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Results of calculating the delay duration at the second intersection in the forward directionat various cycle shifts.
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A methodology for traffic management in cities provides for extensive use of computer technologies. Modern international experience shows that traffic management in the urban street and road network, first of all, requires a city-wide management system (intelligent transportation system, ITS). Development of a social process model is a complicated...
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Context 1
... the duration of the vehicle delay at the second intersection in the forward direction is 247.8 s per cycle at the zero shift 2 = 0. The corresponding delay values at other cycle shift values are presented in Table 1. 3. To determine a dependence of the vehicle delay at the first intersection (opposite direction) on the cycle shift. ...Similar publications
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... In recent years, researchers have been paying particular focus to the difficulties of road transportation and traffic congestion, especially due to the rapid development of cities and road networks (Olayode et al., 2020). Recently, advanced techniques for managing and controlling traffic have demonstrated their effectiveness in enhancing the efficiency of urban transportation and mitigating traffic congestion (Kapitanov et al., 2018). Intelligent transportation systems (ITS) use computers, big data, 5 G technology, and information systems to establish a unified transportation system that is secure, effective, and energy efficient. ...
... In recent years, researchers have been paying particular focus to the difficulties of road transportation and traffic congestion, especially due to the rapid development of cities and road networks (Olayode et al., 2020). Recently, advanced techniques for managing and controlling traffic have demonstrated their effectiveness in enhancing the efficiency of urban transportation and mitigating traffic congestion (Kapitanov et al., 2018). Intelligent transportation systems (ITS) use computers, big data, 5 G technology, and information systems to establish a unified transportation system that is secure, effective, and energy efficient. ...
... Критерії якості організації дорожнього руху можуть бути визначені на основі різних параметрів, як-то безпека, комфортність, пропускна здатність, стійкість та економічність. Залежно від обраних критеріїв вчені створюють різні моделі та інструменти для вимірювання якості ОДР у містах і розвивають нові підходи до покращення умов руху -від удосконалення світлофорного регулювання [5] до використання технологій «розумних міст» та сучасних інтелектуальних технологій, спрямованих на покращення якості життя та безпеки населення у місті [6][7][8]. ...
The choice of rational quality criteria for the organization of road traffic in cities is an urgent task for scientists in the field of road transport, as it directly affects the effectiveness of activities in the field of ensuring the safety and comfort of car traffic in urban conditions. Depending on the goals of the analysis, the complexity of the network, and technical capabilities, the quality of traffic management can be assessed by indicators of the economic efficiency of the transport process, the level of accidents, environmental safety, social attractiveness, etc. The modern level of development of geo-information technologies allows for constant monitoring of the vehicle's speed mode. To obtain characteristics of the quality of traffic organization, experimental studies were conducted on a section of the street-road network of the city of Kharkiv, which corresponds to a typical route of personal transport from a remote sleeping area to the central part of the city. As a result of data processing of the GPS track, a histogram of the distribution of instantaneous speed and graphs of the car’s movement in the coordinates “time-distance”, “time-speed”, "distance-speed” were built, which allow you to visually assess the mode of movement along the entire route and determine potential "bottlenecks". Such spatio-temporal characteristics as average technical speed, specific time in motion, specific idle time, as well as energy indicators of the quality of traffic management were also calculated: acceleration noise, speed gradient, energy gradient. After dividing the experimental route into separate kilometer sections, changes in the characteristics of the quality of traffic organization, as it approached the city center, were analyzed. On the first half of the route, when moving along the main street, the instability of the speed regime was observed due to stops and idling in the zone of regulated intersections. The presence of a trend towards a decrease in the average technical speed when approaching the city center is explained by an increase in the loading of VDM within the central business part of the city and, as a result, the appearance of additional traffic delays. As we approached the city center, the specific time in motion increased with a slight increase in the specific idle time, and an increase in the speed gradient was also observed with a slight decrease in the energy gradient.
... The developed control system applied on five intersections in the grid network at four periods. Kapitanov et al. [35] published an article that consist of two basic approaches to development of network mathematical models of traffic flows, based on a set of analytical models and on micro level simulation models. ...
... Nonetheless, the following weaknesses were identified in the collected and checked papers that covered self-organizing and adaptive design approaches: i) dynamic time interval, ii) emergency vehicle management, iii) knowledge given to users, and iv) intelligent features. [25], [32] No Yes No No [26] No No Yes No [29], [39], [40] Yes Yes No No [24], [28], [30], [31], [34], [35] Yes [9], [36]- [38], [41] No No No No ...
span>To assess different approaches to traffic light control design, a systematic literature review was conducted, covering publications from 2006 to 2020. The review’s aim was to gather and examine all studies that looked at road traffic and congestion issues. As well, it aims to extract and analyze protruding techniques from selected research articles in order to provide researchers and practitioners with recommendations and solutions. The research approach has placed a strong emphasis on planning, performing the analysis, and reporting the results. According to the results of the study, there has yet to be developed a specific design that senses road traffic and provides intelligent solutions. Dynamic time intervals, learning capability, emergency priority management, and intelligent functionality are all missing from the conventional design approach. While learning skills in the adaptive self-organization strategy were missed. Nonetheless, the vast majority of intelligent design approach papers lacked intelligent fear tires and learning abilities.</span
... -new information on the specific ways in which the driver (D) changes vehicle (V) steering safety; discovery of reasons behind traffic safety violations (Evtjukov and Repin, 2015;Evtiukov et al., 2018); -a scientific and educational approach to determining vehicle (V) service life; developed optimization algorithms for the vehicle (V) maintenance and repair system (Domke and Zhestkova, 2011;Kapitanov et al., 2018); -results of studying the transport and operating conditions of roads (R), including the determination of a dynamic pattern in braking and adhesion characteristics of vehicle (V) wheels on the road surface at the stage of road operation and reconstruction (Brannolte et al., 2017;Novikov et al., 2019); -methods of analyzing RTA and creating RTA models for the purpose of RTS improvement (Brannolte et al., 2017;Evtjukov and Repin, 2015;Kurakina, 2014); -guidelines for conducting RTA expert analysis and improving the assessment methods and methods of examining vehicles involved in RTAs (including the technical condition of the vehicle (V) and road (R)), RTA BS study insights and suggestions for efficient RTS assurance (Evtyukov and Vasilyev, 2012;Kurakina, 2014Kurakina, , 2018Kurakina et al., 2018, Novikov et al., 2019Rajczyk et al., 2018). ...
Introduction: This study proves that the procedure of inspecting road traffic accident black spots (RTA BS) needs improvement. This improvement is to involve the tools and insights associated with the targeted program approach, as well as a road infrastructure indicator system, and information technology tools. The creation of a road infrastructure indicator system and its comprehensive application, coupled with analytical methods and accident prediction system methods, enables the assessment of measures aimed at reducing the number of RTAs. Accounting for information technology tools and systems (such as the digital traffic safety inquiries desk) is also necessary if traffic safety is to be organized and maintained in a systemic way. Purpose of the study: The study is aimed at finding a new approach to improving the procedure of inspecting RTA black spots. Methods: In the course of the study, we use systemic analysis, analytical methods, traffic safety evaluation based on defining the safety and accident coefficients and revealing RTA black spots, probability theory methods, research results processing, and IT computational methods. Results: We provide a rationale for a comprehensive approach to inspecting RTA black spots within the “traffic participant – vehicle – road – external environment” system. We also demonstrate how a group of parameters can be used for studying the systemic indicators of road infrastructure, in the context of the parameters’ characteristics, as well as the conditions of their use. We determine the capabilities of analytical methods, as well as accident prediction methods, in the context of finding an approach to improving the procedure of inspecting RTA black spots. We propose applying a comprehensive approach to the improvement of the RTA BS inspection procedure.
... By monitoring such indicators, it is possible to forecast prerequisites for road accidents. For that purpose, various analytical methods of assessing traffic safety in road infrastructure can be used (Kapitanov et al., 2018;Plotnikov, 2016;Suvorov et al., 1990). During traffic safety assessment using analytical methods, only a few parameters are studied, which compromises the quality of evaluating causes of accident clusters' emergence and accident rate forecasting. ...
Introduction: To study road infrastructure and ensure control over its changes during its use, it is required to
introduce a concept of indicator, which is a parameter or characteristic of road infrastructure facilities’ state. Studies on road infrastructure indicators are aimed at traffic safety increase, improvement of a system for road accident forecasting. The authors apply a system for the accounting of road infrastructure facilities’ characteristics, set during the design and construction of roads, to forecast road accidents. Purpose of the study: The authors develop an approach to studying the influence of systemic indicators of road infrastructure at accident clusters on traffic safety. Methods: During the study, such methods as system analysis, extrapolation method, method of forecasting with account for seasonality, and method of repetition were used. Results: The authors analyzed statistical data on the road accident rate and identified significant systemic indicators of road infrastructure to assess the efficiency of road and construction measures aimed at traffic safety assurance. They formed groups of indicators in the system of their parametric characteristics and determined conditions of their use to study systemic indicators of road infrastructure. They also determined the capabilities of methods used to forecast the road accident rate to develop an algorithm to analyze road infrastructure at accident clusters. The authors also developed such an algorithm to analyze road infrastructure at accident clusters.
... • a scientific and methodological approach to determining the useful life of a vehicle, optimization algorithms in the vehicle maintenance and repair system (Kapitanov et al. 2018, Terentyev 2018; ...
The systemic approach described in the article is designed for the development of an effective approach and purposeful measures to ensure road traffic safety. The need for a systemic approach to auditing road traffic accident black spots is justified. A conceptual model of the systemic approach to auditing road traffic accident black spots is developed. This model includes interrelations of subsystems, factors of accident-prone situations, causes of the emergence of road traffic accident black spots in the system “road user – vehicle – road – external environment”. A hierarchy of interrelations and flows in the system ensuring road traffic safety is suggested. The authors suggest considering the “Road User – Vehicle – Road – External Environment” system that includes such subsystems as the Driver (D), Pedestrian (P), Child Pedestrian (PC), Vehicle Passenger (PassV), Child Passenger (PassVC). They also suggest using the traditional term “Car subsystem” as the Vehicle (V). To account for the entire content of the “external environment” (EE) subsystem, the following structure is suggested: road infrastructure (RI) reflecting the conditions and parameters of traffic management as well as existing weather and climatic conditions. The systemic approach to auditing road traffic accident black spots reveals the potential of improving this mechanism.
... There are two groups of forecasting methods: intuitive, based on expert assessments, and formalized, based on mathematical models [1]. It is formalized methods that allow to model the process of changing the value of the studied indicator over time. ...
International experience of demand and increase in container freight railway traffic has been analyzed. High-speed train traffic on the route Moscow – Nizhny Novgorod railway (Russia) has been actively developing since 2010, for instance, in some sections, the railway line has been modernized and new high-speed trains were put into operation. Research trends in the railway infrastructure on the route Moscow – Nizhny Novgorod remain relevant, despite the fact, that the project of high-speed railway line Moscow-Kazan is still not accepted for implementation, and the section of the route Moscow – Nizhny Novgorod should be a priority. The volume of passenger traffic only by high-speed trains by the end of 2020 in this area could reach 3.7 million people. Thus, with the introduction of high-speed traffic, the passenger traffic will approach or even exceed 5 million people, i.e. the high-speed railway will become quite effective. Offered the organization of container transportation with special trains with speeds of 200 km/h and 250 km/h.