Fig 5 - uploaded by Jinhua Zhou
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Recall fluency without and with note-taking. Note: Dots and horizontal lines represent the mean and median, respectively, and rectangular box plots represent the quartiles 25 % and 75 %.
Source publication
Note-taking for consecutive interpreting (CI) is a special type of note-taking in that selective notes are taken in a highly multi-tasking condition under time pressure during a CI speech segment but are used to enable a complete recall of the source speech immediately. Given the specialty of interpreters' note-taking, it is still unclear in what w...
Context in source publication
Context 1
... and an interesting finding is obtained. For recall accuracy (Fig. 4), compared with the without-NT condition, the curves in the with-NT condition have higher peaks and smaller width, indicating that the data are less dispersed. This suggests that note-taking reduced the variability of the data, namely, individual differences. For recall fluency (Fig. 5), the data also appear to be less dispersed in the with-NT condition than in the without-NT condition, but the contrasts are less obvious. For further confirmation, we computed the coefficients of variation (a statistical measure useful for comparing the data dispersion between distinct series of data). Table 9 shows that the ...