FIGURE 1 - uploaded by Daniel R. Swanson
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Rasahus nesiotes sp. nov., adult female (holotype): (A) dorsal habitus; (B) lateral habitus; (C) pronotum, dorsal view; (D) terminalia, caudal view; (E) labels. Scale bar = 2 mm.

Rasahus nesiotes sp. nov., adult female (holotype): (A) dorsal habitus; (B) lateral habitus; (C) pronotum, dorsal view; (D) terminalia, caudal view; (E) labels. Scale bar = 2 mm.

Source publication
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Three new peiratine species in the genus Rasahus Amyot & Audinet-Serville, 1843 (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Reduviidae: Peiratinae) are described: Rasahus nesiotes sp. nov. from Grand Bahama, Rasahus deliquus sp. nov. from Panama, and Rasahus abolitus sp. nov. from French Guiana. Rasahus castaneus Coscarón, 1983 is reported for the first time from Fre...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... nesiotes sp. nov. (Fig. 1) Diagnosis: Easily separated from all other species of Rasahus by the small size, the black connexiva, and the presence of a small pale macula occupying the apex of the medial cell of the hemelytral membrane. Coloration: Black, except the following reddish-testaceous: all antennal segments (lighter apically), femora to tarsi of all legs ...
Context 2
... gone unnoticed by Coscarόn (1983a), as she purportedly examined Erichson's holotype. The length of the protibial fossula spongiosa is the most conspicuous morphological difference between Pirates myrmecinus and species of Rasahus. In both the male and the female from Belize, the fossula spongiosa covers at most half of the length of the protibia (Fig. 10A). The protibial fossula spongiosa also appears to be a similar length in Erichson's holotype (Fig. 8D). This contrasts other species of Rasahus, which have the protibial fossula spongiosa occupying three-fourths of the tibial length (Fig. 10B). The state of this character is heavily relied upon for segregating peiratine genera (e.g., ...
Context 3
... male and the female from Belize, the fossula spongiosa covers at most half of the length of the protibia (Fig. 10A). The protibial fossula spongiosa also appears to be a similar length in Erichson's holotype (Fig. 8D). This contrasts other species of Rasahus, which have the protibial fossula spongiosa occupying three-fourths of the tibial length (Fig. 10B). The state of this character is heavily relied upon for segregating peiratine genera (e.g., Stål 1872Stål , 1874Villiers 1948;Gil-Santana & Costa 2003). However, some genera well-delimited by other morphologies (i.e., Sirthenea Spinola, 1837; Tydides Stål, 1866) are known to possess limited degrees of intrageneric variation in the ...
Context 4
... protarsi differ markedly as well. In the Belizean specimens, the protarsi are long, being 1.2-1.3 mm, with a relatively longer apical tarsomere (segmental ratio: 1.0 : 1.8 : 2.5) (Fig. 9C, F); again, this is present in the Erichson's holotype (Fig. 8D). This contrasts the ratio in some similar-sized Rasahus, such as R. abolitus sp. nov. (Fig. 10B) and R. nesiotes sp. nov., in which the penultimate and ultimate tarsomere are subequal (segmental ratio: 1.0 : 1.6 : 1.6) and the protarsi are shorter, being only 0.6 mm (other appendages remain similar in size). However, the segmentation ratio of the protarsi differs interspecifically in ways previously unappreciated; for example, R. ...
Context 5
... the form of the metapleural sulcus has been an important character for generic diagnoses, albeit exclusively for New World taxa. Most genera, including Rasahus, possess a curved marginally-positioned metapleural sulcus. However, in the Belizean specimens, the sulcus appears wider and the anterior end starts higher on the metapleuron (Fig. 11A, B) than in examined species of Rasahus (Fig. 11C-G) and other genera (Fig. 11H, I). Despite being out of focus, this appears to be the form of the sulcus in Erichson's holotype too (Fig. 8E). However, this structure has largely been characterized bimodally (straight/medially-positioned vs. curved/laterallypositioned), and it remains ...
Context 6
... been an important character for generic diagnoses, albeit exclusively for New World taxa. Most genera, including Rasahus, possess a curved marginally-positioned metapleural sulcus. However, in the Belizean specimens, the sulcus appears wider and the anterior end starts higher on the metapleuron (Fig. 11A, B) than in examined species of Rasahus (Fig. 11C-G) and other genera (Fig. 11H, I). Despite being out of focus, this appears to be the form of the sulcus in Erichson's holotype too (Fig. 8E). However, this structure has largely been characterized bimodally (straight/medially-positioned vs. curved/laterallypositioned), and it remains questionable to what extent this character varies in ...
Context 7
... for generic diagnoses, albeit exclusively for New World taxa. Most genera, including Rasahus, possess a curved marginally-positioned metapleural sulcus. However, in the Belizean specimens, the sulcus appears wider and the anterior end starts higher on the metapleuron (Fig. 11A, B) than in examined species of Rasahus (Fig. 11C-G) and other genera (Fig. 11H, I). Despite being out of focus, this appears to be the form of the sulcus in Erichson's holotype too (Fig. 8E). However, this structure has largely been characterized bimodally (straight/medially-positioned vs. curved/laterallypositioned), and it remains questionable to what extent this character varies in other peiratine genera. The ...

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... A las más de 350 especies y 34 géneros que integran a la subfamilia Peiratinae se les denomina comúnmente como "corsarios" (corsairs), y poseen distribución cosmopolita; siendo reportadas para la región Neotropical 11 géneros y alrededor de 70 especies de este taxón; de las mismas se conoce que son depredadores de otros artrópodos que son plagas de interés agrícola y sanitario, aunque también pueden ocasionar picaduras adventicias al humano (Weirauch et al. 2014, Gil Santana et al. 2015, Chlond & Bugaj-Nawrocka 2015, Swanson 2018, 2019, Cazorla 2020 La subfamilia de "chinches asesinos" Harpactorinae, que tiene distribución cosmopolita, constituye el taxón más numeroso de Redúvidos; y para la región Neotropical se han señalado de ocurrir dos (Apiomerini, Harpactorini) de las siete tribus que conforman la subfamilia, estando integrada Harpactorini por 51-53 géneros en dicha región, siendo el taxón más numeroso tanto de Harpactorinae como de la familia Reduviidae (Weirauch et al. 2014, Gil Santana et al. 2015. ...
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Se documenta por primera vez la presencia de la “chinche cazadora de lunar amarillo” Rasahus hamatus (Fabricius, 1781) (Peiratinae) en el estado Barinas (región llanos occidentales), y la “chinche crestada o rueda” Arilus gallus (Stål, 1872) (Harpactorinae: Harpactorini) en el estado Mérida (región andina)(Hemiptera-Heteroptera: Reduviidae), Venezuela.
... La subafmilia de "chinches asesinos" (assasing bugs) Peiratinae Amyot & Serville, 1843 (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Reduviidae) conocidos comúnmente como "corsarios" (corsairs), se encuentra compuesta por más de 350 especies de talla mediana agrupadas en 34 géneros, con distribución mundial y en la mayoría de las zonas zoogeográficas; para la región Neotropical se han descrito 11 géneros y alrededor de 70 especies. Dentro de los pocos aspectos biológicos conocidos del grupo, se puede mencionar que son depredadores terrestres de otros artrópodos que incluyen plagas de cultivos y de interés sanitario, y que varias taxa son atraídas hacia la luz y pueden infligir picaduras adventicias dolorosas al ser humano (Weirauch et al. 2014, Gil Santana et al. 2015, Chlond & Bugaj-Nawrocka 2015, Swanson 2018, 2019, Cazorla 2020. ...
... De los géneros de "chinches asesinos" (corsair assasing bugs) descritos para la región Neotropical, destaca Rasahus Amyot & Serville, 1843, tanto por poseer la mayor cantidad de especies y por ser predadores naturales de insectos heterópteros de interés sanitario como los Triatominos (Triatominae), subfamilia de la familia Reduviidae integrada por especies hematófagas obligatorias que son vectores biológicos o transmisores del protozoario flagelado Trypanosoma (Schizotrypanum) cruzi Chagas, 1909 (Kinetoplastea: Trypanosomatida: Trypanosomatidae), agente etiológico de la enfermedad de Chagas o tripanosomiasis americana; protozoosis que padecen entre 6 y 7 millones de personas, especialmente en América Latina (Coscarón 1983, Cazorla 2016, 2020, Swanson 2018 ...
... nov. also might be distinct in having the second tarsomere of the meso-and metatarsi the longest; however, this condition has not been rigorously assessed in species of Peirates and other closely related peiratines, and the tarsal ratios have been shown to vary interspecifically in at least one New World peiratine genus (i.e., Rasahus Amyot & Audinet-Serville, 1843; see Swanson 2018). The pale ochraceous body coloration is not known to me among African species of Peirates, although it is known at least among members of Phalantus and Brachysandalus bicolor. ...
Herein are erected several new taxa and taxonomic changes based on a study of the Old World genera of Peiratinae: Sphodrembas gen. nov. is erected for a single new species, Sphodrembas fumipennis sp. nov. from Kenya and Tanzania. Ectomocoris caccabatus sp. nov. is newly described and represents the first record of the genus from the Korean Peninsula. Chaulioleistes gen. nov. is erected for Peirates singularis Stål, 1874, resulting in Chaulioleistes singularis (Stål, 1874) comb. nov. Isdegardes Distant, 1909, described in Acanthaspidinae (=Reduviinae), is considered a junior synonym of the peiratine genus Phalantus Stål, 1863 syn. nov., resulting in Phalantus melanocephalus (Distant, 1909) comb. nov. for the type species of Isdegardes. Lestomerus wroughtoni Bergroth, 1915 is transferred to Brachysandalus Stål, 1866, resulting in Brachysandalus wroughtoni (Bergroth, 1915) comb. nov. The previously proposed synonymy of Polychitonocoris formosus Miller, 1940 with Calistocoris caesareus Reuter, 1881 is corroborated. All of the above taxonomic acts are supplemented with a key to the species of Calistocoris, a key to the species of Pachysandalus, and a key to the peiratine genera of the Old World. Also reported are thirteen new country records for eleven other species: Brachysandalus bicolor (Villiers, 1948) (Kenya, Tanzania); Ectomocoris bimaculatus Schouteden, 1909 (Ghana); Ectomocoris fenestratus (Klug, 1830) (Ghana); Ectomocoris maculicrus (Fairmaire, 1858) (Uganda, Zimbabwe); Lestomerus affinis (Audinet-Serville, 1831) (Malaysia); Lestomerus basilewskyi Villiers, 1962 (Kenya); Lestomerus bicolor (Villiers, 1948) (Kenya); Lestomerus dubius Villiers, 1948 (Cameroon); Pachysandalus schoutedeni Villiers, 1962 (Sudan); Peirates collarti Schouteden, 1931 (Cameroon); Peirates quadrinotatus (Fabricius, 1798) (Malaysia); and Phalantus africanus Stål, 1874 (Ghana).
... Rasahus myrmecinus (Erichson, 1848) (Fig. 8) Swanson (2018) (1848), Swanson (2018). ...
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Fifty-one species of Reduviidae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) are recorded from Belize; literature citations are provided where relevant, and specimen data are included for examined material. Thirteen previously-described species are reported from Belize for the first time, ten of which represent new generic records: Eupheno histrionicus Stål, 1862 (Cetherinae); Ghinallelia signoreti (Dohrn, 1860) (Emesinae); Rasahus albomaculatus (Mayr, 1865) (Peiratinae); Leogorrus interruptus Champion, 1899; Microlestria laevis Champion, 1899; Nalata quadrituberculata Champion, 1899; Nalata setulosa Stål, 1862; Pseudozelurus superbus (Champion, 1899); Zelurus spinidorsis (Gray, 1832) (all Reduviinae); Oncerotrachelus conformis Uhler, 1894; Saica fuscipes Stål, 1862 (both Saicinae); Gnathobleda litigiosa Stål, 1862; and Stenopoda wygodzinskyi Giacchi, 1969 (both Stenopodainae). Among the ten subfamilies reported, Belizean records for one subfamily, Saicinae, are reported for the first time. Accompanying the checklist are the descriptions of Castolus omega Swanson sp. nov. (Harpactorinae) and Pygolampis aptena Swanson sp. nov. (Stenopodainae).
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Los redúvidos (Hemiptera: Heteroptera, Cimicomorpha: Reduviidae) son insectos terrestres de tamaño variable con distribución cosmopolita y hábitos predatorios (“chinches asesinos”). Se presenta y discute un listado revisado y actualizado de las especies de la familia Reduviidae no Triatominae registradas para Venezuela. Hasta el presente se han reportado 172 especies, distribuidas en 14 subfamilias, 9 tribus y 59 géneros, incluyendo Bactrodinae (1 género, 1 especie), Cetherinae (1 género, 1 especie), Ectrichodiinae (1 tribu, 3 géneros, 6 especies), Emesinae (4 tribus, 8 géneros, 45 especies), Hammacerinae (2 géneros, 3 especies), Harpactorinae (2 tribus, 22 géneros, 55 especies), Peiratinae (6 géneros, 15 especies), Phymatinae (2 tribus, 3 géneros, 15 especies), Physoderinae (1 género, 1 especie), Reduviinae (3 géneros, 15 especies), Saicinae (1 género, 1 especie), Salyavatinae (1 género, 4 especies), Stenopodainae (6 géneros, 9 especies) y Vesciinae (1 género, 1 especie). Zelus championi Zhang & Hart, 2016 y el género Sinea Amyot & Serville, 1843 representan nuevos registros para el país. Adicionalmente, se aporta información sobre presas, plantas hospedadoras o asociadas y distribución geográfica.
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Alabama is one of the most speciose states in the United States, yet many common groups of organisms, including assassin bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Reduviidae), have yet to be fully documented. The purpose of this manuscript is to identify all known assassin bug species occurring in the state using literature records and specimens from natural history collections, most notably the Auburn University Museum of Natural History Entomology Collection, to provide new state records, a checklist, and a morphological species key of the Alabama Reduviidae. All total, 61 species within 36 genera and 10 subfamilies are reported from Alabama. Additionally, 40 new state literature records are documented: 34 from Alabama and six from other states.