RIT mindset: the critical core of research‐informed teaching practice

RIT mindset: the critical core of research‐informed teaching practice

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Integration of research into teaching is a major area of interest in the field of higher education. Considerable work has been done on how staff and students view this integration, how it can be achieved in practice and how it might best be researched by scholars. However, relatively little research has considered how research‐informed teaching (RI...


... [72][73][74][75] cover some aspects of BIM applications also taught in the BIM courses in the School of the Built Environment in Oxford Brookes University. Sharing the aforementioned literature with students in the School of the Built Environment at Oxford Brookes University is a great way of encouraging research-informed teaching which inspires critical and analytical thinking in students, as argued in [6,76]. ...
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Emerging building information modelling (BIM) can be complex to teach during a regular face-to-face class schedule, and even more challenging remotely or virtually. This has been further exacerbated by the outbreak of COVID-19 whereby the adoption of virtual teaching techniques in higher education has been strongly recommended. However, since the outbreak, in December 2019, there has been a paucity of research with regards to experiences with the virtual delivery of BIM. This study explores lessons learnt in engaging students through the virtual delivery of BIM courses during the COVID-19 pandemic. Quantitative data from a questionnaire and quantitative and qualitative data from the various module evaluation reports were used to inform this study. A main finding is that, despite being a technical course, BIM can still be delivered online without compromising any of its learning outcomes. In contrast to existing literature, the main contribution of this study is practical as it provides insights on methods that worked and those that can be used post-COVID-19 in delivering BIM courses. This study provides hope to prospective students, especially distance learning students, who often worry whether the technology aspects of BIM can be taught remotely. Although the study is grounded on BIM and driven by the COVID-19 context and distance learning, it has wider implications for learning and teaching in other technical disciplines and virtual learning in general. Specifically, the experiences and impacts of delivering BIM examined in this study can inform curricula design in other disciplines.
... Research questions were formulated following a literature review which revealed that despite funding regimes and policies to support the evidencing of impact, in practice this does not sit alongside policy incentives, nor funding weighting (Papatsiba & Cohen, 2020). The UK professional standards teaching framework (UKPSF) (Advance HE Advance, 2011) favours 'impact-informed' teaching and engagement which suggests that the lecturer is fundamental to embedding research and teaching within a public engagement model (Joseph-Richard et al., 2020). Literature revealed a partial understanding of these links as they frequently overlap and it appears that the impact agenda has insidiously progressed to disenfranchise the role of the educator (Hazelkorn & Gibson, 2018). ...
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Poetry can be used as an adjunct to interviews in social science to build relationships and share meaning to create an artefact that provokes dialogue between the researcher and research study participants. Describing the sensemaking of researcher identity as a narrative walk, Datawalking is extended as an embodied post-data qualitative research method to inform autoethnography and poetry. These methods articulate the ways to support researcher wellbeing to counter the loneliness of remote research which can be heightened by external factors such as the lockdowns of the COVID-19 pandemic. We illustrate two poems used alongside phenomenological interviewing to inform reflexive knowledge in educational research. By exploring poetic techniques including meter, alliteration, and enjambment we seek to advance the understanding of evocative autoethnography as a polyphonic form of expressive scholarship to instantiate dialogue in social research. This approach, centred on identity and praxis, has uses for organisational studies in education.
... According to Joseph-Richard et al. (2020), developing teachers' research-informed teaching mindset is critical to inviting teachers to willingly involve in practically oriented research to bring innovations to their teaching. It is also argued that a teacher's ability to read and understand research publications (Brew et al., 2016), skills to use IT, such as the Internet and databases, ability to assess the quality of research-based information, and expertise in translating research findings to practice are essential for teachers to adopt research-informed practice (Perkins, 2019). ...
... Indeed, when inclusive schools demand practitioners to deliver equitable learning opportunities for all students, research becomes a central feature that must be built into pedagogical practice. Therefore, there is a need to develop teachers' researchinformed teaching mindset (habitus) so that they can willingly involve in school-based action research to improve education from within their context rather than practices imposed externally by policymakers and external researchers (Joseph-Richard et al., 2020). ...
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International research findings offer inclusive education teachers various pedagogical tools to support student diversity in inclusive classrooms to counter educational disadvantages. However, according to previous research, embedding research evidence in pedagogical practice at the classroom level is rare in schools. Our study explored Ghanaian teachers’ perspectives in 10 purposively selected inclusive Basic Schools in Ghana. The study focused on teachers’ frequency of use of Research-Based Information (RBI), the type of use of RBI, opinions about RBI, awareness of useful activities that facilitate the use of RBI, individual expertise, or skills necessary for RBI use in everyday practice, organizational factors that influence the use of RBI. The study identified non-use and minimal to moderate use of RBI in professional practice. Sources of RBI were mostly from non-scholarly journals because the schools did not subscribe to peer-reviewed journals, and teachers were not willing to use their financial resources to access close-ended journal articles. An independent t-test was not significant between female and male participants. However, a Pearson product-moment correlation to assess the relationship between the various factors about RBI use found positive associations between organizational factors and expertise and between awareness factors and expertise to use RBI. Education must promote increased adoption of RBI in professional practice to enhance educational quality for all students. This can be accomplished by building ongoing solid school-university partnerships to develop context-specific frameworks that support inclusive teachers to conduct and use more research in their practice.
... This makes the ability to effectively write a literature review a critical incident in the professional doctorate journey. This paper aims to assess the value of taught structured literature review on a professional doctorate programme, by assessing the module's internal structure regarding the coherent contents-aims/contentlearning outcomes connection, learning techniques (Leger & Sirichand, 2015), the value of research-informed teaching (Joseph-Richard et al., 2021), and on an exploratory review of students' satisfaction levels (Pickering & Byrne, 2014). ...
... This critical case study of a literature review credit-bearing taught module for professional business doctorates addressed the module's internal structure and learning techniques (Leger & Sirichand, 2015), reviewed the students' learning processes regarding challenges, achievements and satisfaction levels (Pickering & Byrne, 2014), and, finally, assessed the value of research-informed teaching (Joseph-Richard et al., 2021). ...
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The first significant piece of writing a Professional Doctorate must undertake is reviewing the literature within their elected field, allowing them to synthesise relevant theories and concepts underpinning their research (Pickering & Byrne, 2014). The task involves searching, assessing, screening and synthesis a significant literature volume. Often this task is perceived as daunting, potentially leading to periods of demotivation, where students feel stuck, particularly in Professional Doctorates (Wisker, 2015). A basic principle of Professional Doctorates is that candidates contend with the tensions of professional practice and academic scholarship, making sense of the intricacies of crossing intellectual boundaries (Wasserman & Kram, 2009). However, many professional doctorate students have been absent from higher education learning for a long period of time (Allen et al., 2002), to which the literature review process is crucial for doctoral students as it is their opportunity to cross ‘conceptual thresholds’, which is crucial for gaining new insights into a topic (Wisker, 2015). For professional doctorate students, this process is interconnected with their deep understanding of their professional practice, which drives knowledge production (Costley, 2013). This paper discusses the characteristics of using structured literature reviews as a pedagogical strategy in a credit-bearing taught module for professional business doctorates. It aims to assess the value of structured literature reviews to improve learning outcomes, doctoral completions and publishing opportunities. The analysis is drawn on a critical case study of the Literature Review module within the Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA) programme at Liverpool John Moore's University. The DBA is used as a critical case study for this research, as it represents the most mature and developed professional doctorate in the University. It reviews the module's internal structure addressing the coherent contents-aims/content-learning outcomes connection and learning techniques (Leger & Sirichand, 2015), the value of research-informed teaching (Joseph-Richard, Almpanis, Wu, & Jamil, 2021), and an exploratory review of students' satisfaction levels (Pickering & Byrne, 2014).
... Tour d'ivoire en somme, mais résultat bien paradoxal pour des disciplines appliquées au monde de l'économie pourtant bien réel lui et pourtant en si grand besoin de soin… Alors les docteurs de tous ordres devraient s'y mettre ! On pourrait se rassurer en pensant que la recherche atteint au moins les étudiants puisque les institutions déclarent favoriser un enseignement « guidé » ou « informé par la recherche »(Joseph-Richard et al., 2020). Les futurs praticiens seraient donc un jour exposés aux dernières avancées de la recherche. ...
... Tour d'ivoire en somme, mais résultat bien paradoxal pour des disciplines appliquées au monde de l'économie pourtant bien réel lui et pourtant en si grand besoin de soin… Alors les docteurs de tous ordres devraient s'y mettre ! On pourrait se rassurer en pensant que la recherche atteint au moins les étudiants puisque les institutions déclarent favoriser un enseignement « guidé » ou « informé par la recherche »(Joseph-Richard et al., 2020). Les futurs praticiens seraient donc un jour exposés aux dernières avancées de la recherche. ...
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"Breaking Boundaries: (Counter) Accounts during the Pandemic - Letters to future generations” is a major digital book in four languages (English-French-Portuguese-Spanish). This book is part of a desire to think outside the box of publishing and to bring together contributions from many fields, including academic, artistic, poetic, photographic, etc. The basic idea was to produce accounts, in various forms, related to the ways in which humanity has been confronted with the Covid-19 pandemic. It is a form of "accounting" that will hopefully inform future generations who want to learn more about the effects that the pandemic has had around the globe. The editorial team consisted of eight accounting faculty researchers - from three continents. The digital book is freely available and can be consulted at the following address: https://ir.lib.uwo.ca/breaking-boundaries/ Through this book, we are pleased, in a sense, to help rethink the boundaries surrounding the publishing world. Please feel free to promote the book and circulate it in many ways. In today's digitalized world, it is time to engage in deeper thinking about the ways in which knowledge is disseminated.
... Tour d'ivoire en somme, mais résultat bien paradoxal pour des disciplines appliquées au monde de l'économie pourtant bien réel lui et pourtant en si grand besoin de soin… Alors les docteurs de tous ordres devraient s'y mettre ! On pourrait se rassurer en pensant que la recherche atteint au moins les étudiants puisque les institutions déclarent favoriser un enseignement « guidé » ou « informé par la recherche »(Joseph-Richard et al., 2020). Les futurs praticiens seraient donc un jour exposés aux dernières avancées de la recherche. ...
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This text narrates, in the form of a diary, the events that occurred during the coronavirus epidemic in Geneva, a Swiss city-canton of 500’000 inhabitants, between January and August 2020. The insouciance of the first weeks of the crisis, when it seemed remote and benign, was followed by a phase of consternation in front of the rapidity and the extent of its propagation. Later, when it seemed to be under control, the population and the authorities tried a brief return to normalcy, which was quickly abandoned in the face of the resurgence of contamination. Does the current situation foreshadow a new normal?
... Tour d'ivoire en somme, mais résultat bien paradoxal pour des disciplines appliquées au monde de l'économie pourtant bien réel lui et pourtant en si grand besoin de soin… Alors les docteurs de tous ordres devraient s'y mettre ! On pourrait se rassurer en pensant que la recherche atteint au moins les étudiants puisque les institutions déclarent favoriser un enseignement "guidé" ou "informé par la recherche" (Richard et al., 2020). Les futurs praticiens seraient donc un jour exposés aux dernières avancées de la recherche. ...
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Oser la rencontre avec le monde pour le transformer : plaidoyer pour un désenclavement de la recherche en sciences de gestion sur fond de crise sanitaire La crise sanitaire du Covid-19 agit comme une loupe grossissant la césure entre la recherche en sciences de gestion et le monde économique ; deux mondes qui peinent à se rencontrer puisque, paradoxalement, les résultats de la recherche parviennent très rarement aux praticiens après avoir emprunté de longs et sinueux chemins éditoriaux. A la suite d'une analyse des points de fermeture du champ scientifique en sciences de gestion et de ses pesanteurs éditoriales, cet essai polémique, mais constructif, fait des propositions concrètement applicables à très court terme, pour favoriser le dialogue entre chercheurs et praticiens. You academic, don't be so oblivious of the world! A plea for greater openness of research in management sciences in the context of health crisis The Covid-19 health crisis acts as a magnifying glass revealing the gap between management sciences research and the economic world ; two worlds that struggle to meet since, paradoxically, research results very rarely reach practitioners because of too long and winding editorial paths. Following an analysis of the locking points of the scientific field in management sciences and its editorial constraints, this polemical but constructive essay makes concrete proposals that can be applied in the very short term to promote dialogue between researchers and practitioners. La crise sanitaire de la Covid-19 est une période particulièrement propice à un retour réflexif sur le mode de vie des sociétés humaines : digitalisation des échanges, circulation planétaire des personnes et des marchandises, croissance des populations, développement de mégalopoles, course à la performance tout au long de la vie... S'agissant de l'économie de marché il est manifeste que le paradigme fondé sur l'accumulation de richesses montre ses limites de manière dramatique. En effet, la surproduction-surconsommation épuise non seulement les ressources planétaires mais elle
Thanks to the collaboration between a lecturer and an e-learning development officer, a new unit solely based on a role-play game was developed. This unit was directly informed by new research findings and pushed students to think beyond the traditional stereotypes that exist about mafias. A standard teaching unit was transformed into an active role-play game where new research findings were embedded and informed the main themes of the unit. This chapter explains the (1) the pedagogical logic and use of new research behind the role-play unit, (2) the structure of the unit (3) how the games played out and issues that appeared, (4) student feedback on the experience, and (5) the learning outcomes for both students and lecturer. In conclusion, the role-play format informed by research improved the learning experience, student participation, and performance because the students felt that the discussions raised were empirically informed and, consequently, made them go beyond long-established stereotypes.