Figure - uploaded by Benjamin Kutsyuruba
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School leaders in Canada face increasing social, political, economic, educational, and professional demands, which often lead to increased workload, stress, burnout, decreased well-being, and lack of work-life balance. Research demonstrates that school principals with high levels of resilience are better at coping with stress and crisis, are genera...
Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... majority of respondents were from Ontario (36%), followed by Manitoba (7%), Alberta (7%) and Quebec (6%). All provinces and territories were represented apart from Yukon (see Table 1). ...Context 2
... you could think of one thing that currently discourages you about your role as principal, what would it be? and 2. n % 10 or less 0 0 5 or less 6 8 11 to 20 8 11 6 to 10 16 22 21 to 30 41 56 11 to 15 24 33 31 or more 24 33 16 or more 27 37 What are some of the approaches you use to develop your personal resilience as a school leader? The findings from the analysis of their responses are provided in the following subsections. ...Similar publications
Nurses face complex stressors in their work including routine exposure to human suffering and potentially traumatic events. Consequently, nurses are at risk of moral distress, workplace burnout, and compassion fatigue. The aim of this study was to design, develop, and test a health-promoting resilience education program for nurses. The research que...
The decrease in well-being of school leaders has become an area of concern among scholars and practitioners around the world. Globally, increasing social, political, economic, educational, and professional demands faced by school administrators have led to an unmanageable workload, stress, burnout, and a lack of work-life balance. However, some pri...
Due to the unique working environment and nature of work in emergency departments, nurses are prone to experiencing compassion fatigue (CF), leading to job burnout and attrition. As more Generation Z (Gen Z) nurses enter the emergency department with distinct personality traits compared to previous generations, studying their experiences...
... Results of these studies have shown that principals are mostly fulfilled with their chosen profession and, if taken back in time, would still choose to be school principals. Being naturally highly motivated and resilient individuals who display advanced problem-solving skills, optimism, and work ethic [13], many principals succeed despite significant challenges and even experience flourishing at work, which is characterized by optimal functioning, feeling good, and achieving a balanced life [14]. As a result, some of these principals are nominated for and recognized by various national and international awards as outstanding. ...
The decrease in well-being of school leaders has become an area of concern among scholars and practitioners around the world. Globally, increasing social, political, economic, educational, and professional demands faced by school administrators have led to an unmanageable workload, stress, burnout, and a lack of work-life balance. However, some principals thrive amidst challenges and are recognized by various national and international awards as outstanding school leaders. Examining the challenges that award-winning school principals face can both prevent conditions that decrease their well-being and help understand coping strategies and support systems necessary for successful school leadership. Our study examined the sense of flourishing among the national award-winning principals in the Canada's Outstanding Principals (COP) program that recognizes outstanding contributions of principals in publicly funded schools. In this article, we describe participants' perceptions regarding the significance of principal well-being, barriers and challenges to their well-being, coping strategies to promote and sustain their well-being, and necessary policy and school system supports for enhanced principal well-being.