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Source publication
This study aims to analyze the socio-economics of coastal communities living coexistent with mangrove ecosystems in the Sub-district of Klamana, Sorong City. The descriptive method was employed along with satellite imagery interpretation, spatial data processing, and analysis using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to analyze the socio-economic...
Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... research was conducted in September 2019 in Klamana Sub-district, East Sorong District, Sorong city, West Papua Province. The location is shown in Figure 1. The term 'district' is an administrative term in Papua similar to the sub-district which refers to Law No. 23 of 2014 concerning the Regional Government. ...
Context 2
... health facilities are adequate and the radius is not far from the settlement; this makes it easier for people who need health services. The types of facilities and the radius, as well as the spatial / health facility mapping, are shown in Table 3, Figures 10, and Figure 11. Based on SNI 03-173303- -198903- and SNI 03-173303- -2004, the need for health facilities is sufficient. ...
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