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Received power versus the length of the grating for several mutual positions of the center of the Bragg grating reflection and SLED generation. Initial Bragg grating length, of which the spectral response is presented in the inset graph, is assumed to be 10 mm.

Received power versus the length of the grating for several mutual positions of the center of the Bragg grating reflection and SLED generation. Initial Bragg grating length, of which the spectral response is presented in the inset graph, is assumed to be 10 mm.

Source publication
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In this article, an extensive analysis of the performance of the fiber optics-based abrasion sensor that utilizes chirped fiber Bragg grating, is presented. For the response investigation during abrasion, a numerical analysis, based on the transfer matrix method and coupled mode theory, is provided. The influence of the SLED source spectral positio...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... when received power is used as a parameter that determines the length of the grating, the mutual position of these two wavelengths clearly will affect the measurement. Numerical analyses that show the value of the received power versus the length of the grating, for several mutual positions of both the central wavelength of the grating and central wavelength of the SLED, are presented in Figure 2. It is assumed that P0 is equal to 0 dBm, while the source has 25 nm FWHM, with the central wavelength equal to 1550 nm. ...
Context 2
... a standard photodetector. What is more, on the basis of the results from Figure 2, it can be stated that a sensor network, working on a single SLED source, can be designed, without the need for a complex calibration process for each sensor. Such a sensor network then could be utilized for monitoring of the degradation process of the structure at multiple points. ...

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High-finesse fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) Fabry-Perot interferometers (FPIs) have shown great promise as sensitive ultrasonic sensors. However, the fabrication process of the sensors usually introduces birefringence to the fiber, which makes the sensor operation sensitive to the polarization of the probe laser. Here, we theoretically study the effec...


... Among them, the physical characteristics of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) are close to the human skin. It is often used to make bionic skin, which is suitable for making a tactile sensor matrix [4][5][6][7][8]. However, the existing piezoresistive, piezoelectric, and capacitive sensors have poor compatibility with flexible materials [9], which has a certain impact on the measurement results. ...
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Aiming at the problems of lateral force interference and non-uniform strain of robot fingers in the process of pressure tactile sensing, a flexible tactile sensor with a square hole structure based on fiber Bragg grating (FBG) is proposed in this paper. Firstly, the optimal embedding depth of the FBG in the sensor matrix model was determined by finite element simulation. Secondly, according to the size of the finger knuckle and the simulation analysis based on the pressure tactile sensor element for the robot finger, the square hole structure was designed, and the overall dimensions of the sensing element and size of the square hole were determined. Thirdly, the FBG was embedded in the polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) elastic matrix to make a sensor model, and the tactile sensor was fabricated. Finally, the FBG pressure tactile sensing system platform was built by using optical fiber sensing technology, and the experiment of the FBG tactile sensor was completed through the sensing system platform. Experimental results show that the tactile sensor designed in this paper has good repeatability and creep resistance. The sensitivity is 8.85 pm/N, and the resolution is 0.2 N. The loading sensitivity based on the robot finger is 27.3 pm/N, the goodness of fit is 0.996, and the average value of interference in the sensing process is 7.63%, which is lower than the solid structure sensor. These results verify that the sensor can effectively reduce the lateral force interference and solve the problem of non-uniform strain and has high fit with fingers, which has a certain application value for the research of robot pressure tactile intelligent perception.
... The FBGs fabrication process is an expensive and highly precise methodology. According to coupledmode theory, the Bragg wavelength ( λ B ) is closely related to the effective refractive index ( n eff ) and FBG period ( Λ ) as per Eq. 1 [19,30]. ...
... In summary, the central reflection wavelength shift ( Δλ B ) of the Bragg sensor is affected by temperature (∆T) and strain (ε), the relationship between these physical parameters is given by the Eq. 2 [15,19,30]. ...
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Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) of large structures is a critical aspect due to various environmental conditions, high speed & long-distance communication, dynamic analysis of the structure, and cost of operation. These issues can be addressed using Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) sensor technology which has evolved to a new height and is widely used in various distributed critical sensing applications. These are mostly preferred due to long-distance monitoring, low cost of operation, and immunity to Electromagnetic (EM) radiations. Similarly, the monitoring of a large structure from a long distance is also one of the crucial aspects of SHM technologies. These technological challenges can be addressed using an integrated distributed sensing solution consisting of FBG sensors, Big Data, Kafka, and the Internet of Things (IoT). In this article, the fabrication of the FBG sensor and the bonding of the sensing element to the base plate of the suspension bridge structure are discussed along with experimental details. A scalable architecture of the proposed Smart Distributed Sensing (SDS) model using FBG sensors is also discussed in this article. The experimental validation is performed using an IoT based FBG sensing mechanism to estimate the strain distribution profile at the bonding region of the base plate from a central location.
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In this work, a multi-parameter point sensor based on the combination of Fabry-Perot (FP) and the anti-resonant (AR) reflecting guidance in cascade configuration is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. This structure, based on FP interference and AR reflecting guidance, was fabricated with two different air micro-cavities. The attained experimental results showed different strain and temperature sensitivities for the antiresonance contribution. However, when analyzing the FP interference, only strain sensitivity was observed, demonstrating that this air micro-cavity was also insensitive to temperature variations.
... Future work includes applying a multiplex sensor to assess all joints all the while. [10] In this archive, a straightforward and financially savvy technique for checking harm dependent on the CFBG wear sensor is introduced. Numerical and trial investigates were performed, where conceivable sensor perusing was done through OSA or PM. ...
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Abstract- Farming in Nigeria should grow away from its predominance in subsistence practice into majorly mechanized system of farming which implies moving to another dimension on the implementation processes. Farming has over a long time being subsistence for obvious reasons, the need for efficient health monitoring mechatronics devices in the area of fish farming become therefore necessary for effectiveness and efficiency. This paper presents an overview of the need of novel techniques and technological solutions for the problems confronting traditional fish farming in Nigeria.The paper also analyzed the application of sensors for instantaneous health monitoring of aquaculture systemwith special reference to catfish. The requirements and the exploits into the visibility of fibre optic sensor application in this regards with consideration to structural intelligence were critically analyzed. Fibreoptics is a major building block in the mechatronic infrastructure, its high bandwidth capabilities and low attenuation characteristics justified its consideration in the system for data transmission. Finally, the fundamental viability ofFOSin achieving intelligent aquaculture cost effective system was analysed. Key words:Expert system; sensors; fibre optics; health monitoring;aquaculture