FIGURE 5 - uploaded by Isabel Fernandes
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SEM-EDS element maps revealing porosity and presence of two different carbonate minerals, namely calcite and dolomite (Ca and Mg) (b), and presence of very fine-grained silica (Si) as well as clay minerals (Si-Al) and possibly some detrital feldspar (Si-Al-K). Image on the top/left, in BSE, with scale bar.
Source publication
The reactive forms of silica present in an aggregate depend on the origin and geological history of the rocks. The detection of specific reactive silica must be focused on characteristics such as the identification of polymorphs, the quantification of microcrystalline to cryptocrystalline quartz, and/or on the deformation manifestations for each ag...
Context in source publication
Context 1
... quartz and other silicates, as well as neogenic clays in siliceous limestone, are micro-to cryptocrystalline and well beyond optical resolution of a petrographic microscope. Example of a siliceous limestone is shown in Figure 5. Element mapping by EDS reveals the presence of dolomite in characteristic rhombs, and of silica and clay minerals finely interspersed throughout the carbonate matrix. ...
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