Research process according to the PRISMA guidelines

Research process according to the PRISMA guidelines

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This study aimed to examine the trends of digital games and gamification in nursing education. The document analysis method was carried out by adapting the PRISMA for the bibliometric analysis. 20 articles published on digital games and gamification in nursing education were analyzed. Bibliometric analysis of the metadata of the articles was perfor...

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Since the effectiveness of pedagogies relies heavily on the context they are practiced, scholars strive to revalidate them with different participants representing different disciplines, age, cultures and so on. In this regard, this piece of work was undertaken so as to reveal the impact of a digital game-based learning environment on the achieveme...


... Promote Active Engagement And Discipline In Language Learning [24] Researching the impact of gamification using the Kahoot! on the active and disciplined involvement of students in English language learning among the 35 students of the nursing program. Research Trends on Digital Games and Gamification in Nursing Education [28] Analyze articles on digital games and gamification in nursing education. ...
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The purpose of this systematic literature review (SLR) is to investigate how gamification and artificial intelligence can be included into nursing students’ English language instruction. English language competency has grown in importance for nurses, particularly in the global healthcare setting where precise documentation and efficient communication are essential. However, busy schedules frequently make it difficult for nursing students to find time for language study, which frequently results in lower motivation and engagement during the learning process. Gamification has been shown to be successful in raising motivation and learning engagement through components like leaderboards, badges, and points. AI makes it possible to customize learning by creating materials according to each student’s need and giving them immediate feedback, which might help them become more proficient in the language. This research synthesizes studies on the use of these technologies in nursing education, identifies key trends, evaluates learning outcomes, and discusses challenges such as limited access to technology and lack of training for teachers. The results show that gamification and AI have great potential in improving nursing students’ English competency, especially in enhancing their professional communication skills.
... For studies focusing on the integration of games in tertiary education, the research was conducted on the implementation of gamification in several disciplines. All in all, their findings show how game-like elements such as leaderboard and digital badges have created a positive learning experience among university students (Azmi et al., 2015;Zhan et al., 2020;Mese and Mese, 2022;Ortiz et al., 2016;van Gaalen et al., 2021). ...
... In addition to the five studies that look into the implementation of gamification in programming education (Azmi et al., 2015;Zhan et al., 2020), nursing education (Mese and Mese, 2022), science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education (Ortiz et al., 2016) and health profession education (van Gaalen et al., 2021) offered by higher education institutions, Kalogiannakis et al. (2021) reviewed game-based learning literature involving primary, secondary and university students. Given that the current study focuses on adult learners with various academic backgrounds, reviewing literature on the use of games in the teaching and learning of diverse programmes will be beneficial. ...
... Two studies examine the use of gamification to optimise nursing and health profession educations. Like the above-mentioned studies, gamification is proven effective in enhancing nursing students' motivation, participation in the course (Mese and Mese, 2022) and improving learning outcomes (van Gaalen et al., 2021). One main limitation pointed out by van Gaalen et al. (2021), who analysed 44 peer-reviewed articles adopting quantitative and mixed-method, is that most studies lack well-defined control groups in a longitudinal way. ...
Purpose The psychological theory of self-determination postulated that gamification enhances learning engagement by intrinsically motivating learners to undertake tasks spontaneously. Gamification has then been integrated into adult learning as part of the initiative of learner-centred pedagogies to curb the low retention rates of adult learners who struggle with heavy work commitments, family obligations and financial pressure. Gamification, being one of the technological mediations, assumes the crucial role of engaging and retaining adult learners. Adult learners have received less attention in research when compared with conventional university students. The purpose of this study is to conduct a bibliographic analysis to assess the past, present and future publication trends of gamifying adult learning and to identify the research gap. Design/methodology/approach This study included publications related to gamification and adult learning from 2014 to 2022, extracted from Dimensions. A total of 79,864 publications were retrieved initially, and 3,469 publications were ultimately selected for final analysis after the refinement of the keyword search. VOSviewer was used for bibliographic coupling, keyword co-occurrence, clustering and co-citation analysis of countries. Findings The number of publications related to gamification in adult learning has decreased since its peak in 2020. The saturation is mainly concentrated in the USA, the UK and China, with similar levels of national income and technology advancement skills. However, gamification in adult learning remains a popular and growing research area in developing countries like Malaysia, which has huge potential due to government investments in education, technology and lifelong learning. There is also an evident research gap on gamification, adult learning and personality traits, which have not been covered in previous studies. Originality/value Prior research mostly focused on systematic literature reviews, while the use of bibliometric analysis could be a missing link in this research domain. This paper unveils the evolution of publications on this topic over time by scientifically analysing a large number of publications and rigorously identifying research gaps contributing to future research avenues.
... Nursing education has transformed in recent years with the introduction of active learning strategies to stimulate the interest of the learner, by increasing motivation, process. 1,2 There are a lot of concepts and mechanisms that are difficult to understand by students in the medical field, especially nursing, and learning those complicated concepts in the curriculum can easily bring boredom and create a loss of interest for the students in the classroom. 2 Gamification helps to blend and balance the game elements with the concepts in a non-game environment, to achieve realism, better listening by class engagement and stimulation, and to promote better learning outcomes by making meaningful connections to the more complex nursing concepts. ...
... 10 Studies have suggested that gamification can bring better motivation in students, and helps in dynamic participation and retention of the content learned in the classroom than the traditional teaching methods. 1,4 Since gamification is comparatively a recent technology used in nursing education, not much information is available for its application in this field to be recommended as an effective learning tool. Therefore, the purpose of this review is to identify the application of gamification as an innovative teaching-learning strategy method in the nursing curriculum, to explore student satisfaction, motivation, and class engagement while using gamification as a teaching strategy, and to identify the impact of gamification in the academic performance of nursing students. ...
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Gamification has been introduced in the nursing curriculum as one of the newest and most innovative teaching methods by blending the games with the concepts. In this method, they are applying the game elements in a non-game environment. Evidence cited in the empirical research shows that it increases students' class engagement, motivation, problem-solving ability, and competencies to a large extent. However, not many research studies have been conducted exploring the impact of gamification on the teaching and learning of nursing subjects. 1) Identify the application of gamification as an innovative teaching-learning strategy in nursing curriculum 2) Explore the student satisfaction, motivation, and class engagement while using gamification as a learning method 3) Impact of gamification on the academic performance of nursing students. A literature search was conducted using online databases available in Google Scholar, PubMed, Medline, Science Direct, and ProQuest. The studies included were descriptive surveys, systematic reviews, quasi-experimental, and mixed research methods. The key search concepts explored were ‘Gamification and nursing education’, ‘gamified as a learning tool in nursing education’, ‘gamification and academic outcomes of nursing students', and 'gamification as a teaching strategy in nursing education'. The available evidence from the research studies indicates positive results in using gamification can be a used as a learning strategy and shows that it can bring about increased class engagement, clarification and understanding of difficult concepts, and improve interaction and communication in nursing courses. However, challenges remain in terms of lack of clarity on the competencies to be examined the learning outcomes and the efficacy of its application in the professional field, and the underlying costs. Gamification can be introduced as an innovative technology in the teaching-learning process. Further studies are required to provide more evidence in its application to various nursing courses and the learning outcomes to be examined.
... nonetheless, its application has grown increasingly common since 2010 (Bozkurt & Genç-Kumtepe, 2014;Marczewski, 2013). "gamification" refers to applying game design elements in settings that are not games to improve user engagement and retention. This definition of the term is generally accepted (Hiraoka et al., 2016;S. Meşe & Meşe, 2022). This idea refers to a combination of people who provide experience and behavioral aspects in entertainment, the elements of game design, and the creation of entertainment that incorporates these qualities . It is the application of game-related rules and game thinking in the classroom to capture the students' attention . The term most ...
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Digital Games and Gamification in Education Editors Dr. Nurullah Taş, Dr. Yusuf İslam Bolat In the "Digital Games and Gamification in Education" pages, readers embark on a captivating journey through a landscape where traditional education converges with the engaging world of digital games and gamification. This comprehensive volume is designed to provide a rich and multifaceted exploration of this transformative trend reshaping our educational systems' very fabric. As readers journey through the chapters of "Digital Games and Gamification in Education," they are invited to explore the dynamic fusion of play and education that holds the potential to revolutionize the future of learning. This book is an essential guide for educators, scholars, and enthusiasts, offering insights, strategies, and practical examples that illuminate the path to a more engaging and practical educational experience. Citation Taş, N. & Bolat, Y. İ. (Eds.). (2023). Digital Games and Gamification in Education. ISTES Organization.
... Collecting data for serious game analytics has proven difficult, with pre-game, in-game, and post-game data being the most common. Digital games and gamification have proven helpful in nursing education in fostering active involvement, elevating satisfaction levels, and imparting skills [10]. ...
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Assessment of a player's knowledge in game education has been around for some time. Traditional evaluation in and around a gaming session may disrupt the players' immersion. This research uses an optimized Random Forest to construct a non-invasive prediction of a game education player's Memorization via in-game data. Firstly, we obtained the dataset from a 3-month survey to record in-game data of 50 players who play 4-15 game stages of the Chem Fight (a test case game). Next, we generated three variants of datasets via the preprocessing stages: resampling method (SMOTE), normalization (min-max), and a combination of resampling and normalization. Then, we trained and optimized three Random Forest (RF) classifiers to predict the player's Memorization. We chose RF because it can generalize well given the high-dimensional dataset. We used RF as the classifier, subject to optimization using its hyperparameter: n_estimators. We implemented a Grid Search Cross Validation (GSCV) method to identify the best value of n_estimators. We utilized the statistics of GSCV results to reduce the weight of n_estimators by observing the region of interest shown by the graphs of performances of the classifiers. Overall, the classifiers fitted using the BEST n_estimators (i.e., 89, 31, 89, and 196 trees) from GSCV performed well with around 80% accuracy. Moreover, we successfully identified the smaller number of n_estimators (OPTIMAL), at least halved the BEST n_estimators. All classifiers were retrained using the OPTIMAL n_estimators (37, 12, 37, and 41 trees). We found out that the performances of the classifiers were relatively steady at ~80%. This means that we successfully optimized the Random Forest in predicting a player's Memorization when playing the Chem Fight game. An automated technique presented in this paper can monitor student interactions and evaluate their abilities based on in-game data. As such, it can offer objective data about the skills used.
Amaç: Bu araştırmanın amacı, hemşirelik öğrencilerinin dijital eğitsel oyunlar konusundaki görüşlerinin ve tutumlarının belirlenmesinin yanı sıra dijital eğitsel oyun kullanımını etkileyen sosyodemografik faktörlerin belirlenmesidir. Ayrıca hemşirelik öğrencilerinin dijital oyunlardan beklentilerini ve endişelerini belirleyerek dijital oyun tasarlamayı planlayan öğretim elemanlarına katkı sağlamaktır. Yöntem: İstanbul’da bir yüksekokulun hemşirelik öğrencileri ile tanımlayıcı ve ilişki arayıcı türde gerçekleştirilen araştırmada 156 hemşirelik öğrencisine ulaşılmıştır. Araştırmada Dijital Eğitsel Oyunları Kullanma Ölçeği kullanılmış olup, örneklemi kolay ulaşılabilir durum örneklemesi ile belirlenmiştir. Bulgular: Araştırmaya katılan öğrencilerin (156) %70.5’i kadın, %30.1’i dördüncü sınıf öğrencisidir. Öğrencilerin %78.2’sinin dijital eğitsel oyuna karşı nötr tutum sergilediği belirlenmiştir. Dijital eğitsel oyundan beklentileri incelendiğinde; %25’inin oyunların eğitici ve öğretici olmasını, %24.4’ünün hem eğitici hem eğlenceli olmasını, %21.8’i eğlenceli, sürükleyici ve interaktif olmasını talep etmiştir. Sonuç: Araştırma bulguları doğrultusunda, hemşirelik öğrencilerinin dijital oyunları faydalı ve aktif bir öğrenme aracı olarak gördüklerini, oyunların eğitsel ve öğretici olmasının yanında eğlenceli, sürükleyici ve interaktif olması yönünde beklentilerinin olduğu, yeteri kadar eğitici oyun olmadığı için deneyimlerinin az olduğu, bu sebeple dijital eğitsel oyunlara karşı nötr tutum sergiledikleri kanısına varılabilir.
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The integration of artificial intelligence in education presents both opportunities and challenges, particularly in the field of language teaching. This study aims to investigate Turkish EFL teachers' perceptions of AI's role in fostering or hindering creativity in language teaching. Through semi-structured interviews with 10 EFL teachers from private high schools, the research explores the potential benefits and challenges of AI integration. Key findings reveal that AI enhances student engagement, provides personalized learning experiences, and offers timely feedback. However, concerns about insufficient training, technical issues, and over-reliance on AI potentially undermining fundamental skills were also expressed. While AI tools support improvements in language skills and foster creative thinking, there is apprehension about standardization and the risk of diminishing originality. The study underscores the necessity for effective teacher training and a balanced approach to AI integration, ensuring it complements rather than replaces traditional teaching methods. These insights provide valuable guidance for educators, policymakers, and technology developers to optimize AI use in EFL education while fostering a dynamic and creative learning environment. Future research should explore innovative ways to integrate AI into language teaching without compromising creativity.
This study aims to examine the effects of activities prepared using the Actionbound application on students' academic achievement and mathematical attitude in the field measurement subject in the 6th-grade mathematics course. The study was designed using a quasi-experimental design with a control group from quantitative research methods. The study group of research consists of students studying in two different 6th grades of a secondary school in the central district of Elazığ province in the school year 2022-2023. The achievement averages of the branches in the previous semester were used in forming the experimental and control groups and in ensuring the equivalence of the branches. The research, which was conducted in parallel with the MoNE curriculum, was applied simultaneously to the experimental and control groups. The research, which used parametric testing procedures due to the normal distribution of the data, was analyzed using the SPSS package program. The results show that the digital learning game developed using Actionbound improves performance and attitude, but does not cause a significant difference between the groups. It is recommended to extend the application period of the study and continue the study for one semester.
Purpose Gamification is an emerging technique of applying game elements to difficult and tedious learning activities to make them fun and exciting. This study aims to review the scientific landscape of the library’s readiness to adopt gamification with context to application in teaching and learning purposes based on computational tools. The present research also aims to study the growth of literature on gamification, to identify the most contributing authors, countries, affiliations and journals and collaboration status with different geographical settings. The study will also identify the most influential paper on the area with the highest citation and Altmetric Attention Score (AAS) as well as analyzing the keywords for locating the research trend in the subject area. Design/methodology/approach The study has adopted Scientometric and Altmetric approach by considering the research outputs of a decade (2013–2022) from Scopus database. First, the required data has been searched using appropriate keywords forming the search strategy by running title–abstract–keywords considering the limitation in the system. The exported data is systematically visualized for performing science mapping like the collaboration of authors, countries, organizations and co-occurrence of keywords using VOSviewer. For finding the Altmetrics score and Mendeley readership of the influential research works, the system is further used. Findings The study found 928 records indicating an exponential growth over the years with total 2,750 authors. Samuel Kai Wah Chu from the University of Hong Kong, China, is the most contributed author. Spain and the USA are highly productive countries, but there needs to be a strong collaboration pattern among authors. It is found that gamification is widely applied in education discipline than any other. Some of the libraries have already implemented gamification tools for learning purposes in their services. The research on gamification still lacks social media attention and needs to be promoted more through various social media platforms for greater visibility. Originality/value The study explores the global scientific literature to identify the library’s awareness of implementing gamification tools in their services for teaching and learning purposes. As per the author’s knowledge, no such study has been conducted until date with such aims and objectives through the application of both Scientometrics and Altmetrics approaches.