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This study investigates the impact of social media marketing activities (SMMA) on shoppers' store love and the impact of store love on store loyalty in grocery retail. Moreover, it explores the mediating and moderating role of store love and social media usage intensity (SMUI).
A survey was conducted among groce...
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Social media has changed the marketing phenomenon, as firms use social media to inform, impress, and retain the existing consumers. Social media marketing empowers business firms to generate perceived brand equity activities and build the notion among consumers to continue using the firms’ products and services. The current exploratory study aimed...
... This shows the important role of brand trust in the relationship between SMMAs and brand loyalty In addition, Yadav and Rahman (2018) demonstrated that SMMAs in ecommerce significantly and positively impact all drivers of customer equity-value equity, brand equity, and relationship quality-thus fostering brand loyalty. Similarly, brand love has been found to mediate the relationship between SMMAs and brand loyalty (Ahmed, 2021, Riady and Kusumawati, 2023, Algharabat, 2017. The findings revealed that SMMAs positively influence self-expressive brands (both inner and social), enhancing brand love and, consequently, brand loyalty (Algharabat, 2017). ...
This research employs the Hierarchy of effects (HOE) theory to analyze the profound effect of Social Media Marketing Activities (SMMAs) on social media users’ thinking, feeling, and doing in Vietnam. Specifically, the study delves into how SMMAs shape brand loyalty through brand awareness, perceived quality, commitment, and trust. Data was meticulously gathered from 540 social media users in Vietnam. The study utilized advanced techniques such as Partial Least Squares Algorithm, Bootstrapping, and PLSpredict/CVPAT analysis with the support of Smart-PLS 4 software. The compelling findings reveal that SMMAs significantly influence brand awareness, fostering positive perceptions of brand quality (perceived quality). This, in turn, leads to the development of trust in the brand, encourages long-term commitment, and ultimately positively impacts brand loyalty. This valuable insight can empower managers to leverage these mechanisms in formulating and executing strategies to fortify customer loyalty to their brand.
... As social media users continue to rise, social media usage has become one of the most popular online activities [8]. This trend has made social media marketing an increasingly popular and effective communication channel [9,36]. ...
This study aims to validate the model on the effects of social media marketing activities on the perceived values of social media marketing activities and the effects of these perceived values on online brand engagement and, consequently, on brand loyalty. The data used in this study were collected through an online self-administered survey of 501 young social media users in Vietnam. Partial Least Squares Algorithm, Bootstrapping, PLSpredict/CVPAT, and Multi-Group Analysis methods embedded in Smart-PLS software were used to validate the measurement model and test the research hypotheses. The findings confirm that the positive effects of social media marketing activities on brand loyalty are transmitted through the perceived values of these activities and online brand engagement. These effects are more substantial for luxury brands compared to non-luxury brands. Importantly, our study offers a new approach to explaining the impact of social media marketing activities on brand loyalty by focusing on the perceived values of these activities and their effects on online brand engagement. To enhance brand loyalty, businesses should prioritize creating hedonic and utilitarian values through their social media marketing activities and use these values and online brand engagement as key performance indicators for planning and controlling their strategies.
... However, to the best of our knowledge, in the previous literature, there are few linkages between social media usage time and customer loyalty. According to Ahmed (2022), the intensity of social media usage, which could be interpreted as the time spent connected to these platforms, acts as a moderator of marketing actions on loyalty through social media. Nevertheless, no research has been conducted on whether the duration of SNS usage affects each of the variables that compose customer loyalty. ...
This paper aims to shed light on the potential influence of daily usage time of social media on customer loyalty through social media. The main objective is to identify, on the one hand, possible generational differences regarding usage time and, on the other, what characteristics of social media posts impacting loyal customer outcomes are most affected by usage time. To this end, after an exhaustive review of the current state of the art, an online survey was conducted in the last quarter of 2022 with a sample of 485 individuals to assess their opinions and intentions toward different types of social media posts. Attitudinal responses were collected for 12 study variables, and an independence test and a series of regressions were conducted to validate the hypotheses. The results indicate that there are indeed generational differences in social media usage time. Additionally, it was observed that usage time is a significant predictor of social media loyalty in general and, specifically, for loyalty created through posts with relevant content, campaigns with incentives, and popular content among friends. Among the conclusions of this study is the applicability to the business sector, regarding the various considerations that companies should take into account based on their communication objectives and the target user profile, as well as the type of social media posts they should consider.
... The second most important result of the present study is related to the negative moderating effect of social media usage frequency. Recent research, i.e., [127], also considered a similar moderator (i.e., social media usage intensity) in a social media marketing-related topic. As stated before, the impact of perceived SMMAs on brand equity and purchase intentions has been studied in the literature. ...
Although there are studies in the literature investigating the effect of social media marketing activities (SMMAs) on brand equity and purchase intentions, scant information is available regarding consumers’ attachment to social media (ASM) and usage frequency considering the abovementioned variables. Accordingly, one of the main purposes of this study is to investigate the effect of consumers’ ASM on their perceptions of SMMAs. The second main purpose of this study is to test whether social media usage frequency has a moderating effect regarding the impact of perceived SMMAs on brand equity and purchase intentions. Questionnaires were collected face-to-face and a data set of 907 Turkish youth consumers were evaluated. Two major international technology brands were selected for the purposes of this study. Hypotheses were tested using structural equation modeling and the bootstrapping method for mediation analysis. The results showed that ASM and social media usage frequency are distinctive factors in the context of perceived SMMAs. Consumers’ ASM creates a psychological difference that positively affects their perceptions of brands’ SMMAs. Moreover, social media usage frequency negatively moderates the effect of perceived SMMAs on brand equity and purchase intentions. Another important finding is that brand equity partially mediates the impact of perceived SMMAs on purchase intentions. The present article describes the first study to test the effect of consumers’ ASM on perceived SMMAs and to investigate the moderating effect of social media usage frequency regarding the effect of perceived SMMAs on brand equity and purchase intentions. The conceptual framework contains both a mediator and moderator that generated additional insights into the literature regarding the context of this study.
... The research concluded that 39% of brand managers intend to augment their budget for SMIs (Tiago et al., 2023). Despite the rapid growth of influencer marketing, a few investigations have emphasized the role of SMIs in their ability to affect BL (Ahmed, 2022;Aljuhmani et al., 2023;Vrontis et al., 2021). ...
... In this study, the SOR model posits that SMIs (stimuli) can impact customers' cognitive and emotional states, subsequently fostering BL (response). However, several studies have discussed CBE as a mediating variable in a cause-andeffect model to examine the association between antecedents and outcome variables (Ahmed, 2022;Aljuhmani et al., 2023;Ittefaq et al., 2024;Ki et al., 2022). This study intends to investigate the intervening role of CBE's non-behavioral elements (cognitive and emotional) as a one-dimensional construct in a connection between SMIs homophily and BL on social media platforms. ...
... According to earlier studies, SMMA and brand love are related [29][30][31], and these marketing initiatives may increase customer brand love. They suggest that when customers have a favorable opinion of SMMA, they are more likely to like a brand. ...
... Social media platforms are becoming more and more popular around the world; by 2020, there will be over 3.6 billion users, and by 2025, there should be about 4.41 billion. Social media has become deeply ingrained in consumers' lives, significantly shaping their attitudes, opinions, and actions [2]. Social media marketing activities (SMMA) have become an essential tool for businesses to interact with their customers and promote their products as the number of people using social media continues to climb [3]. ...
... There are researcsh that explains that all dimensions of SMMA, namely interaction, entertainment, customisation, trends, and word-ofmouth (WOM) will positively and significantly influence consumer purchasing decisions. [10], [15], [2]. Thus, it can be said that SMMA has an impact on consumers' decision-making process when making purchases. ...
... This study tested the mediating influence of shop love and moderating social media usage intensity. PLS-SEM offers flexibility in model design, enabling researchers to examine multiple associations and moderating or mediating effects [2]. ...
... According to Cheung et al., (2020) these two way communication can facilitate customers to understading the brand's value and lead the bonding between brands and customers [12,19]. ...
Aims: The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors that influence SMMA such as Entertainment, Interactivity, Trendy, Customization, and E-WoM on Relationship Equity and Customer Loyalty on the @somethincofficial Instagram account. Study Design: This study employs a quantitative approach. Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted in Indonesia between January and February 2023. Methodology: The methodology used in this study uses a quantitative approach with a purposive sampling technique. The criteria for respondents in this study were active users of Instagram social media aged 21 years and over and who had previously purchased Somethinc products. The number of respondents taken in this study was 262 respondents. Data processing uses the PLS-SEM method. The variables used in this research are Entertainment, Interactivity, Trendy, Customization, E-WoM, Relationship Equity, and Customer Loyalty. Results: The results of this study indicate that entertainment has no positive effect on relationship equity. Interactivity has a positive effect on Relationship Equity. Trendy has a positive effect on Relationship Equity. Customization has no positive effect on Relationship Equity. E-WoM has a positive effect on Relationship Equity. While Relationship Equity has a positive effect on Customer Loyalty. The results of this research are expected to help related companies in developing strong relationships with customers based on the brand's social media activity.
... The reason is that perceived hedonic or experiential value of a product can generate stronger emotional responses from consumer (Hirschman and Holbrook, 1982) that are channeled to specific brand in the product category. Brand love is an emotional concept (Bergkvist and Bech-Larsen, 2010;Ahmed, 2021). It is anticipated when consumer develops favorable attitude towards renting a product, such renting attitude is largely hedonic or experiential in nature (Moeller and Wittkowski, 2010;Lawson et al., 2016). ...
Abstract: The increasing reports of bullying and cyberbullying in school settings in recent years are undeniable and have been recognized as a serious public health problem. Conventional and cyberbullying have been a problem not just in Pakistan's higher educational institutions, but also in primary and secondary schools. Despite statistics showing higher levels of bullying and cyber risk behaviours in youngsters, policies and interventions designed to control conventional and cyberbullying consequences are rare in Pakistan’s context. This paper aims to identify bullying strategies in different academic settings by examining teachers' perspectives and experiences. Four hundred and fifty-four teachers working in various educational institutions completed an online survey that provided data to draw conclusions and provide a better sense of the status in educational institutions in Pakistan. According to the results, teachers witness verbal and social bullying more often than online and physical bullying. In addition, lower-grade teachers reported noticing more physical bullying than higher-grade educators. Facebook is reported to be the most common platform that students use to harass each other. In addition, we found significant differences between rural and urban teachers' experiences of social bullying. In Pakistan, bullying intervention strategies should be developed and integrated into
educational institutions. The presented data are being used to design customized anti-bullying interventions that are culturally and socially appropriate for Pakistan's educational institutions.
Increasingly, brands are using social media to attract consumers. However, it is not clear how social media activities influence consumers. To address this, the study examines the role of social media marketing (SMM) activities on consumer-based brand equity and continued usage intentions. The study also examines the moderating role of education.
The study utilized consumer-based brand equity (CBBE) and stimulus organism response (SOR) theories to develop a conceptual model. SMM activities were used as stimulus, whereas continued usage intentions were used as response. Also, the study used elements of CBBE as organisms. A survey-based questionnaire approach was used to collect data from 326 consumers. The collected data were analysed using structural equation modelling.
Results indicate that SMM activities are associated with elements of CBBE. Also, elements of CBBE shape continued usage intentions of consumers. The results of the multigroup analysis suggest the differences among the three groups with respect to their education level. The study’s findings enable managers to understand CBBE and continued usage behaviour of their customers and provide guidelines to manage their SMM activities.
The study findings are first to empirically test the effects of SMM activities on CBBE and continued usage behaviour. The results show that the stimulus strongly shapes CBBE and their continued intention to purchase brands. The findings contribute to the literature on SMM activities, CBBE and offer novel managerial implications.