mV.

STM images showing a single HB-NBP molecule (a) before and (b) after manipulation. An atomic sized impurity bind to an elbow shown in (a) appears as a small protrusion from center of molecule after being mounted on top of it shown in (b). I = 10 pA, V = 100 mV.

Source publication
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The first experimental demonstration of a controllable rotating molecule gear is presented. A scanning tunneling microscope (STM) is used to construct, manipulate, and observe the rotation of the molecule gear. The appropriate combination of molecule design, molecule manipulation protocol, and surface atomic structure selection leads to the functio...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... in this confining structure will complicate the construction of a gear train, even if it is made by just two gears, because the surrounding adatoms will perturb the inter- actions between the molecules. Finally, the HB-NBP molecule gear was con- structed on an atomic-scale impurity bound to one herringbone elbow as shown in Figure 3. Here the constant-current manipulation mode was applied to mount the molecule on top of the impurity. ...
Context 2
... the constant-current manipulation mode was applied to mount the molecule on top of the impurity. The concentrically-mounted molecule gear on its atomic pinning center as pre- sented in Figure 3b is able to rotate by pushing one of the molecule legs with the STM tip, generally the one with the pyrimidine group. The reproducible step-by- step rotations of the molecule gear were carried out in both clock and anticlock- wise directions by gently pushing the molecule's leg using the constant-height manipulation mode. ...

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