Results of normality tests for teacher data.

Results of normality tests for teacher data.

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The purpose of this study is to evaluate the application of electronic learning systems to the effectiveness of learning with facilitation methods to increase the level of student participation in online discussion forums. Specifically review the effects of facilitation methods and teacher involvement in student participation in online discussion f...

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... testing the existence of atypical values observed in Fig. 2, the results show that there were no outliers in the experimental and control groups, for the level of student participation and also the level of teacher participation. When verifying normality, it shows (Table 2 and Table 3) that the data is not normally distributed. This assumption can be ignored. ...

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... Instructors' roles as facilitators in the online classroom medium plays a pivotal element in creating a conducive environment for the learners to participate in a meaningful learning experience that relies heavily on the learners' engagement and elements of interactions with the instructor. In contrast, Zulfikar (2019) stated that compared to a strategy that just focused on discussion forums on issues introduced by instructors, this one emphasises the importance of instructors and their presence (teacher-led discussion). Research on student-driven online networks is sparse. ...
... Interestingly, the basis of these findings relies upon whether the overall learning execution is engaging or if the learner has distractions interfering with their online environment. Some opinions from learning blogs weigh in on the latter: Surrounding distractions impact overall learning outcomes [48,49]. Other results show that if the learning professional is not proficient, online users will likely fail the learning objective compared to their physical classrooms [50,51]. ...
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... The findings supports the research studies that indicate that instructors act as a facilitator of learning and use various facilitation strategies in online courses to engage students (Martin, et al, 2020). In addition, the study of Zulfikar, et al. (2019) reveals that the amount of student participation in online learning discussion forums is initiated by how the teacher facilitates the discussion topic. ...
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Understanding the factors that influence students' perceptions may also assist administrators in making informed decisions about course and organizational design, as well as guiding professional development workshops for instructors. The goal of this sentiment analysis was to describe students' opinions about teachers' teaching performance in online classes. It sought to ascertain the most frequently occurring words in relation to their sentiments, as well as the emerging clusters derived from their sentiments. This study used a descriptive qualitative method employing sentiment analysis of Orange text mining software. Sentiment analysis extracts information from positive and negative words in text, from the context of those words, and from the linguistic structure of the text. The 237 college students were the participants of this study. The findings show that the emerging clusters derived from the sentiments of the students were the teachers facilitate learning and motivate students to learn. Teachers act as facilitator and motivator of students to learn in online classes. The teaching performance of the teachers can be manifested in how they facilitate the teaching-learning process and how they give feedbacks and motivations to students. Consequently, the teaching performance of the teachers in online classes is one of the indicators of the students’ sentiments. This implied that, once the teacher performed very well in the class, students become satisfied and perform better in the class.
... Selain itu proses pembelajaran jarak jauh di era pandemi covid-19 mutlak membutuhkan TIK dalam proses pemelajaran pembelajaran (Dax et al., 2017;Zulfikar et al., 2019). Berdasarkan hasil survei awal tentang media pembelajaran guru pada masa pandemi didapatkan data yang menarik bahwa sebagian besar guru masih menggunakan media pembelajaran berbasis PowerPoint. ...
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Sebagian besar guru SMK mengalami keterbatasan waktu untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran secara mandiri sedangkan media pembelajaran merupakan salah satu bagian yang penting dalam pembelajaran jarak jauh dan hal tersebut mutlak harus dipenuhi. Salah satu solusi yang ditawarkan oleh tim pengabdi yaitu memfasilitasi guru SMK khususnya Manajemen Perkantorna dan Layanan Bisnis di Jawa Tengah dalam mengembangkan media pembelajaran berbasis PowerPoint dengan suara. Bentuk kegiatan yang akan diadakan yaitu workshop secara daring. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan pada pengabdian ini adalah ceramah, demonstrasi, diskusi dan evaluasi. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat didapatkan hasil sebagai berikut 1) rerata tingkat partisipasi peserta adalah 58 orang atau sebesar 193,3% dari target yang telah ditetapkan, 2) rerata jumlah peserta yang lulus post-test 51 orang atau 204% dari target yang telah ditetapkan, 3) rerata persentase peserta yang memberikan respon menarik terhadap materi adalah 98,47% 4) Jumlah media pembelajaran dengan kategori baik dann sangat baik sebanyak 22 orang atau 73%. 5) penilaian peserta terhadap kegiatan pengabdian, pembicara, panitia dan fasilitas berada pada kategori sangat baik.
... Pertanyaan dibuat semenyenangkan mungkin sehingga kuis menjadi menarik. Dikusi menjadi metode untuk menarik siswa dalam berpartisipasi pada kegiatan sosialisasi yang dilaksanakan (Zulfikar et al., 2019). ...
. Remaja sebagai penerus bangsa memerlukan karakter yang lengkap untuk menghadapi tantangan global. Paham radikal dapat diminimalisir dan dicegah dengan serangkaian program dan kegiatan. Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk mencegah paham radikalisme pada remaja sekolah menengah atas (SMA). Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdaian masyarakat adalah sosialisasi dan postering. Diikuti sebanyak 245 Siswa kelas 10-12. Hasil pengabdian menunjukkan bahwa metode sosilasasi dengan kuis yang menyenangkan dan menggembirakan dapat menanamkan subtansi materi kepada siswa. Postering sebagai media efektif untuk mendukung ingatan siswa terhadap materi yang telah dipelajari. Sekaligus sebagai hidden curriculum pendidikan karakter dilingkungan sekolah. Diharapkan adanya kegiatan yang berkelanjutan untuk mendukung keberhasilan penanaman karakter dalam rangka pencegahan paham radikalime remaja