Results of FA and GA algorithms and SOP [20] and CBO algorithm

Results of FA and GA algorithms and SOP [20] and CBO algorithm

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Optimization has always been a human concern from ancient times to the present day, also in light of advances in computing equipment and systems, optimization techniques have become increasingly important in different applications. The role of metaheuristic algorithms in optimizing and solving engineering problems is expanding every day, optimizat...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... results of FA and GA algorithms were obtained which are shown together with the results of the SOP method in Table 3, [20], according to the research, the results of the FA algorithm are better than the results of the GA algorithm and the SOP method [20]. In our paper to calculate the results by the CBO algorithm we keeping all the assumptions of the reference paper and with the Running of MATLAB program, the results of fourth row of Table 3 were obtained. ...
Context 2
... results of FA and GA algorithms were obtained which are shown together with the results of the SOP method in Table 3, [20], according to the research, the results of the FA algorithm are better than the results of the GA algorithm and the SOP method [20]. In our paper to calculate the results by the CBO algorithm we keeping all the assumptions of the reference paper and with the Running of MATLAB program, the results of fourth row of Table 3 were obtained. Optimal parameters of CBO algorithm we have been used in the running of the program are population size and Iteration, these parameters are determined with Trial and error. ...
Context 3
... the optimal value of parameters FA and GA algorithms are obtained by sensitivity analysis and in tables, No. 4 and No. 5 have been shown, [20]. Convergence curves of the FA, GA [20] and CBO algorithms, shown in Fig. 3. Figure 3. Convergence curves of the FA, GA [20] and CBO algorithms As shown in Table 3, the results of the CBO algorithm are better than all of the results of FA and GA algorithms and SOP method and only in the objective function and vulnerability is equal to the FA algorithm. Due to the definition of penalty in the objective function, its value remained constant despite the reduction of water shortage, if penalties were not defined, the value of the objective function would be reduced, but reducing the amount of water shortage was not appropriate to reduce vulnerability. ...

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... The repetition of these actions leads to the reaching of an optimal position in the search space, or after a predefined maximum evaluation number, the optimization process is terminated. This algorithm has had many applications in civil engineering for example Optimization of Haraz dam reservoir operation using CBO metaheuristic algorithm [15] and Optimum cost design of reinforced concrete one-way ribbed slabs using CBO, PSO and Democratic PSO algorithms [16]. ...
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