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The purpose of this study was to examine the players’ decisions-making in Marro (a Traditional Sporting Game) through a multimodal approach. Each player’s decision-making assumes specific accelerations and decelerations associated with different effort. The research objectives were: (i) to study the decision-making associated with the roles of Hunt...
Context in source publication
... This civilizing process prompts individuals to internalize societal norms, values, and restrictions (external social coercion) while also managing and tempering their impulses and behaviours (individual self-coercion). Consequently, individuals learn to align their 'physiological clock' with the 'social clock' and subject it to self-discipline [1,4,5]. ...
... The game originates cyclical temporal sequences of motor behaviours integrated by multifaceted strategies. These chains activate in a unitary manner the cognitive (roles and subroles), relational (motor interactions), and organic (physical effort and steps) planes; this finding has also been observed in other games (e.g., [4,5,16,33]). ...
... b. The temporal plot is forged from the deep structure of the international logic of the game [5], that is, from the network of role changes, which is different in both modalities. ...
This manuscript is based on two studies that investigate the process of social construction of time in the two versions of traditional sports game (TSG) known as Elbow Tag. The internal logic of this TSG has an original role-change system. Changing a rule in version 1 (V1) implies a major modification of the role system in V2. It is a mixed methods design employing an associative and interpretive strategy. It involved 140 participants in two eight-minute games V1 and V2. Different statistical techniques (cross-tabulations, classification trees, T-Patterns) were used to analyse data on motor behaviours (external observation), and content analysis of the strategic and emotional meaning of motor conducts (internal gaze). Multidimensional internal temporal units were used: changes of subroles, (cognitive) number of interactions (relational) and time required for different physical efforts (organic). The temporal plot is constructed by deciphering the exchanges between the Cat, Mouse and Pitcher roles. In V1 and V2 of the Elbow Tag game, each Role caused a singular and multidimensional subjective time. This fact can be observed through the strategic chains, their decisional and emotional interpretation. The findings favour an innovative physical education, in order to educate the students’ temporal motor conducts.
... Así, cada acción motriz (pasar el balón, lanzarlo a canasta o driblar) activa de forma unitaria y sistémica cuatro dimensiones de la conducta motriz: orgánica (energética), afectiva (emocional), cognitiva (decisional) y relacional (social) (Lagardera y Lavega-Burgués, 2003). Para cada persona esta intervención multimodal o multidimensional, que engloba una visión 360º de la conducta motriz, es singular e intransferible Martín-Martínez et al., 2021). ...
... Desde un punto de vista sistémico, debería comportar una toma de decisiones ordenada (dimensión cognitiva), acompañada de una forma de saber hacer y estar en las otras dimensiones orgánica, emocional y relacional (Lennartsson et al., 2015;Parlebas, 2001). Por tanto, la optimización de una estrategia motriz o plan de acción debería ser multimodal y tener en cuenta de forma unitaria y sistémica las cuatro dimensiones de la conducta motriz (Martín-Martínez et al., 2021;Muñoz-Arroyave, Pic et al., 2021). ...
... En relación con la dimensión cognitiva/relacional, tanto en la evaluación individual como colectiva, el alumnado tiene en cuenta desde el primer momento los aspectos que integran tanto la dimensión cognitiva como la relacional. Las dimensiones cognitiva y relacional se mantienen como las prioritarias en el juego (Martín-Martínez et al., 2021). Los intereses colectivos e individuales revelan que se considera desde un inicio las dimensiones relacionadas con el establecimiento organizativo, ya sea desde una vertiente técnica, táctica o teniendo en cuenta los elementos de la lógica interna del deporte, a fin de aplicar la estrategia colectiva necesaria a la situación competitiva (Ali et al., 2021;Allen, 2007;Kao, 2019). ...
La Educación Física está tendiendo hacia una visión sistémica, no solo favoreciendo el desarrollo de habilidades motrices, sino también de aspectos socioafectivos. Consecuentemente, surge la necesidad de realizar intervenciones significativas basadas en la educación de las conductas motrices. Para ello, analizamos una intervención sobre la estrategia motriz multimodal en baloncesto aplicada al alumnado de primero de educación secundaria. Para ello, se diseñó e implementó una propuesta innovadora focalizada en una estrategia deportiva multidimensional para el baloncesto, teniendo en cuenta la lógica interna y las cuatro dimensiones de la conducta motriz. La investigación es de corte cuantitativo y utiliza el cuestionario como instrumento de recogida de datos. Los resultados indican que la dimensión afectiva y orgánica está al servicio de la toma de decisiones y la lógica interna del deporte. Concretamente, ofrecer al alumnado un proceso de evaluación genera de forma explícita la incorporación y mejora de las dimensio-nes de la conducta motriz. Además, los datos alcanzan el máximo valor puntuado después de realizar la reflexión en acción con la evaluación del equipo rival. Asimismo, la educación de las conductas motrices es un aspecto clave para la mejora competencial del alumnado a través de educar la estrategia motriz.
Palabras clave: dimensiones de la conducta motriz; educación de las conductas motrices; educación física; estrategia motriz.
... These meanings, when expressed in activities such as games, can yield specific effects on one's personality. Various studies aim to comprehend the consequences of engaging in different motor situations on Motor Conduct, shedding light on the intricate relationship between intrinsic meanings and the holistic expression of motor actions (Lavega-Burgués et al., 2020;Martín-Martínez et al., 2021;Serna et al., 2022). ...
The aim of this systematic review was to analyze the scientific production on the effects of the application of comprehensive models on dimensions of Motor Conduct in net sports. Following the PRISMA criteria, this review only considered applied studies on net sports written in English, Spanish or Portuguese in SportDiscuss, Scopus, ERIC and Web of Science databases, published between 2011 and 2021. A total of 12 articles that met the inclusion criteria were included in this analysis. The studies encompassed affective, cognitive, and organic dimensions, but no articles were identified pertaining to the relational dimension. Findings revealed that comprehensive models positively influenced the cognitive dimension, enhancing decision-making and tactical understanding compared to traditional teaching methods. Additionally, in the organic dimension, comprehensive models demonstrated significant improvements in skill execution, while in the affective dimension, they fostered positive outcomes related to motivation and enjoyment. However, the link between affective, organic and relational dimensions with game understanding process and decision-making improvement in net sports remains unexplored. Keywords: TGfU. Game Sense. Tactical Games Approach. Teaching. Internal Logic. Motor Praxiology. Motor Conduct. Motor Action Theory.
... El primero porque se potencia la cooperación, el trabajo en equipo, las interacciones sociales y la toma de decisiones para el beneficio del grupo. Un ejemplo de ello se puede ver en diferentes JDT como "El Marro" (Lavega-Burgués et al., 2020;Martín-Martínez et al., 2021), o el juego de la "pelota aliada", donde se trabaja la interacción intergrupos generando un clima positivo entre equipos antagonistas (Navarro-Adelantado y Pic, 2016). El segundo porque promueve la igualdad de género, bien mediante el cambio de roles o favoreciendo entornos libres de estereotipos deportivos o, también, mediante los juegos paradójicos, donde se alternan posiciones de rivalidad y cooperación que ayudan en el bienestar relacional y emocional entre géneros Lavega-Burgués et al., 2022;Muñoz-Arroyave et al., 2021;Pic et al.,2019). ...
Resumen El acceso al deporte universitario en personas con discapacidad es una cuestión por visibilizar. Esto se ha convertido en un problema para los estudiantes universitarios que, a menudo, encuentran dificultades para su acceso debido, entre otras causas, a la falta de información y formación de las propias instituciones. El objetivo de este estudio se centra en analizar cómo es el acceso y las limitaciones en la práctica deportiva para estudiantes universitarios con discapacidad en la Universidad de León. Para llevar a cabo este estudio se ha utilizado la técnica de encuesta mediante la administración de un cuestionario a 40 estudiantes con discapacidad de la Universidad de León. Los resultados analizan cuatro bloques: 1-Número de universitarios con discapacidad que realizan práctica deportiva, 2-Acceso al deporte en personas con discapacidad en la Universidad de León, 3-Recursos disponibles para realizar deporte adaptado, y 4-Factores facilitadores y barreras para acceder al deporte adaptado. Para el análisis de los resultados se utilizó el programa JASP realizando estadística descriptiva y correlacional. Las discusiones y conclusiones se centran en la necesidad de promover una mayor difusión sobre el acceso al deporte en personas con discapacidad. Palabras clave Educación Superior; inclusión; deporte; discapacidad.
... Instituciones internacionales como UNICEF y UNESCO han mostrado especial interés por promover la igualdad de género, con consecuencias positivas sobre las áreas económica y social. Este trabajo de investigación, describe las experiencias motrices de alumnado universitario mediante el uso del JDT 'el Marro' (Martín-Martínez et al., 2021;Martín-Martínez, 2022) prestando atención especial sobre la comparación de la participación de dos chicas (casos únicos) en sus respectivos equipos de juego. ...
... Otras investigaciones previas se sirvieron de los JDT para desvelar posibles diferencias entre minorías de género al jugar (Lavega-Burgués et al., 2022;Martín-Martínez et al., 2021). El colectivo docente tiene como gran reto, la necesidad de personalizar la intervención en las clases de Educación Física, para estimular la igualdad de oportunidades de aprender y formarse de todo el alumnado. ...
Se adopta un enfoque multidimensional de 360º, basado en situaciones naturales, para estudiar dos partidas del juego 'El Marro' (JDT), con una participación asimétrica de las/los jugadoras/es (24 participantes; M = 19.4; SD = 1.3). Una vez obtenidos indicadores fiables de calidad de los datos, se realizaron análisis descriptivos, predictivos (Modelo Chaid) y análisis de patrones temporales (TPatterns). Los resultados mostraron que los hombres emplearon una velocidad superior a la de las mujeres (p < .001). Además, el rol jugado por los participantes se reveló como la variable explicativa principal en el modelo Chaid (p < .001). Mediante el análisis de T-Patterns, se identificaron diferentes niveles de complejidad en la interpretación del juego por parte de las/los jugadoras/es. Específicamente, de los 12 jugadores/as analizados, 8 (2 chicas y 6 chicos) revelaron un nivel de complejidad 3, mientras que 4 chicos superaron estos niveles de complejidad. Estos hallazgos sugieren que el rol jugado puede ser una herramienta para modular variables orgánicas que caracterizan las diferencias entre mujeres y hombres.
... Para cada persona esta intervención multidimensional, que engloba una visión 360º de la conducta motriz, es singular e intransferible (Lavega-Burgués et al., 2020;Martín-Martínez et al., 2021). ...
... El alumnado presenta dificultades en su dimensión socioafectiva y orgánica. Estas dimensiones son las que están al servicio de la dimensión cognitiva para dar respuesta a los problemas de toma de decisiones grupales del baloncesto (Martín-Martínez et al., 2021). Hasta que el alumnado no tiene conocimientos sobre la lógica interna y la toma de decisiones que se requiere, no se contemplan el resto de dimensiones. ...
La Educación Física está tendiendo hacia una visión sistémica de la conducta motriz. Consecuentemente, surge la necesidad de realizar intervenciones significativas basadas en la educación de las conductas motrices. Se ha diseñado e implementado una propuesta innovadora centrada en el desarrollo de una estrategia deportiva multidimensional para el baloncesto. En la investigación participan 50 alumnos de primero de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria. Los resultados indican que la dimensión afectiva y orgánica está al servicio de la toma de decisiones y la lógica interna del deporte. Concretamente, ofrecer al alumnado un proceso evaluativo genera de forma explícita la incorporación y mejora de las dimensiones de la conducta motriz. Además, los datos alcanzan la máxima puntuación después de la reflexión en acción.
... Specifically, with regard to interculturality, teachers received training on values associated with respect and attention to cultural diversity, the positive recognition of cultures and strategies to promote interaction between people from different cultures. In regards to the training on TSG, traditional games from the countries present in the SCSP program were shared and explained since incorporating games from different cultures into the classroom is a favorable tool for recognizing and strengthening different cultural identities, and can also have a positive impact on the emotional state of students, their motor development, their ability to take decisions and the development of coexistence based on mutual respect (Pic et al., 2019;Martín-Martínez et al., 2021;Lavega-Burgués et al., 2023;Moya-Higueras et al., 2023). The program coordinator (male, 36 years old), who also participated in the study and had a specific training in physical education. ...
... Previous research shows that such practices not only are recognized as strengthening symbols of cultural identity for immigrant and native ethnicities, but also promote harmonious social relationships among individuals from different origins and traditions even in communities without immigrants or indigenous peoples (Román, 2010;Carter-Thuillier et al., 2018;Berti and Lapiccirella, 2019;Puente-Maxera et al., 2020). In short, TSG are cultural traditions and symbols (Martín-Martínez et al., 2021) that allow, through physical-playful experiences, the conservation of identities and the positive exchange between them based on corporeality (Parlebas, 2020). Therefore the use of TSG in the classroom is a concrete way of recognizing the different cultures present in the context, assuming then, that human action and motricity are indivisibly linked with culture (Martínez-Santos et al., 2020). ...
... In relation to the above, different authors (Grimminger, 2011;Ko et al., 2015;Wyant et al., 2019Wyant et al., , 2020Doidge et al., 2020;Siljamäki and Anttila, 2021) have raised the need to include intercultural competence in the training of PE teachers and Sport Coaches, because otherwise they might have initial problems in working in culturally diverse contexts and also difficulties in helping their students to acquire intercultural skills. Likewise, studies (Carter-Thuillier et al., 2018;Pic et al., 2019;Puente-Maxera et al., 2020;Martín-Martínez et al., 2021;Lavega-Burgués et al., 2023;Moya-Higueras et al., 2023) related to TSG show that its use in the classroom represents an effective way of incorporating different cultures into the school, in addition to generating positive effects on different socioemotional and motor variables, however, the need for teachers who are sufficiently prepared in this area is also exposed for authors. Therefore, it seems essential to specifically train teachers who intend to work with the use of TSG in intercultural contexts. ...
This research aimed to understand the role of after-school sports programs in social inclusion processes in culturally diverse contexts through a multicase study within two locations. The first location was in Spain where immigrant and Spanish students were enrolled, and the other was in Chile with Mapuche-Huilliche students, immigrant and Chilean students. The implemented programs at both sites were similar in their educational focus on socio-educational values, and teaching models (hybridization of teaching games for understanding and cooperative learning) that enhance social inclusion. Using individual and group interviews with teachers, sports coordinators, parents, and students, a qualitative approach was used to identify the factors that facilitate or hinder the social inclusion processes. In addition, the researchers used qualitative observations of the programs over six months using “notes logbook” to record their impressions during the observation process. Results indicated that the implemented sports programs successfully facilitated social inclusion processes, enabling the development of interpersonal skills and relationships between students from different cultural backgrounds. The previous training and experiences of teachers in culturally diverse contexts, and incorporation of traditional sporting games from all cultures, seems to be an important facilitator factor for the inclusion potential of the implemented programs.
... One of the possible approaches of our study can be done by the 360 • approach used (Lavega-Burgués et al., 2020;Martín-Martínez et al., 2021). Through an observational methodology and T-Patterns, we could find out differences pre-post test throughout the temporal distributions events (Pic et al., 2022). ...
Swimming is composed of several phases. One of them is done underwater in apnea. Although this phase takes an important part of the performance, it is not taught much because of the risk it entails. At the same time, learning apnea can reduce the fear of immersion and, thus, reduce the number of drownings. The pedagogy used in this paper comes from game theory. This paper tested an apnea game based on the agreement between self-prediction and realization of the task.
Considering the preliminary level of the 33 sports students involved, the game offered two choices: swimming apnea over 15 or 20 m with a distribution of payoffs depending on the actual achievement (15 m estimated and less than 20 m performed = + 3 points; 15 m estimated and at least 20 m realized = + 1 points; 20 m predicted and less than 20 m realized = + 2 points; 20 m estimated and at least 20 m realized = + 4 points).
Results and discussion
Concordance was favored over discordance, including in the swimmer’s comfort zone (15 m). Throughout six apneas the results showed that the structure of this game supports the improvement of the estimation of the distances swum. The “Concordance Game” could be offered in Physical Education or in a sports club to learn to swim a longer distance below the surface without forcing.
The traditional sporting games (TSGs) correspond to a set of signs full of meanings, which come to life through the motor behaviors of the players as they participate in its semiotic semantics. As a result of this exchange, interpersonal conflicts may emerge because of each person’s semiotic interpretation of the sociomotor dynamics of the game. This research aimed to analyze the comments of intense negative emotions that arise in conflicts of a praxical nature (motor conflict) in a TSG, in its different parts (generating agent, conflict response), and in the motor interventions of its protagonists (conflict management). A total of 160 university students ( M age = 20.49, SD = 2.28) participated in a competitive sociomotor traditional sporting game of cooperation-opposition: the Marro. At the end of the practice, all answered the validated GES-II questionnaire. Subsequently, a content analysis of 480 comments was performed using ATLAS.ti 8.4 software. The conclusion of this work verifies the existence of different levels of meaning in the semiotic experience, that originate interpersonal conflicts in traditional sporting games. Considering the multidimensional network of signs and meanings that emerge in any game will help to understand the meaning of the protagonists’ conflictive motor conducts.
In recent years, research interest in human and non-human behavioral analysis has increased significantly. One key element in the resulting studies is the use of software that facilitates comparative analysis of behavioral patterns, such as using T-Pattern and T-String analysis -TPA- with THEME. Furthermore, all these studies use mixed methods research. Results from these studies have indicated a certain amount of similarity between the biological, temporal, and spatial patterns of human social interactions and the interactions between the contents of their constituent cells. TPA has become an important, widely-used technique in applied behavioral science research. The objectives of the current review were: (1) To identify the results of research over the last 4 years related to the concepts of T-Pattern, TPA, and THEME, since it is in this period in which more publications on these topics have been detected (2) To examine the key concepts and areas in the selected articles with respect to those concepts, applying data and text mining techniques. The results indicate that, over the last 4 years, 20% of the studies were laboratory focused with non-humans, 18% were in sports environments, 9% were in psychological therapy environments and 9% were in natural human contexts. There were also indications that TPA is beginning to be used in workplace environments, which is a very promising setting for future research in this area.