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Recommendation of the human rights of survivors of disasters.

Recommendation of the human rights of survivors of disasters.

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The purpose of this paper is to evaluate how the State implement human rights standard on disaster management and response in Indonesia to explore the State’s obligation to provide fundamental rights in a state of exigency. This paper investigates whether the law and regulation on disaster management in Indonesia have adopted human rights standards...


... The community uses the Kaombona city forest land to be able to meet the living needs of their families or fulfill their physiological needs, namely clothing, food, and shelter. The shelter was built by the Palu City Government to accommodate the people of Palu City who lost their homes after the natural disaster and tsunami occurred in Palu (Iuchi et al., 2023;Tjitrawati & Romadhona, 2023). ...
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This research was conducted to look at implementing the Green Open Space Policy regarding the Provision and Arrangement of City Forest Areas. Based on the research results, the Provision and Arrangement of RĽH in the Kaombona City Forest Area is based on planning, analysis, design, implementation, and maintenance. In the Implementation of the Policy for Providing and Arranging Green Open Space in the City Forest Area of Mantikuloie District, Palu City, the development of the City Forest has been very beneficial for urban areas as well as maintaining environmental sustainability and making it clean. However, the provision and arrangement activities are still 20% complete from the Masterplan concept which is considered to have still deficiencies including the design, implementation, and maintenance processes, namely the facilities and services of the Kaombona City Forest which are currently still under construction, apart from the play area buildings, not all road access has been built, and there are still many buildings that have not been completely built, some roads have not been asphalted, street lighting is inadequate and there are many more sports and recreation facilities that have not been completed.
... Consumer law, on the other hand, pertains to the legal framework governing the interactions and disputes among different parties concerning consumer goods or services within society [10]. Nevertheless, there exists a counterargument positing that consumer protection legislation constitutes an integral component of consumer law. ...
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Purpose: The objective of this study is to identify and analyze the extent of governmental obligations under consumer protection laws in Indonesia with regards to the resolution of consumer disputes. Methods/design/approach: The chosen research methodology used in this study was normative juridical, which included a comprehensive analysis of law, jurisprudence, and scholarly literature. This study adopts a statutory method, whereby legal materials such as Law Number 8 of 1999 on Consumer Protection, the Laws, the Civil Code, and other relevant laws and regulations are used as the legal foundation. Results: The issue pertaining to consumer settlement in electronic transactions is analogous to the broader context of consumer dispute resolution. The regulatory framework for addressing such concerns is delineated in Chapter X of The Consumer Protection Act. The regulations pertaining to the rights and responsibilities of customers may be found in Articles 4 and 5 of Law No. 8 of 1999. Similarly, the rights and obligations of business actors are governed by Articles 6 and 7 of the same law. These articles govern the allocation or placement of consumers and corporate entities inside a business or trade transaction system. The provisions pertaining to the forbidden acts for business actors, as outlined in Law No. 8 of 1999, are specifically addressed in Articles 8 through 17. The need to oversee electronic transactions is stipulated in Article 29 and 30 of the consumer protection legislation. The overarching elucidation of these governmental rules posits that the oversight of consumer protection is conducted in collaboration between the government, the community, and LPKSM. Conclusion: Online conflicts are not included by the Consumer Protection Act; instead, they are within the purview of the ITE Law. The term "consumer" as defined in the Consumer Protection Act refers specifically to the ultimate consumer. In contemporary times, the task of discerning between end customers and non-end consumers has grown more challenging, hence impeding the practical application of this concept. Hence, it is imperative to undertake a revision of the Consumer Protection Act.
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Abstrak Peningkatan frekuensi dan intensitas bencana di Indonesia menuntut adanya reformulasi hukum administrasi negara dalam penanggulangan bencana. Kesenjangan antara kerangka hukum yang ada (das sollen) dan implementasinya di lapangan (das sein) menghambat efektivitas respons bencana. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis kebutuhan reformulasi hukum administrasi negara untuk meningkatkan efektivitas penanggulangan bencana di Indonesia. Menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan desain studi kasus komparatif, penelitian ini menggabungkan analisis dokumen hukum, wawancara semi-terstruktur, dan analisis komparatif praktik internasional. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kerangka hukum Indonesia kurang fleksibel dalam mengakomodasi kebutuhan pengambilan keputusan cepat selama situasi darurat, serta lemahnya koordinasi antar lembaga dan kapasitas lokal. Reformulasi hukum administrasi negara diperlukan untuk menyeimbangkan fleksibilitas operasional dan akuntabilitas hukum, serta mengintegrasikan manajemen risiko bencana ke dalam perencanaan pembangunan. Implikasi penelitian ini mencakup rekomendasi untuk revisi UU No. 24 Tahun 2007, peningkatan koordinasi antar lembaga, penguatan kapasitas lokal, dan adopsi pendekatan partisipatif dalam manajemen bencana. Kata Kunci: han, penanggulangan, feformulasi, manajemen Risiko Bencana Abstract The increasing frequency and intensity of disasters in Indonesia demands a reformulation of administrative law in disaster management. The gap between the existing legal framework (das sollen) and its implementation on the ground (das sein) hinders the effectiveness of disaster response. This research aims to analyze the need for reformulation of administrative law to improve the effectiveness of disaster management in Indonesia. Using a qualitative approach with a comparative case study design, this research combines legal document analysis, semi-structured interviews, and comparative analysis of international practices. The research results show that the Indonesian legal framework lacks flexibility in accommodating the need for rapid decision-making during emergency situations, as well as weak inter-agency coordination and local capacity. Reformulation of administrative law is needed to balance operational flexibility and legal accountability, as well as integrate disaster risk management into development planning. The implications of this research include recommendations for revising Law No. 24 of 2007, improving inter-agency coordination, strengthening local capacity, and adopting a participatory approach in disaster management.
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This study examines the transmission of infectious diseases through historical studies, focusing on colonialization, slave trade, religion spread, and transcontinental and island trade. Emerging diseases like leprosy, Black Death, syphilis, malaria, Spanish flu, and COVID-19 have become significant contributors to global health crises. The study uses four stages: heuristics, critique, interpretation, and historiography. It focuses on migration, pandemics, and global health crises, using relevant literature. The findings suggest that many diseases have reached pandemic proportions due to their rapid dissemination and the influence of migration caused by historical factors such as ancient travel culture, colonialism, and modern times. The evolution of contemporary language also facilitates international mobility. The research examines the issue of disease distribution resulting from the long-standing global migration process, focusing on how migration has played a significant role in the occurrence of pandemics, outbreaks, and global health crises throughout history. The migration of Homo Sapiens from East Africa to regions outside Africa led to the development of language, culture, and disease transmission. The domestication of animals resulted in the emergence and transmission of disease mutations, leading to the worldwide dissemination of infectious diseases like leprosy, Black Death, syphilis, malaria, and COVID-19.