Figure 1 - uploaded by Rick Van Krevelen
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In the near future we may enrich our perception of reality through revolutionary virtual augmentation. Augmented reality (AR) technologies offer an enhanced perception to help us see, hear, and feel our environments in new and enriched ways that will benefit us in fields such as education, maintenance, design, reconnaissance, to name but a few. Thi...
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Context 1
... the reality-virtuality continuum by Milgram and Kishino (1994) (Fig. 1), AR is one part of the general area of mixed reality . Both virtual environments (or virtual reality) and augmented virtuality , in which real objects are added to virtual ones, replace the surrounding environment by a virtual one. In contrast, AR takes place in the real world. Following the definitions in (Azuma, 1997; Azuma et al., 2001), an AR ...
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... The principles of AR are similar to Virtual Reality (VR), except the surrounding environment in VR is virtual while in AR it is real (Azuma et al., 2001). Mediated AR is a blend of VR and AR in which the real objects are superimposed on the virtual ones, and the surrounding environment is substituted by virtual ones (Van Krevelen and Poelman, 2007). Due to the lightness and portability of AR, various application domains have adopted mobile AR (MAR); which not only enriches the user experiences, it also offers a sense of uniqueness rendering the moments more satisfying and memorable. ...
... AR systems have proven to be an indispensable medium for human interaction with the external virtual world by bridging the gap between the required task and assisting tools through unobscured user display. According to Krevelen et al. [14], AR provides user immersion by augmenting the field of view of the real world with computerized data such as graphics and audiovisual content, as well as other sensory reinforcement methods. Several interfaces have been used in robots, such as head-mounted displays, smart glasses such as the HoloLens 1 and 2 [15], and handheld devices such as smartphones and overhead projectors [16]. ...
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... In particular, the meaning of VR remains the same, while AR is used for static digital information integrated with the real environment and, in the case of a digital-real integration with the possibility of an interaction, the proper term becomes MR (Figure 2) [3]. The first AR headset was created by Ivan Sutherland in the late 1960s [4]; since then, AR/MR visualization has been supported by various output mediums, including smartphones, tablets, computers, and smart glasses. Among them, see-through headmounted displays (HMDs) seem to be the most efficient means for 3D MR content visualization and performing complex manual tasks under MR guidance. ...
... Although the potential of OSTs for medical-surgical applications is well recognized in the literature, some research studies have identified the main limitations of devices XR VR Interactive digitallygenerated environment MR Digital-real integration with the possibility of interaction AR Static digital information integrated with the real environment The first AR headset was created by Ivan Sutherland in the late 1960s [4]; since then, AR/MR visualization has been supported by various output mediums, including smartphones, tablets, computers, and smart glasses. Among them, see-through head-mounted displays (HMDs) seem to be the most efficient means for 3D MR content visualization and performing complex manual tasks under MR guidance. ...
The adoption of extended reality solutions is growing rapidly in the healthcare world. Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) interfaces can bring advantages in various medical-health sectors; it is thus not surprising that the medical MR market is among the fastest-growing ones. The present study reports on a comparison between two of the most popular MR head-mounted displays, Magic Leap 1 and Microsoft HoloLens 2, for the visualization of 3D medical imaging data. We evaluate the functionalities and performance of both devices through a user-study in which surgeons and residents assessed the visualization of 3D computer-generated anatomical models. The digital content is obtained through a dedicated medical imaging suite (Verima imaging suite) developed by the Italian start-up company (Witapp s.r.l.). According to our performance analysis in terms of frame rate, there are no significant differences between the two devices. The surgical staff expressed a clear preference for Magic Leap 1, particularly for the better visualization quality and the ease of interaction with the 3D virtual content. Nonetheless, even though the results of the questionnaire were slightly more positive for Magic Leap 1, the spatial understanding of the 3D anatomical model in terms of depth relations and spatial arrangement was positively evaluated for both devices.
... Fot. Adam Żądło Jeśli dana przestrzeń wirtualna MR/XR ma być zmapowana i zintegrowana topologicznie z przestrzenią fizyczną, to nie z każdego miejsca/punktu będzie można przenieść się ze świata fizycznego do cyfrowego -prawdopodobnie konieczna będzie blokada pojawiania się w miejscu zajmowanym przez drugą osobę oraz wewnątrz tekstur/w kolajderach obiektów widocznych w świecie cyfrowym, ale nie fizycznym (Van Krevelen, 2007). Nawet w konwencjonalnych grach komputerowych 2D/3D niezbędny jest system kolizji i uniemożliwienie przenikania się większości obiektów, a gry sieciowe mają dedykowane punkty "respawnu" (miejsca, gdzie pojawiają się/odradzają się gracze). ...
Tworzone obecnie �wiaty cyfrowe operuj� na pewnym stopniu umowno�ci i wymagaj� od u�ytkownika ci�g�ego �aktywnego wierzenia� w prezentowan� rzeczywisto��. Artyku� prezentuje wnioski z tworzenia i eksponowania artystycznej instalacji Mixed Reality pt. Makietowanie rzeczywisto�ci. Na jej podstawie prezentuje aktualne problemy techniczne i percepcyjne wynikaj�ce z pr�b ��czenia rzeczywisto�ci wirtualnej i fizycznej (najcz�ciej wsp�lne dla VR, AR, MR, XR): funkcjonowanie cyfrowych d�oni, dopasowywanie paralaks, konieczny do uwzgl�dniania ruch obiekt�w, deformacje optyczne, momenty pod��czania si� i prze��czania pomi�dzy rzeczywisto�ciami, komunikacj� ��czon�, reakcje fizjologiczne. S� to elementy zaburzaj�ce immersj� i/lub poczucie �obecno�ci� � wywo�uj�ce �odklejanie si� �wiata cyfrowego od fizycznego. Ich analiza pozwala zweryfikowa� popularne przekonania na temat obecnego i przysz�ego funkcjonowania cyfrowych �wiat�w, ukazuje obecny poziom zaawansowania technologicznego oraz wskazuje obszary, kt�re okazuj� si� nie spe�nia� wykreowanych w popkulturze wyobra�e� i oczekiwa�.
... (Edwards, 2017) By 1968, the first virtual reality head-mounted display system called "Sword of Damocles" was created by the accomplished computer scientist Ivan Sutherland. (Krevelen, 2007) In 1982, 3D printing technology was created by Dr. Hideo Kodama to develop a rapid prototyping technique that was suitable for the production of aesthetic or functional prototypes. (Hahn, 2018) In 1998 Steve Mann, also labeled as 'Father of Wearable Headband, created the first Linux-powered smart watch. ...
The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the historical framework of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). The overview emphasises the historical achievements in the field of research while highlighting the relevance of HCI, its beginnings, and its growth on a global scale. In addition, the review focuses on the reasons why the subject of HCI emerged in India. It also covers the fundamentals of HCI, usability, and other related terms. The method used for this review article is based on literature search of journal articles, books, conference proceedings, websites, and online news related to the listed keywords. Given that HCI is becoming more and more integrated into our daily lives, it may be said that it will also be responsible for defining the future. It can be difficult for some users to imagine living without their devices because they have become an integral part of contemporary society.
... In addition, any kind of occlusion, such as a hand passing in front of the devices' camera, can briefly disrupt the tracking and potentially interfere with the augmented experience. In addition, most AR technologies simply superimpose virtual objects over the real-world vision, resulting in objects simply appearing over such an occlusion, thereby destroying the illusion of a hybrid world [30]. ...
The logistics and transport industry is currently facing the major challenge of having a global shortage of skilled workers. To address this challenge, this paper evaluates the application of gamification in combination with augmented reality (AR) as a new approach to attract the interest of people of all ages to the logistics sector. The aim of the paper is to determine whether a gamified AR-based application called Logistify is a feasible approach to make logistics jobs more attractive. We used a qualitative approach in three phases by collecting and analysing data from different perspectives of players, teachers, instructors, and programmers about the application: (1) analysing game characteristics with programmers and workshops instructors, (2) collecting feedback from players and teachers, and (3) evaluating game scores. The evaluation shows that gamification in combination with augmented reality is a promising tool to attract people to the logistics sector and to change their perception of logistics professions. It can be concluded that the gamified AR approach is capable of increasing interest in jobs in a particular sector.
... There are at least two categories of approaches to produce AR. First, screen-based approaches, or "see-through AR", can be divided into the optical combination of a screen with the user's perception of the real world or 2D displays that replay a live recording of the real world and superimpose virtual content [57,59]. Second, projector-based approaches, or "spatial AR", consist of projecting the virtual content directly onto the real world, benefiting from projection mapping algorithms and hardware [59][60][61]. ...
... First, screen-based approaches, or "see-through AR", can be divided into the optical combination of a screen with the user's perception of the real world or 2D displays that replay a live recording of the real world and superimpose virtual content [57,59]. Second, projector-based approaches, or "spatial AR", consist of projecting the virtual content directly onto the real world, benefiting from projection mapping algorithms and hardware [59][60][61]. The last decades have refined seethrough AR and, today, the main lines of AR systems are either based on the HoloLens for optical systems and ARKit or ARCore for display-based AR on smartphones and tablets. ...
Smart Cities already surround us, and yet they are still incomprehensibly far from directly impacting everyday life. While current Smart Cities are often inaccessible, the experience of everyday citizens may be enhanced with a combination of the emerging technologies Digital Twins (DTs) and Situated Analytics. DTs represent their Physical Twin (PT) in the real world via models, simulations, (remotely) sensed data, context awareness, and interactions. However, interaction requires appropriate interfaces to address the complexity of the city. Ultimately, leveraging the potential of Smart Cities requires going beyond assembling the DT to be comprehensive and accessible. Situated Analytics allows for the anchoring of city information in its spatial context. We advance the concept of embedding the DT into the PT through Situated Analytics to form Fused Twins (FTs). This fusion allows access to data in the location that it is generated in in an embodied context that can make the data more understandable. Prototypes of FTs are rapidly emerging from different domains, but Smart Cities represent the context with the most potential for FTs in the future. This paper reviews DTs, Situated Analytics, and Smart Cities as the foundations of FTs. Regarding DTs, we define five components (physical, data, analytical, virtual, and Connection Environments) that we relate to several cognates (i.e., similar but different terms) from existing literature. Regarding Situated Analytics, we review the effects of user embodiment on cognition and cognitive load. Finally, we classify existing partial examples of FTs from the literature and address their construction from Augmented Reality, Geographic Information Systems, Building/City Information Models, and DTs and provide an overview of future directions.
... Such automotive AR HUDs can be used for example to improve driving safety and enjoyment (e.g. Bark et al., 2014;Gabbard et al., 2014;Van Krevelen and Poelman, 2007;Riener, Gabbard, Trivedi), as well as to display information related to automated driving (e.g. Janssen et al., 2019;Paredes et al., 2018;Riener et al., 2019;Wintersberger et al., 2019;Yöntem et al., 2020). ...
Augmented Reality (AR) is emerging fast with a wide range of applications, including automotive AR Head-Up Displays (AR HUD). As a result, there is a growing need to understand human perception of depth in AR. Here, we discuss two user studies on depth perception, in particular on the perspective cue. The first experiment compares the perception of the perspective depth cue (1) in the physical world, (2) on a flat-screen, and (3) on an AR HUD. Our AR HUD setup provided a two-dimensional vertically oriented virtual image projected at a fixed distance. In each setting, participants were asked to estimate the size of a perspective angle. We found that the perception of angle sizes on AR HUD differs from perception in the physical world, but not from a flat-screen. The underestimation of the physical world’s angle size compared to the AR HUD and screen setup might explain the egocentric depth underestimation phenomenon in virtual environments. In the second experiment, we compared perception for different graphical representations of angles that are relevant for practical applications. Graphical alterations of angles displayed on a screen resulted in more variation between individuals' angle size estimations. Furthermore, the majority of the participants tended to underestimate the observed angle size in most conditions. Our results suggest that perspective angles on a vertically oriented fixed-depth AR HUD display mimic more accurately the perception of a screen, rather than the perception of the physical 3D environment. On-screen graphical alteration does not help to improve the underestimation in the majority of cases.
... In 1957, augmented reality appeared in the form of the Sensorama [75], an invention that could deliver visuals, sounds, vibrations, and smells to a viewer. Nevertheless, the term AR started to be used in 1990, when several workers wearing HMDs were guided in assembling electrical wires in aircraft. ...
... Nevertheless, the term AR started to be used in 1990, when several workers wearing HMDs were guided in assembling electrical wires in aircraft. Over the last decade, different applications and devices that employ AR have emerged; for example, the design tool ARToolkit appeared in 2009, Google Glass in 2013, and HoloLens in 2015 [75]. ...
Due to the appearance of COVID-19 in 2019, person-to-person interactions were drastically reduced. The impact of these restrictions on the economic environment was significant. For example, technical assistance for commissioning or adjusting the parameters of some complex machines/installations had to be postponed. Economic operators became interested in the possibility of remote collaboration, depending on the manufactured products and the performance of the production lines that they owned. This bibliographic research was undertaken to address these needs. The purpose of this review was to analyze the current solutions, approaches, and technologies that workers and specialists can implement to obtain a reliable remote collaboration system. This survey focuses on techniques, devices, and tools that are being used in different contexts to provide remote guidance. We present communication cues and methods being employed, the implemented technological support, and the areas that benefit from remote collaboration. We hope that our effort will be useful to those who develop such systems and people who want to learn about the existence of collaborative solutions, and that it will increase awareness about the applications and the importance of the domain. We are convinced that, with the development of communication systems, the advancement of remote support systems will be a goal for many economic operators.
... From a practical perspective, it is not known whether one technology is advantageous over the other (Krichenbauer et al., 2017). While in the past, the challenges posed by AR applications were considered much greater than the challenges posed by VR (Van Krevelen and Poelman, 2007), it can be now expected that, as early as by the year 2019, AR might become a part of VR -a scenario referred to as "dual use" (Ebert et al., 2017, p.64). This idea can be underlined by the following example which shows that the technical and conceptual border between AR and VR cannot be clearly drawn. ...
[ Interested researchers are encouraged to contact me for a private full text version ]
Learn how to use augmented reality and virtual reality technology to innovate your business and be ahead of the game.
Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are two contemporary technologies which are emerging as part of the digital transformation, a time of unprecedented global change. AR and VR offer numerous new business opportunities and can for example be used for capturing short-term marketing benefits, to optimise company internal processes, and for the development of new products and services. However, working with AR/VR technology can be tricky, bears substantial risk, and may present firms with significant organisational challenges. Therefore, AR/VR technology efforts must be strategically guided.
This book presents five scientific research case studies of AR/VR technology employment in detail. The case studies are analysed and discussed in depth, and concrete recommendations for practice are given. To illustrate and better understand what working with AR/VR technology means for organisations, Richard Hagl explains and uses the concept of business model innovation (BMI) and offers concrete guidance for entrepreneurs and managers on how to lead their business when working with AR/VR technology.
A must read for anyone who considers AR/VR technology as a means to be ahead of the game!
More details at