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Recorded music supply chain with blockchain technology. 

Recorded music supply chain with blockchain technology. 

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Conference Paper
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This paper explores the impact of blockchain on the music industry with a focus on the implications technology can have for artists. By investigating the industry's supply chain, we argue that the on-demand streaming platforms (e.g. Spotify and Apple Music) have allowed consumers to easily access music products but have introduced a level of interm...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... P2P network promise to give the power back to Artists and eliminate the need for intermediaries, creating a direct bridge between the artists and consumers. As shown in Figure 3, the main expectation is that music creators publish their songs directly in Blockchain Networks, without needing intermediaries. After that, platforms powered by these networks would reach consumers, reducing transactional costs, allowing artists to access data generated by the transactions, and creating a more efficient system for royalty payments. ...
Context 2
... technology comes as a potential solution to the generators of monopolistic power for intermediators, namely distribution channels, information asymmetry and royalty payments. This P2P network promise to give the power back to Artists and eliminate the need for intermediaries, creating a direct bridge between the artists and consumers. As shown in Figure 3, the main expectation is that music creators publish their songs directly in Blockchain Networks, without needing intermediaries. After that, platforms powered by these networks would reach consumers, reducing transactional costs, allowing artists to access data generated by the transactions, and creating a more efficient system for royalty payments. Even though this would be the ideal scenario, note that, nowadays, most mainstream artists are under contract with one of the Majors, which prevents them to go straight from creation to the blockchain networks. While legal contractual issues are not within the scope of this paper, it is safe to say that this constraint would cause a blockage in this envisioned supply chain. One alternative would be not to eliminate the intermediates, but to change their roles within the chain. Thus, instead of acting as a revenue collector and representative of the musicians' intellectual property (IP), Record Labels would act as collectors of usage information, as well as continue to provide technical, production and marketing assistance according to the scope of each individual agreement. The responsibility regarding royalty payments, including the intermediates share, and the assurance of information transparency, would still be granted by the Blockchain ...

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... Nevertheless, since its launch in 2015, UJO Music has not managed to tap into a mass market. In contrast, between 2015 and 2020, Spotify has increased its number of monthly active users from 91 million listeners to 345 million (Sitonio & Nucciarelli, 2018;Spotify Technology S.A., 2020). In the meantime, UJO Music's service has become unavailable. ...
Blockchain technology enables the automated recording of information and execution of contract content – utilizing so-called Smart Contracts – without relying on trusted intermediaries (Beck et al., 2016). A blockchain is best described as a decentralized digital ledger (Atzori, 2015). The decentralized data storage on the blockchain makes the recorded information tamper-proof and creates transparency along the value chain. Therefore blockchain changes fundamentally the way data and information are processed (Al-Jaroodi & Mohamed, 2019; Avital et al., 2016). This has given rise to numerous use cases for blockchain in a wide range of industries. Fundamentally, blockchain technology can be used at any time when information needs to be stored in an automated and tamper-proof manner (Crosby et al., 2016). In the financial industry, blockchain helps to automate peer-to-peer transactions. This makes middlemen obsolete, which can reduce transaction costs (Cai, 2018). In the public health sector, blockchain is primarily used for decentralized storage of patient records. By using blockchain technology, these patient records are secured against manipulation and unauthorized access by third parties (Mettler, 2016). Another interesting use case can be seen in the electricity market. Blockchain technology makes it possible to integrate micro producers of electricity, such as private households, into the power grid in a cost-efficient way (Cheng et al., 2017). However, blockchain technology also offers several applications in the creative industries to support the daily work of professionals. The term creative industries encompasses industries and sectors which hold intellectual property at the core of their value creation (Caves, 2000). According to DCMS (1998),creative industries include not only classic art sectors such as fine art, painting or crafting, but also areas such as marketing, game developing, film and video or music. As the main drivers of innovation, the creative industries have a steadily increasing influence on the overall economic impact. Often, ideas, products and services from the creative industries ultimately flow into other areas, such as the automotive sector, and support them in achieving their entrepreneurial goals (Banks, 2010; Jones et al., 2004). In order to continuously maintain the position as an innovation driver, a certain form of organization has prevailed in the creative industries. For the creative industries to react flexibly to new requirements and a constantly changing environment, work is usually carried out as project-based (DeFillippi, 2015). For this purpose, the teams of the project-based organization are predominantly formed using freelancers who are specialists in the required field. As a result, many recurring organizational activities arise, such as contracting, team finding or onboarding (DeFillippi, 2015; Eikhof & Haunschild, 2006). Therefore, professionals from the creative industries have to spend significant time on activities that do not serve their core task of creating intellectual property. These tasks not only reduce the efficiency of their work, but also hinder their creative flow (Foord, 2009; Hennekam & Bennett, 2016). In this regard, blockchain represents a promising technology to support professionals in the creative industries. For the creative industries, blockchain is primarily used to automate formal processes and secure intellectual property rights (O’Dair, 2018). Blockchain technology enables artists and creatives more freedom for their own creative activities. By automating repetitive activities, professionals from the creative industries are freed from typical management tasks (Arcos, 2018; Cong & He, 2019). Furthermore, for the first time, intellectual property can be secured in a cost- and time-efficient way by utilizing blockchain technology. This is made possible by the decentralized nature of the blockchain, which makes subsequent manipulation of the contents of the intellectual property impossible (Avital et al., 2016; Beck et al., 2016; Regner et al., 2019). Ultimately, the use of so-called Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) create the opportunity for artists and creatives to sell unique digital art (Regner et al., 2019). Thus, blockchain generates entirely new ways for creative industries to organize their projects and opens new markets to sell their work. While several use cases of blockchain technology can be identified in the creative industries, the widespread use of blockchain is still lacking. So far, no Blockchain service or blockchain application has managed to take a dominant market position in the creative industries. At first sight, this seems surprising since artists and creatives could fundamentally benefit from this technology. At the same time, professionals from the creative industries would not be dependent on middlemen or central entities. This circumstance gave the impulse for the research presented in this thesis. I was able to identify that professionals from the creative industries are still underutilizing blockchain technology for three main reasons: (1) When using blockchain technology, professionals from the creative industries experience strong resistance from their stakeholders, who want to prevent the use of blockchain. (2) The perceived constraints by artists and creatives in using blockchain still deter many from using this technology extensively. (3) Several blockchain applications lack a persuasive design, resulting in many artists and creatives continue to prefer conventional services and products.
... The availability of music on every platform is made possible by developing and deploying modern and intelligent techniques. Sitonio and Nucciarelli (2018) have developed a study to determine the impact of blockchain technology on the music sector while considering the effect on artists by the developing technology. Due to advanced applications like Apple Music, the listeners are now provided with particular music in no time. ...
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With the development and advancement of information technology, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are applied in every sector of life. Among these applications, music is one that has gained attention in the last couple of years. AI-based innovative and intelligent techniques are revolutionising the music industry. It is very convenient for composers to compose music of high quality using these technologies. Artificial intelligence and music (AIM) is one of the emerging fields used to generate and manage sounds for different media like the Internet, games, etc. Sound effects in games are very effective and can be made more attractive by implementing AI approaches. The quality of the sounds in the game directly impacts the productivity and experience of the player. With computer-assisted technologies, game designers can create sounds for different scenarios or situations like horror and suspense and provide gamers with information. The practical and productive audio of a game can guide visually impaired people during other events in the game. For the better creation and composition of music, a good quality of knowledge about musicology is essential. Due to AIM, there are a lot of intelligent and interactive tools available for the efficient and effective learning of music. Learners can be provided with a very reliable and interactive environment based on artificial intelligence. The current study has considered presenting a detailed overview of the literature available in the area of research. The study has demonstrated literature analysis from various perspectives, which will provide evidence for researchers to devise novel solutions in the field.
... This study addresses some gaps that exist in the literature: (1) Being one of the important and liked concept studied, music still has not reached its peak; (2) Sitonio and Nucciarelli (2018) investigated whether block-chain has any impact on music industry, whereas this study tests the association between musicians and music products with the addition of moderation impact in Malaysian music industry; (3) Pelloquin (2020) worked on music industry-related career advancement barrier, whereas this tested the association between musicians and music products with the addition of other variables like resistance toward innovation and psychological insecurity in Malaysian music industry; (4) checked whether the music industry can be a part of colleges' music-related programs, whereas this study tests the association between musicians and music products with the addition of other variables like resistance toward innovation and psychological insecurity in Malaysian music industry; (5) the model is not tested before in Malaysia, hence this study checks the model in a Malaysian perspective with new data set; (6) Chen et al. (2022) worked on the music products' marketing strategy, whereas this study works on the music products' creations in Malaysia with the addition of moderation effect. The significance of the study is as follows: (1) it highlights the importance of the music industry in Malaysia which is not at its peak; (2) it helps music industry-related academicians and professionals revamp their policies to support for the betterment of the music industry in Malaysia; (3) it helps the researchers to identify the importance of the music-related product for any country like Malaysia; (4) it provides the importance of innovation adoption in the music industry, while resistance to innovation reduces the creative music products; and (5) it helps the new researchers in examining this area in the future. ...
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Recently, uncreative music products have become a global issue due to the unhappy musicians and resistance to innovation that needs researchers’ focus. This article explores the impact of unhappy musicians and resistance to innovation on uncreative music products in Malaysia. This article also investigates the moderating role of psychological security among the relationships of unhappy musicians, resistance to innovation, and uncreative music products in Malaysia. This study has applied the questionnaire method to gather the primary data from the selected respondents. The researchers have also applied the smart-PLS to check the nexus among constructs and test the hypotheses. The results revealed that unhappy musicians and resistance to innovation have a significant and positive linkage with uncreative music products in Malaysia. The results also revealed that psychological security significantly moderates the linkage among unhappy musicians, resistance to innovation, and uncreative music products in Malaysia. Thus, this study guides the regulators to develop the regulations to reduce the unhappiness among musicians and motivates the regulators to adopt innovation to increase the creative music product in Malaysia.
... The aggregator, which are digital distribution companies in this case, have simplified the supply chain for smaller and independent artists, as the following chart shows. (Sitonio & Nucciarelli, 2018) The value chain for smaller and independent artists got simplified, but the abovementioned figures ...
... There is a lot of criticism when it comes to the current value chain. The total and flow of payment for major artists has decreased due to the revenue stream that Aggregators have created (Sitonio & Nucciarelli, 2018). Independent artists have an efficient mechanism to publish music on the internet, but they have been facing severe issues with the payment of their royalties (Sydell & Selyukh, 2015). ...
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This thesis research paper aims to identify problems within the music industry that harm people involved in the creative process of songs/albums, such as audio content creators. The aim is to research whether blockchain technology holds the potential to solve these problems. An analysis of the value chain of the music industry is provided in order to determine whether the digitalization of the industry led to a simplification of the value chain. After the problem identification, an explanation surrounding blockchain technology is presented, which leads to the proposed solution(s)