Regression Analysis

Regression Analysis

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In this study we examine the determinants of the capital adequacy ratios of the US financial institutions over the period 2012-2017. Using a dataset of 2135 bank-year observations, results show that financial institutions with high operating expenses as a percentage of revenues have lower capital adequacy ratios. This is an indication that bank ine...

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... This aligns with Dewi and Yadnya's research [2], which found that bank size has a significant effect on CAR. However, this contrasts with Charitou's research [3], which states that bank size has no effect on CAR. ...
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This paper analyzes the impact of CRAMEL model on commercial banks financial performance working in Pakistan. Firm financial performance used as dependent variable e.g. ROA, ROE and TQ whereas Capital Adequacy, Resource Allocation, Asset Quality, Management Efficiency, Earning Profitability and Liquidity were used as independent variables. Panel data was analyzed through ordinary least square, fixed effect and random effect models. Secondary data of twenty listed commercial banks on Pakistan stock exchange are used from the period of 2008 to 2017. Result of fixed effect model provided significant positive relationship among CA, RA and ROA, ROE, whereas EP and LIQ have substantial negative association with ROA and ROE. There is insignificant relation of AQ and EP with ROA and ROE. Furthermore, EP has substantial positive association with Tobin's Q whereas RA, ME and LIQ has substantial negative relation with Tobin's Q. Lastly CA and AQ have insignificant impact on Tobin's Q.