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Background: Mission statements have come to play an important role as tools for organizational value sharing. Objectives: This study aims to shed light on what types of values are highlighted in international airline alliance members’ mission statements, and whether there are significant differences or not. Methods/Approach: Quantitative content an...

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... is collected, qualitative and quantitative analyses are carried out, and finally, based on the results, theoretical discussions are conducted. Table 3 summarizes the research design in this study. ...

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The hotel industry undeniably holds strong market power. Its economic impact can affect the infrastructural, economic, and digital development of a particular region. In addition to numerous advantages, digital development has also posed certain challenges for the hotel industry, such as fierce competition and a struggle for market power, which in...


... It includes a company's unique values and beliefs (Seo and Itoh, 2019;Williams, 2008), social contributions, and roles (Collis and Rukstad, 2008;Drucker, 1994). A mission determines future goals, ideals, long-term vision, planning, and strategic direction (Ackoff, 1999;Bartkus et al., 2000;Seo, 2020;Williams, 2008). Depending on the organization, a mission is also known as a statement of belief, creed, defining business, philosophy, principles, and purpose (David, 1989;Pearce and David, 1987). ...
... Developing a suitable mission for the organization is generally the most critical and sensitive step in the company's strategic process (Barney, 2007;David, 1989;Pearce and David, 1987). As a mission helps determine strategic priorities and can sometimes be used for work assignments, planning, and management (Corté s et al., 2022;Pearce and David, 1987), for modern companies, it is widely recognized and used as a standard strategic tool (Alegre et al., 2018;Seo, 2020;Yozgat and Karataş, 2011). A company's mission can contribute to communication with various stakeholders, including customers, employees, investors, and communities (King et al., 2010). ...
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Rapidly changing business environments and fierce competition are making it increasingly difficult for modern companies to maintain competitive advantage and accomplish business longevity. This study can fill the research gap in mission research and longevity research, and provides implications on what form and content of mission should be selected when determining the direction of a company’s corporate strategy. Although a company’s mission is a communication tool that represents the company’s strategic priorities and unique values, it has rarely been considered an important factor in business longevity. This study conducts a content analysis of the mission statements of 43 companies in the Henokiens Association to clarify the linkage between a company’s mission and business longevity and the configurations of long-lived firms’ missions. Our results show most long-lived firms have clear missions and perceptions of familism expansion. The firms’ past, present, and future additions to their concern for products, business growth, unique philosophy, and stakeholders are highlighted in their mission statements. Therefore, the main theoretical contribution of focusing on the corporate mission as a factor of business longevity in this study is not only a new approach to the longevity factor, but also the discovery of new values of the mission in strategic management research. The practical contribution of this study is that it reveals that companies seeking long-term competitive advantage in the market need to design, possess, and share a high-quality mission from a long-term perspective and instill the ideology of extended familyism. It can also provide hints about strategic priorities for small, family-run businesses facing threats to their survival.
... The current study will help internal stakeholders in digital companies to plan a way forward. Seo (2020) undertook a quantitative content analysis using a one-way ANOVA test, and Chi-square test on the mission statements of various airlines to identify the unique values linked to competitive advantage based on airline alliances. Apart from these, researchers have tried to gauge the impact of mission statements on the financial performance of companies. ...
The purpose of this study was to conduct an investigation of the Forbes Top 100 digital companies’ Mission statements (MS) and the impact they have on each firm’s performance, as reflected by their rankings. For the purpose of study, the financial performance data of these companies has been taken from the 2019 Forbes list of Top 100 Digital Companies. The mission statements of these companies have been collected from their respective corporate websites, company documents, and their official social media handles. A positive correlation was observed between number of stakeholders covered through the MS and the firm’s return on assets. Digital companies that mentioned ‘employees’ in their MS have performed significantly better than other firms. Additionally, digital firms which showed ‘concern for societal benefits’ through their MS also performed better. This research underlines the importance of incorporating words such as ‘employees’ as well as having ‘societal orientations’ while designing the MS in digital organizations.
... Indeed, such an analysis is linguistic to certain degree and also resembles detection of genres in literature studies, which is a bit unusual in both business and environmental research. Nonetheless, the previous investigations have demonstrated that such an analysis is essential for understanding corporate strategic intentions (Alegre et al., 2018;Hieu & Vu, 2021;Pearce & David, 1987;Seo, 2020;Yadav & Sehgal, 2019). Importantly, it involves not only wordby-word and phrase-by-phrase "counting," but also interpretations of the meanings related to corporate priorities and within the well-fixed methodological frame. ...
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Lithium mining is a rising sector of the world’s mining industry, and it is strongly tied to various sustainability issues. The mission statements of selected lithium mining corporations are analyzed qualitatively, quantitatively, and semiquantitatively to reveal their top strategic priorities, which determine corporate policy in this sector. It is established that these statements focus most commonly on philosophy, product, and technology. Two thirds of the considered corporations pay attention to sustainability. Although nine-related themes are identified, the most common from them is general sustainability, which makes sustainability-related notions sounding too vague. Attributing these themes to major categories permits to realize that social sustainability is significantly more important to the considered corporations than environmental sustainability, and various important issues (e.g., recycling) are not addressed. Relatively to the other top strategic priorities, sustainability is often considered marginally, and the only two corporations boast sustainability-focused mission statements. Generally, the corporate policy in lithium mining demonstrates attention to sustainability issues, but it needs various improvements in this aspect. It is established that this policy concerns more than a half of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The present study contributes to answering a major research question about the readiness of modern corporations to put some higher purposes on their strategic agenda.
... The research gaps correspond to biases in the understanding of the real content of vision statements and their industry-specific features. The existing literature indicates the general way this gap can be filled: the analysis of vision statements can be performed similarly to that of the other corporate strategic statements (Alegre et al. 2018;Hieu and Vu 2021;Pearce and David 1987;Seo 2020;Yadav and Sehgal 2019). It should be stressed that the objects of such an analysis are statements (short text passages), not the entire corporate web-pages where they are placed. ...
... The analysis includes two basic procedures, which are rather common in this research direction (Alegre et al. 2018;Hieu and Vu 2021;Pearce and David 1987;Seo 2020;Yadav and Sehgal 2019). First, the entirety of the collected vision statements is checked to identify the presence of some general topics reflecting key foci of the corporate strategic intentions in maritime logistics. ...
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The importance of maritime logistics for the world’s economy necessitates urgent investigations of the corporate strategies in this industry. The present case study aims to examine the vision statements of the largest (by cargo capacity) companies of maritime logistics. Methodologically, it follows the previous research focused on the elements of corporate strategic communication: the principal components of the vision statements are distinguished, and their frequencies are calculated. Additionally, the similarity between all pairs of statements is measured. A total of twelve components are established, namely, service, customers, quality, business, geography, image, staff, history, innovation, sustainability, society, and environment. The most common from them are service and business, and the least common are history and staff. The contents of the vision statements differ to a certain degree between West European and East Asian companies. It is established that the average similarity of the vision statements is low. This case study provides an example for judgments about industry-level corporate strategic communication with vision statements. It contributes to the existing literature revealing the diversity of these statements. From the practical point of view, the study provides the information for designing vision statements by managers, who may choose from a wide set of components and should not forget about such important issues as the staff or environment.
... As in many other studies dealing with corporate communication tools [31,81,87,[96][97][98][99], this study involves two approaches. The famous article about mission statements [31] is used as a kind of template, as it demonstrates how a new strategic communication tool can be introduced to the academic community. ...
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Strategic communication is essential to corporations in all industries, including agriculture. In this paper, the idea of corporate web positioning is developed using the example of agricultural corporations (agroholdings) in Russia. This idea reflects companies’ self-understanding communicated online to its customers, partners, competitors, broad public, and state. In our study, webpages of 50 Russian agroholdings were examined to judge their web positioning. The principal approach was qualitative identification of the common themes, which was followed by the analysis of the frequency of these themes. The content analysis of the webpages allowed identification of five general themes of corporate web positioning, namely customer satisfaction, national leadership, the company itself, business focus, and innovative technologies, and three supplementary themes such as natural/ecological products, healthy products, and own products (full-cycle production). It was established that customer satisfaction and national leadership are the most common general themes (two-thirds of all considered corporations). Our other finding was that the supplementary themes were registered for a third of the analyzed corporations. All themes matched the urgent aspects of the modern agriculture. Further interpretations show that the Russian peculiarities of the corporate web positioning in agriculture can be explained within the national socio-economical context. It is recommended that top managers of agroholdings should realize the already existing diversity of web positioning and try to explore new themes for effective strategic communication.
... It predicts changes to the global mean surface temperature. Whereas the Radiative Forcing Index (RFI) is the ratio of total radiative forcing to that from CO 2 emissions alone and measures the importance of aircraft-induced climate change other than that from the release of fossil carbon alone [43]. ...
Global carbon emissions have been rapidly increasing in recent years, negatively influencing the global climate. Thereby, it is urgent to reduce carbon emissions and achieve carbon neutrality. During the COVID-19 pandemic, strict quarantine plans have led to a sharp decline in the number of international student flights, which will, in turn, decrease aviation carbon emissions. This study predicts the carbon emission reduction caused by the decrease in international student mobility during the COVID-19. The result shows that the carbon emission was about 1326 Gg, a staggering value equivalent to two-thirds of the carbon emissions of the UK’s agriculture sector in a year. Furthermore, this study analyzes the implications of current mitigation policies and makes recommendations for future strategies.
... However,currently,itcanbesaidthatLCCsfacecriticalchallenges.Fundamentally,theaviation industryisvulnerabletoexternalchangessuchasachangeintheoilprice,changesinthedemandof globalpassengers,theeffectofdiseasepandemicsandterrorismattacks (Amernic&Craig,2004;Seo, 2020).Besides,theyhavealow-profitmargin.Besides,airlineshaveasimilarbusinessmodeland offersimilarproducts (Seo&Itoh,2020).Currently,evenfullservice(FS)airlinesprovideslightly lowflightfares,andLCCshavecometofaceunavoidableall-outcompetitionwithfull-servicecarriers (FSCs) (Hunter,2006;Rozenbergetal.,2014;Castillo-Manzanoetal.,2017).Furthermore,theentry ofnewLCairlineshasledtoevenmorefiercecompetitionintheaviationindustry. ...
... Thisstudyadoptsacomprehensivecontentanalysis.AccordingtoRiffeetal.(p. 19),"contentanalysis isthesystematicandreplicableexaminationofsymbolsofcommunication,whichhavebeenassigned numericvaluesaccordingtovalidmeasurementrules,andtheanalysisofrelationshipsinvolving those values using statistical methods, to describe the communication, draw inferences about its meaning,orinferfromthecommunicationtoitscontext,bothofproductionandconsumption".The meritofcontentanalysisisthatscholarscanavoidthebiasarisingfromtheprocessofidentifying databecausethismethodisbasedonanonreactivemeasurementtechniqueandthedataisseparate fromitsproductionandconsumption(Riffeetal.,2014).Thetextminingmethodusedinthisstudy isalsoconsideredaformofcontentanalysisbroadlydefined,becausetextminingsharesthesame approachwithcontentanalysisinthatprominentpatternsandtheappearanceofinformationhave asignificantmeaning,andtextminingaimstocatchusefulknowledgefromsuchpatterns.Sucha methodologycanbeusedasastrongstudytoolforcatchingmeaningfulinformationandknowledge forscholarsandpractitionersinrapidlychangingindustrialsectorsandbusinessprocessesincluding theaviationindustry(Sanjaetal.,2017;Krsticetal.,2019;Pejic-Bachetal.,2020). ...
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Since Southwest Airlines' disruptive innovation was introduced, low-cost carriers (LCCs) have had a prominent impact on the aviation industry. Therefore, considerable attention has been paid to the LCC model. However, it is still not clear whether it is a successful disruptive innovation, or what factors and differentiation points for successful LCC service exist from the passengers' perspective. As this study's methodology, quantitative and qualitative content analyses are conducted using the word-of-mouth data of 1,854 passengers of 20 airlines. This study found that the LCC model is perceived as a successful disruptive innovation from the passengers' point of view. For successful LCC service, LC airlines should offer higher quality services than passengers' expectations using basic service elements. Also, good staff characteristics, leaving a professional impression, and providing good optional services could play a role as differentiation tools.
... Law and Breznik (2018) apply content analysis and network analysis to airline mission statements to identify airlines embedded values, and Lin et al. (2018) use airlines mission statements to develop a framework of mission statement components. Seo (2020) detects shared values between airline alliance members by analyzing and comparing the content of 61 airlines mission statements. Annual reports have also been used as a data source. ...
Previous studies have identified key trends affecting the door-to-door air travel chain, to inform organizational decision making. However, the extent to which transport service providers consider strategically relevant trends remains unclear. This study adopts the novel scope of door-to-door air travel in applying multi-labeled text classification models to 52 corporate reports from a sample of transport service providers. Trends identified from a literature review are used to develop seven classes. Two prototype models are developed: a dictionary-based classifier, and a supervised learning model using the multinomial naive Bayes and linear support vector machine classifiers. The latter yields the best model output. The results reveal that providers consider environmentally-friendly air transport and related products to be highly relevant, while disruption management, leveraging passengers data and improving airport feeder traffic through novel mobility concepts are considered to be of medium relevance. These models enable cheaper and quicker analysis of companies textual data. This innovative approach is also applicable to other research questions, such as market studies and finance-related projects.
... With the increase in the market presence of global airline alliances, many scholars have begun to pay attention to this issue. In past studies, the network strategies of global airline alliances [16], factors of alliance's success [17], differences among mission statements of the three global airline alliances [18], themes related to who benefits from an alliance [19], and human resource management issues of global airline alliances [20] were discussed. In particular, the impacts of airlines participating in alliances, namely the competitive advantages of global airline alliances, have been a central topic in this research field. ...
... There are various research methods and approaches across several research disciplines, and these methodologies have been useful for measuring the firm side's competitive advantages. For example, review research [19], economic research models using airlines' panel data [4,5], information management research using firms' information data [18], a business management research method that utilizes airlines' performance data [25], and empirical studies through questionnaire surveys of firms' managers and passengers [7,8,29] have been done. However, it can be said that research using semantic methodologies that shed light on passengers' complex perceptions of airlines and alliances' service levels, and the sentiments they experienced, are still very rare [4]. ...
... Due to the characteristic "anti-competitiveness" of global alliances, they harm the overall social surplus, and thereby negatively affect passengers [48]. Besides, airlines' destinations shrink as alliances monopolize flight routes [18]. ...
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Over the past several decades, the aviation industry has been reshaped, centering on global alliances, and these have grown exponentially. However, it is still not clear whether they are achieving sustained competitive advantages, and what are the specific competitive advantages of the three alliances (oneworld, SkyTeam, Star Alliance) arising on the customer side. This study aims to examine whether global alliance groups outperform the non-alliance group, how the three alliances differ regarding passengers’ perceptions, and what their competitive advantages are. A hybrid text mining analysis was adopted as this study’s method. Frequency tests, t-tests, one-way analysis of variance tests, and three-step mediated regression analyses were performed using 6393 ordinal and word-of-mouth (WOM) data. We found that the degree of passengers’ perceptions of alliances was low, the non-alliance group outperformed the alliance groups, and there were no significant differences between alliances on service rating and sentiment score. Only oneworld has competitive advantages that link to passengers’ service rating and sentiment score. These findings imply that alliances could not ensure competitive advantages that derive from customers’ perceptions, and although passengers partly perceived several selling points, their differentiation strategies are not successful.
Purpose This paper aims to compare the mission statements of Indian and Singaporean firms in the healthcare sector, and define the main components of Indian and Singaporean mission statements. Design/methodology/approach The study was based on a network analytic approach and content analysis. The research was performed on 200 companies (100 Indian companies and 100 Singaporean companies). For each company, we searched for a mission statement published in the company website. Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (NMF) in Python programming language was utilized to obtain the differences in the components of mission statements between Indian and Singaporean firms. Findings The study results indicate a similarity and variation between Indian and Singaporean mission statements. Both countries are more concerned about patients, service, community, quality, and healthcare in their mission statements, but Indian mission statements emphasize quality, affordable price, and technology more than Singaporean firms. In contrast, Singaporean mission statements tend to highlight innovation and company value. This research will assist strategic managers in identifying the mission statement components and choosing the right strategy for the organization. Originality/value This study contributes to the literature and ethos theory by identifying and distinguishing the paramount differences between the Indian and Singaporean mission statement components in the healthcare sector.