Table 3 - uploaded by Seyed Mohammad Shobeiri
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Rank order of Environmental awareness of students (Iran)

Rank order of Environmental awareness of students (Iran)

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The study investigated secondary school students' environmental awareness in India and Iran. Nine hundred and ninety-one students were selected through the stratified random sampling technique from 103 secondary schools of Mysore city (India) and Tehran city (Iran). Subjects consisted of 476 boys and 515 girls. They were assessed using the Environm...


... Despite the coverage of those topics in the intervention, the lack of improvement may be due to the lack of baseline orientation to such areas. Literature supports it by proving the Indian student's unawareness of energy conservation and the cause of pollution (Shobeiri, Omidvar, & Prahallada, 2007). Further analysis of the attitude by taking different subscales of environmental attitude into account, we observed immediate and continuous positive change in the environmental attitude mainly in terms of verbal commitment and affect, not in terms of actual commitment. ...
... Methods and Purposes (Nicolaou et al., 2009) 12 Greece Exploring the evolution of environmental knowledge and decision-making abilities using qualitative research (Shobeiri et al., 2007) 991 India -Iran Two nations' environmental consciousness levels compared (Barraza & Walford, 2002) 246 ...
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Anthropogenic activities are causing degradation in the environment at an alarming pace, which in turn causes a host of environmental challenges including acid rain, rising sea levels, incorrect monsoons, and global warming. There are many great things about science and technology, but we are paying an extremely high "price" for them. Industrialization alone is not enough to sustain economic growth. Scientific knowledge and technological advancement can only play a supporting role in the movement toward a more sustainable global environment; they cannot provide the solution on their own. Therefore, individuals need to be empowered with vital information and education if we are to attain an acceptable degree of global environmental sustainability. It is feasible to bring about tremendous changes in the public's thinking via educational institutions since they are the locations where society is most closely encountered. Encouraging learner awareness of ambient conditions in their area and their active engagement in fixing local issues makes environmental education a useful preventative measure to save youngsters living in polluted regions. The impact of environmental education on environmental sustainability is the focus of this study. The literature provides essential understanding into the ways in which Environmental Education (EE) might encourage pro-environmental behaviour via studies that concentrate on the link between various experiences and learning outcomes. In accordance with the importance of environmental education for sustainable development, this research aims to conduct a survey on the effectiveness of an intervention called EESD (Environmental Education Suitability Development) in improving students' environmental knowledge.
... One of the main responsibilities of the school is to prepare students for rapid social, economic and environmental changes, future jobs, technologies and problems (Akkermans et al., 2021;Mann et al., 2020, Cole et al., 2014Kis, 2011;Shobeiri et al., 2007). Education aims to address the present and future needs of society along with individual growth. ...
... Overall, this research supports the findings of previous studies related to countries' curricula, such as Iran, that the curriculum is ideologically oriented and does not pay enough attention to economics, environment, and foreign language study (Saparudin & Salim, 2023;Mahmoudi, 2023;Toghyani Khorasgani et al., 2023;Gholaminejad & Raeisi-Vanani, 2021;Khojasteh et al., 2021;Mirarab et al., 2019, Shobeiri et al., 2007. ...
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This article studies the pivotal role of the curriculum in shaping education and its contribution to economic development. We examined four components (objectives, content, teaching-learning methods, and evaluation) of secondary school curricula in G7 countries (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, UK, USA) and Iran to present a set of proposed concepts for the Iranian curriculum with a focus on economic features. A comparative strategy with four qualitative stages (description, interpretation, juxtaposition, comparison) was used.
... Environmental education is being embraced by national educational guidelines, curricular materials, curriculum development projects, and environmental protection efforts more and more (Rickinson, 2006). Environmental experts and educators from throughout the world have emphasised time and time again that addressing the environmental catastrophe will need environmental awareness and comprehension, both of which need to be ingrainedat all levels of education throughout the educational system (Shobeiri et al., 2007). Since Fourex in 1971 and the Stockholm Conference of the United Nations on the Environment in 1972, the subject of environmental education (EE) has been the subject of intense debate. ...
... Pendidikan lingkungan sangat penting dan dibutuhkan agar mengurangi tekanan di masa depan (Larijani, 2010). Tindakan pro-lingkungan ini akan menjadikan masa depan yang baik lingkungan merupakan komponen sosial yang sangat vital, alam yang mendukung segala sesuatu yang manusia butuhkan untuk hidup dan juga membuat hidup manusia nyaman (Bharambe, 2013). (Yildiz et al., 2011) menyatakan bahwa lingkungan yang tidak ditangani dengan baik akan menimbulkan permasalahan baru misalnya kesehatan manusia, sosial dan budaya. ...
Sebagian besar masyarakat kota Banjarmasin yang tinggal di pesisir sungai masih sangat tergantung pada sungai untuk melakukan berbagai aktivitas sehari-hari seperti mandi, mencuci, memasak serta MCK dan peran perempuan sering dihubungkan atas tugas-tugas domestik yang berhubungan langsung dengan sungai. Namun, diketahui bahwa saat ini kondisi sungai di Kota Banjarmasin masuk dalam kategori tercemar berat. Hal tersebut menarik untuk diteliti yaitu bagaimana kesadaran lingkungan dan relasi gender masyarakat di pesisir sungai kota Banjamasin. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan tehnik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi partisipasif, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persepsi masyarakat terhadap kondisi sungai saat ini sangat memprihatinkan dan sadar akan bahaya yang ditimbulkan, kebiasaan masyarakat terhadap kebersihan lingkungan diketahui berbeda-beda tergantung SDM yang ada didaerah tersebut, serta relasi gender menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pembagian peran yang adil antara pria dan wanita dalam rangka menjaga kebersihan lingkungan. The majority of the population living along the riverbanks in Banjarmasin city are highly dependent on the river for their daily activities such as bathing, washing clothes, cooking, and defecating. On the other hand, it is known that the river water quality in Banjarmasin is heavily polluted, with the worst pollution coming from toilet waste. It is surprising that the river, which is already polluted, is still being used by the riverbank communities for their daily needs. Based on this, researchers were interested in understanding the perceptions, habits, and extent of environmental awareness and gender relations of the riverbank communities in Banjarmasin. The research used a descriptive qualitative method with data collection techniques such as participatory observation, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that the community's perception of the current condition of the river is very concerning and they are aware of the dangers posed by the pollution. The community's habits regarding environmental cleanliness vary depending on the human resources available in the area. Gender relations show that there is a fair division of roles between men and women in maintaining environmental cleanliness.
... Gender wise comparison with the dependent variable has not been significant thus, results aligned with the other studies. (Shobeiri et al., 2007;Bhawana, 2011;Dijkstra and Goedhart, 2012;Adejoke et al., 2014;Eroğlu et al., 2016;Gina et al., 2020). ...
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Introduction: Global climate change has become rapidly one of humanity’s most pressing environmental concerns. To overcome this issue, public environmental awareness, sustainable behavior and understanding must be increased. Method: So, this study explored the awareness of climate change, perception and attitude towards nature, impacts, effects, hopes, responsibility and engagement in low carbon behavior among students (n = 500) and faculty members (n = 50) from universities in Multan city. Data was collected using questionnaire from non-environmental science departments (n = 6). Descriptive statistics and Pearson correlation were used to compile the results. Findings: Results concluded that awareness of climate change is higher in teachers than students. Both respondents showed similar responses regarding their perception of issues, and impacts but showed discrepancy while selecting effects of climate change. Participants’ attitudes towards the environment and hope for mitigation are similar. Students and teachers believed that every sector has major responsibility except teachers agreed on full individual responsibility and international organization has a small portion of responsibility. Both participants showed no interest in engagement in low carbon activities. Conclusion: It is imperative that colleges and universities invest in educational programs and sustainability initiatives in order to shape the attitudes and behaviors of students and faculty members towards environmental sustainability.
... However, previous studies have reported different results regarding the effect of gender on environmental awareness. For example, in the studies conducted by Sharmin (2003) with primary school students and Shobeiri, Omidvar, and Prahallada (2007) with secondary school students, they found no difference between genders in students' environmental awareness levels. Çakar, Güneş, and Erdoğan (2013) also determined that environmental awareness levels of female students were higher than male students, but there was no significant difference between the groups. ...
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This study aimed to examine the environmental awareness of Turkish primary school students in the context of some demographic variables. The study was carried out with the general survey method. An online questionnaire was used as a data collection tool due to the Covid 19 pandemic conditions during the study. The first part of this survey form included demographic questions about gender, grade, household income, mother's graduation, and father's graduation. The second part included the 5-Likert type 21-item Elementary School Environment Awareness Scale (ESEAS). The original ESAS developed by Yıldız Yılmaz and Mentiş Taş (2017) consists of 31 items. As a result of a pilot study, it was decided to exclude 14 items from the original scale. The exploratory factor analysis result revealed that the scale showed a structure with five sub-dimensions (ecocentric, nature responsibility, anthropocentric, environmental knowledge, and hedonistic). Two hundred sixty primary school students at the 2nd and 4th-grade levels participated in the study. The present study's results, which examined elementary school students' environmental awareness levels, showed that the null hypothesis was accepted in most scores related to scale factors. These results show that the students who participated in the study tended to have information about the environment and the factors that threatened the environment, to be sensitive to nature, and to be ready to sacrifice to solve environmental problems. The analysis results show that the participants agreed with the statements in ecocentric, nature responsibility, ecological knowledge, and hedonistic sub-dimensions. At the same time, they disagreed with the views of the anthropocentric sub-dimension. It was determined that there was a significant difference between the groups in the context of some demographic variables.
... On the other hand, in the PC, C and P stages, results showed that gender did not have much influence as the difference in values were relatively weak. This finding aligns with another previous study (Shobeiri et al., 2007) but contradicts with a few others (Lehman & Geller, 2004;Lukman et al., 2013), which found that female learners show more environmental concern and higher pro-environmental attitudes. This could be because of the increase in environmental degradation during the past decade, where male Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. ...
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Environmental degradation has become a major concern around the world. Fostering pro-environmental behaviour is considered among key solutions to reduce impacts towards conservation and rehabilitation of the environment. Various stakeholders have been developing strategies to promote pro-environmental behaviour, especially from an early age that is at student level but environmental issues still prevail on the local and global agenda. Therefore, this makes it questionable about the readiness of learners to change their behaviours towards implementing pro-environmental practices. Literature shows that limited work has been undertaken to assess readiness to change towards pro-environmental behaviour. Taking cognizance of this gap, this paper investigates and analyses the readiness of students towards pro-environmental behaviour by using the Transtheoretical Model of Behaviour Change. A survey was conducted in secondary and higher education institutions in Mauritius. Results showed that demographic factors including gender, level of education and age group had an influence on pro-environmental behaviour. In addition, even though the larger group of participants showed positive attitudes towards protecting the environment, only a smaller percentage had actively changed their behaviours towards a pro-environmental one. As a solution, an integrated framework was proposed in this study to foster pro-environmental behaviour among students.
... However, previous studies have reported different results regarding the effect of gender on environmental awareness. For example, in the studies conducted by Sharmin (2003) with primary school students and Shobeiri, Omidvar, and Prahallada (2007) with secondary school students, they found no difference between genders in students' environmental awareness levels. Çakar, Güneş, and Erdoğan (2013) also determined that environmental awareness levels of female students were higher than male students, but there was no significant difference between the groups. ...
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This study aimed to examine the environmental awareness of Turkish primary school students in the context of some demographic variables. The study was carried out with the general survey method. An online questionnaire was used as a data collection tool due to the Covid 19 pandemic conditions during the study. The first part of this survey form included demographic questions about gender, grade, household income, mother's graduation, and father's graduation. The second part included the 5-Likert type 21-item Elementary School Environment Awareness Scale (ESEAS). The original ESAS developed by Yıldız Yılmaz and Mentiş Taş (2017) consists of 31 items. As a result of a pilot study, it was decided to exclude 14 items from the original scale. The exploratory factor analysis result revealed that the scale showed a structure with five sub-dimensions (ecocentric, nature responsibility, anthropocentric, environmental knowledge, and hedonistic). Two hundred sixty primary school students at the 2nd and 4th-grade levels participated in the study. The present study's results, which examined elementary school students' environmental awareness levels, showed that the null hypothesis was accepted in most scores related to scale factors. These results show that the students who participated in the study tended to have information about the environment and the factors that threatened the environment, to be sensitive to nature, and to be ready to sacrifice to solve environmental problems. The analysis results show that the participants agreed with the statements in ecocentric, nature responsibility, ecological knowledge, and hedonistic sub-dimensions. At the same time, they disagreed with the views of the anthropocentric sub-dimension. It was determined that there was a significant difference between the groups in the context of some demographic variables.
... It is also indicated that the environmental curriculum in schools needs to be evaluated to ensure a quality environmental education to children to increase knowledge and awareness. Furthermore, in a related study in Iran and India by Shobeiri et al. (2007), it was revealed that it is necessary to give mass awareness to the impact of waste disposal practices from the beginning of school education. Also it is pertinent to be committed to environmental education which will inculcate a proper and appropriate environmental culture in the students. ...
... Hence, it shows that there is a weak relationship between environmental awareness and solid waste management in Jos metropolis, the study area. This has also confirmed the work of Shobeiri et al. (2007) in Iran and India. The implication of these results means that there is arrangement for policy on environmental awareness and that people are the aware of solid waste management system in Jos metropolis for the State and Local Governments. ...
... Furthermore, whilst efforts are being made to sensitize the general public to the provisions contained in the waste plan, a greater section of the population must be able to read the recommendations made about the general efforts made towards addressing the solid waste generated, collected and disposed. See the work of Shobeiri et al. (2007) in Iran and India and Ifegbesan (2010) in Ibadan Nigeria. ...
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This paper examined the impact of Environmental Education and Awareness on the Effective Management of Solid Wastes among residents of Jos-Bukuru Metropolis, Plateau State, Nigeria with a view to making recommendations on environmental awareness and education for the area. It is by examining the existing policy on environmental awareness and its effect on people's attitudes to solid waste management. It is by determining the relationship between attitude and solid waste management practices and also evaluating the influence of the level of environmental awareness on the solid waste management practices among residents. A structured questionnaire was used to obtain data from 400 respondents, selected through a systematic random sampling technique from six zones namely; Fari-gada, Angwan-Rukuba, Tudun-Wada, Rantya, Rayfield and Bukuru in the Jos-Bukuru metropolis. The data obtained from the questionnaire were analysed using spearman's rank correlation (rho) and analysis of variance (F-ratio) statistical techniques. The results obtained showed that there was a provision for a policy on environmental awareness and its effects on people's attitudes to solid waste management. Also, there was no relationship between attitude and solid waste management practice in Jos Metropolis and there was a low level of influence of environmental awareness and education on people's attitudes towards solid waste management in Jos Metropolis, Nigeria. Based on these results a set of recommendations was made to help policy makers, practitioners and the academia in solid waste management.