Fig 2 - uploaded by Faisal Arafsha
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Affective haptic research is a rapidly growing field. This article intends to improve the existing literature and contribute by involving consumers directly in the design of a smart haptic jacket by adding heat, vibration actuators, and by enhancing portability. The proposed system is designed for six basic emotions: love, joy, surprise, anger, sad...
Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... haptics is on systems that evoke or affect a human's emotional condition using the sense of touch [20]. The data collected from the conducted survey was highly valuable in the overall design of the operation of our system. The designing decisions were made based on the direct input of the consumers, and the scenarios were agreed upon as shown in Fig. ...
Context 2
... shown in Fig. 2, different scenarios are to be implemented, and different affective haptic components are required. Based on these scenarios, the system is designed to be composed of the following affective haptic body ...
Context 3
... microcontroller is programmed to receive six simple and direct instructions representing the six emotions discussed previously (see Fig. 2). Also, it receives the desired duration associated with each emotion. The format of receivable instructions is a simple one. The microcontroller receives instructions as a set of three bytes from the interfacing program. The first byte represents the emotion number (1: love, 2: joy, 3: surprise, 4: anger, 5: sadness, and 6: fear). The ...
Context 4
... Table 1, we find that love is represented using warmth and heartbeats. Based on the users ’ responses, we have placed warmth and beats on different body parts of the jacket. We have used vector representation of body parts to formulate different emotional statuses. The presence of different body parts, such as the neck, abdomen, arms, etc. of the proposed jacket for a particular emotion, are represented using 1/0 (on/off) in vector J which we call the localized jacket vector. Additionally, the intensity of one mechanical feature, such as warmth or vibration, on a body part of the jacket is maintained in a range of [0 1]. Each mechanical feature, which has been used to simulate a basic emotion, is represented by a feature intensity vector (Table 2) to control its strength on different body parts. Feature intensity vector of Table 2 is produced following empirical studies conducted by haptic and emotion stimulation domain experts from August 2011 – May 2012. Several iterations of jacket component rear- rangements were made and subsequent user feedbacks were collected to reach a consensus among domain experts to find average feature intensity value for various mechanical features. It is to be noted that experts agreed that an ideal solution will be to have an adaptive system where feature intensities vary according to the user such as male, female, children, visually impaired etc. In our system, W love is placed in both neck and abdomen parts of the jacket. We maintain different intensities of warmth in neck and abdomen parts using the feature intensity vector. Beats simulation is naturally placed in the left side of the chest and it has its own intensity vector. Hence, the final vector representation of “ Love ” is W love , H love . The jacket ’ s system controller generates W love and H love vectors following Table 2 and transmits them to the microcontroller to simulate the hardware components to produce the right emotional effect. Similarly, Hug is represented using pressure, vibration and beats (Fig. 2). Actuators following certain pattern are placed in the complete chest and vibration-beat is placed in the back shoulder. Little vibrationsare alsoused on the middle ...
Context 5
... jacket is designed so that it can be used in a variety of applications. It operates by connecting to a computer or a pre-set digital system that gives direct instructions and evokes each emotion for the desired duration. Here, we used an Arduino Duemilanove 6 microcontroller to control the jacket. The microcontroller is connected directly to the computer that has an interfacing application. This interfacing application is responsible for giving instructions that the jacket (or the microcontroller) can understand Fig. 3. The microcontroller is programmed to receive six simple and direct instructions representing the six emotions discussed previously (see Fig. 2). Also, it receives the desired duration associated with each emotion. The format of receivable instructions is a simple one. The microcontroller receives instructions as a set of three bytes from the interfacing program. The first byte represents the emotion number (1: love, 2: joy, 3: surprise, 4: anger, 5: sadness, and 6: fear). The second and third bytes represent the duration for which the emotion shall be activated in the jacket (in seconds). For example, sending the bytes 456 will activate anger for 56 s, and 654 will activate fear for 54 s. The microcontroller s input and output pins are connected to what we call the networking board ” . The networking board contains all the circuitry needed to control the jacket. It also contains necessary voltage regulators to accommodate the different voltage requirements of the jacket ’ s components, as well as BJT transistors to control power thirsty components. This networking board is designed to be connected to the jacket through pluggable wires to make it easy to improve and to replace parts when ...
Context 6
... clothe, is becoming increasingly popular in the area of human-computer interaction (HCI). The main focus of affective haptics is on systems that evoke or affect a human ’ s emotional condition using the sense of touch [20]. The data collected from the conducted survey was highly valuable in the overall design of the operation of our system. The designing decisions were made based on the direct input of the consumers, and the scenarios were agreed upon as shown in Fig. 2. As shown in Fig. 2, different scenarios are to be implemented, and different affective haptic components are required. Based on these scenarios, the system is designed to be composed of the following affective haptic body ...
Context 7
... clothe, is becoming increasingly popular in the area of human-computer interaction (HCI). The main focus of affective haptics is on systems that evoke or affect a human ’ s emotional condition using the sense of touch [20]. The data collected from the conducted survey was highly valuable in the overall design of the operation of our system. The designing decisions were made based on the direct input of the consumers, and the scenarios were agreed upon as shown in Fig. 2. As shown in Fig. 2, different scenarios are to be implemented, and different affective haptic components are required. Based on these scenarios, the system is designed to be composed of the following affective haptic body ...
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The psychological literature has shown that sharing one’s emotions with loved ones does not alleviate distress. We challenge this notion. In four studies (N=2581), participants were asked to recall an emotional episode (Studies 1a-2: sadness, fear, affection, joy, anger) and write about this episode. Not replicating prior work, participants shared...
... Furthermore, other studies have designed tactile devices, such as vests to enhance people's affective communication through multimedia [34], or to evoke specific emotions through vibration and heat [35]. Additional works have focused on enhancing the moviewatching experience through tactile stimulation [10,36,37], similar to Lemmens et al.'s [10] multisensory jacket, designed with 16 different segments of 4 motors each capable of generating synchronized vibrotactile stimuli during moments in a film. ...
Recent psychology and neuroscience studies have used tactile stimuli in patients, concluding after their experiments that touch is a sense tightly linked to emotions. In parallel, a new way of seeing films, 4D cinema, has added new stimuli to the traditional audiovisual via, including the tactile vibration. In this work, we have studied the brain activity of audience while viewing a scene filmed and directed by us and with an emotional content, under two different conditions: 1) image + sound, 2) image + sound + vibro-tactile stimulation. We have designed a glove where pulse trains are generated in coin motors at specific moments and recorded 35 viewers’ electroencephalograms (EEGs) to evaluate the impact of the vibro-tactile stimulation during the film projection. Hotelling’s T-squared results show higher brain intensity if the tactile stimulus is received during the viewing than if no tactile stimulus is injected. Condition 1 participants showed activation in left and right orbitofrontal areas, whereas Condition 2 they also showed activities in right superior frontal and right-medial frontal areas. We conclude that the addition of vibrotactile stimulus increases the brain activity in areas linked with attentional processes, while producing a higher intensity in those related to emotional processes.
... A major challenge in communicating emotions through vibrotactile encoding that they are a non-homogeneous category of information [26]. This means the psychophysiological effects of emotions can highly vary [4] and can differ depending on the body location of the vibrotactile stimulation [1]. A number of approaches have explored encoding across locations such as the wrist [25], forearm [22], hands [19,33], and the back [1,8,23,39]. ...
... This means the psychophysiological effects of emotions can highly vary [4] and can differ depending on the body location of the vibrotactile stimulation [1]. A number of approaches have explored encoding across locations such as the wrist [25], forearm [22], hands [19,33], and the back [1,8,23,39]. Predominantly, pattern creation strategies involve arbitrarily combining vibrotactile dimensions and then asking users to rate valence and arousal [23,25,28,37], rating the locations users assume an emotion is represented in the body [2], mapping facial expressions to vibration intensities [33], or user-generated patterns [8,36]. ...
... During the development of devices for rendering affective haptic stimuli, approaches have been investigated at various sites on the body with a variety of different working mechanisms [17]- [27]. Specifically for the forearm, different systems were investigated, mainly with vibration [16], [28]- [30]. ...
Physically accurate (authentic) reproduction of affective touch patterns on the forearm is limited by actuator technology. However, in most VR applications a direct comparison with actual touch is not possible. Here, the plausibility is only compared to the user's expectation. Focusing on the approach of plausible instead of authentic touch reproduction enables new rendering techniques, like the utilization of the phantom illusion to create the sensation of moving vibrations. Following this idea, a haptic armband array (4x2 vibrational actuators) was built to investigate the possibilities of recreating plausible affective touch patterns with vibration. The novel aspect of this work is the approach of touch reproduction with a parameterized rendering strategy, enabling the integration in VR. A first user study evaluates suitable parameter ranges for vibrational touch rendering. Duration of vibration and signal shape influence plausibility the most. A second user study found high plausibility ratings in a multimodal scenario and confirmed the expressiveness of the system. Rendering device and strategy are suitable for a various stroking patterns and applicable for emerging research on social affective touch reproduction.
... By combining different haptic technologies like vibrotactile and thermal, the available range of emotions evoked by the haptic stimulation can be enriched (e.g., Wilson & Brewster, 2017). At the moment, combining different haptic technologies like warmth and vibration has been rare, despite the fact that wearable devices which enable touch stimulation via multiple methods have been evaluated positively (Arafsha et al., 2015). ...
... State: Numerous actuation technologies (see Section 3) and materials (Biswas and Visell, 2019;Cruz et al., 2018) providing both tactile (Coe et al., 2019;Farooq et al., 2020;Evreinov et al., 2021) and kinesthetic output (Kim and Follmer, 2019;Elvitigala et al., 2022), have been developed for skin stimulation controlled with physical parameters (e. g., displacement, acceleration, electrical current, pressure) (Farooq et al., 2015). The studies that integrated more than one of these technologies into a single haptic interface showed that this can improve social and affective responses to the distant touch (Farooq et al., 2016b, Coe et al., 2019, Ahmed et al., 2016Arafsha et al., 2015;Wilson & Brewster, 2017;Messerschmidt et al., 2022). Using a combination of technologies, we can ensure the resulting feedback can deliver a wider bandwidth of haptic information (Tan et al., 2010). ...
Touch between people is an integral part of human life. Touch is used to convey information, emotions, and other social cues. Still, everyday remote communication remains mainly auditive or audio-visual. The theme of this article, interpersonal haptic communication, refers to any communication system that supports mediation of touch between two or more persons. We first present a scoping review of the state of the art in interpersonal haptic communication, including physiological and psychological basis of touch, affective and social touch, and mediated social touch. We then discuss emerging research themes that shape the future of interpersonal haptic communication, identify research gaps and propose key research directions for each theme. Finally, societal impact and ethical aspects are discussed.
... As the human torso provides an extensive skin area to convey tactile information, torso-worn haptic displays deploying tactile spatial cues have gained increasing attention in recent years (Rupert 2000;Lemmens et al. 2009;Arafsha et al. 2015;Lentini et al. 2016;Wacker et al. 2016;Buimer et al. 2018;Garcia-Valle et al. 2018). Moreover, while providing tactile information on the torso, a person's active body parts, such as hands and fingers, remain fully available for daily living activities. ...
... The majority of torso-worn tactile displays developed in the last 2 decades have commonly adopted miniature affordable vibrotactile stimulators in commercial and experimental frameworks (Arafsha et al. 2015;Karafotias et al. 2017;Garcia-Valle et al. 2018). For instance, Van Erp and colleagues have employed torso-worn vibrotactile displays for use as a pedestrian navigation system (van Erp et al. 2003(van Erp et al. , 2005(van Erp et al. , 2005b(van Erp et al. , 2007. ...
There is a steadily growing number of mobile communication systems that provide spatially encoded tactile information to the humans’ torso. However, the increased use of such hands-off displays is currently not matched with or supported by systematic perceptual characterization of tactile spatial discrimination on the torso. Furthermore, there are currently no data testing spatial discrimination for dynamic force stimuli applied to the torso. In the present study, we measured tactile point localization (LOC) and tactile direction discrimination (DIR) on the thoracic spine using two unisex torso-worn tactile vests realized with arrays of 3 × 3 vibrotactile or force feedback actuators. We aimed to, first, evaluate and compare the spatial discrimination of vibrotactile and force stimulations on the thoracic spine and, second, to investigate the relationship between the LOC and DIR results across stimulations. Thirty-four healthy participants performed both tasks with both vests. Tactile accuracies for vibrotactile and force stimulations were 60.7% and 54.6% for the LOC task; 71.0% and 67.7% for the DIR task, respectively. Performance correlated positively with both stimulations, although accuracies were higher for the vibrotactile than for the force stimulation across tasks, arguably due to specific properties of vibrotactile stimulations. We observed comparable directional anisotropies in the LOC results for both stimulations; however, anisotropies in the DIR task were only observed with vibrotactile stimulations. We discuss our findings with respect to tactile perception research as well as their implications for the design of high-resolution torso-mounted tactile displays for spatial cueing.
... As the human torso provides an extensive skin area to convey tactile information, torso-worn haptic displays deploying tactile spatial cues have gained increasing attention in recent years (Rupert 2000;Lemmens et al. 2009;Arafsha et al. 2015;Lentini et al. 2016;Wacker et al. 2016;Buimer et al. 2018;Garcia-Valle et al. 2018). Moreover, while providing tactile information on the torso, a person's active body parts, such as hands and fingers, remain fully available for daily living activities. ...
... The majority of torso-worn tactile displays developed in the last two decades have commonly adopted miniature affordable vibrotactile stimulators in commercial and experimental frameworks (Arafsha et al. 2015;Karafotias et al. 2017;Garcia-Valle et al. 2018). For instance, Van Erp and colleagues have employed torso-worn vibrotactile displays for use as a pedestrian navigation system (van Erp et al. 2003;Van Erp et al. 2005;Van Erp 2005b;van Erp 2007). ...
There is a steadily growing number of mobile communication systems that provide spatially encoded tactile information to the humans' torso. However, the increased use of such hands-off displays is currently not matched with or supported by systematic perceptual characterization of tactile spatial discrimination on the torso. Furthermore, there are currently no data testing spatial discrimination for dynamic force stimuli applied to the torso. In the present study, we measured tactile point localization (PL) and tactile direction discrimination (DD) on the thoracic spine using two unisex torso-worn tactile vests realized with arrays of 3x3 vibrotactile or force feedback actuators. We aimed to, firstly, evaluate and compare the spatial discrimination of vibrotactile and force stimulations on the thoracic spine and, secondly, to investigate the relationship between the PL and DD results across stimulations. Thirty-four healthy participants performed both tasks with both vests. Tactile accuracies for vibrotactile and force stimulations were 60.7% and 54.6% for the PL task; 71.0% and 67.7% for the DD task, respectively. Performance correlated positively with both stimulations, although accuracies were higher for the vibrotactile than for the force stimulation across tasks, arguably due to specific properties of vibrotactile stimulations. We observed comparable directional anisotropies in the PL results for both stimulations; however, anisotropies in the DD task were only observed with vibrotactile stimulations. We discuss our findings with respect to tactile perception research as well as their implications for the design of high-resolution torso-mounted tactile displays for spatial cueing.
... This jacket contains an array of vibrotactile actuators that activate depending on the locations of the touches. In a subsequent study, a temperature actuator and a heartbeat sensor were integrated into the tactile jacket to facilitate the display of the six universal emotions: love, joy, surprise, anger, sadness, and fear [45]. Results showed that the overall quality of user immersion is enhanced when the haptic jacket is used while watching a movie. ...
... A tactile jacket (with a temperature actuator and a heartbeat sensor) is developed to enhance video gaming and movie watching experiences [45]. Similar to the concept of subtitles in movies, synchronized stimuli are sent to the haptic jacket to evoke emotions used on the current scene in a movie or a video game. ...
... Similar to the concept of subtitles in movies, synchronized stimuli are sent to the haptic jacket to evoke emotions used on the current scene in a movie or a video game. The jacket was built to display the six universal emotions: love, joy, surprise, anger, sadness, and fear [45]. Results showed that the overall quality of user immersion is enhanced when the haptic jacket is used while watching a movie. ...
... We can accept hypothesis 1 (H1), a tight arm/shoulder and chest band providing some pressure at the back already reduces that natural drift, although, it doesn't completely erase it. Still, this may already be good justification for wearing resistance bands such as those proposed by consumer products 3 . Even without instructing the users to straighten their back when receiving feedback (P8: «I don't get the idea of why it is poking me»), we established that providing subtle to obtrusive notifications at the spine even stopped the drift during and shortly after the feedback. ...
... Although the users' perception is very individual, we could show that our notification concept provides significant different nuances of notifications that were perceivable across all users. 3 THE ERGO Posture Transformer: (accessed: 13/01/2018) 4 UPRIGHT GO: ...
... The diagram summarizes the average drift of the sitting posture the users show when having nothing mounted, having tight bands mounted to the back and shoulders and when additionally using tactile notifications(2)(3)(4)(5). Note that positive angles represent a drift into a bad posture and negative values represent posture corrections. ...
New computational devices, in particular wearable devices, offer the unique property of always being available and thus to be able to constantly update the user with information, such as by notifications. While research has been done in sophisticated notifications, devices today mainly stick to a binary level of information, while they are either attention drawing or silent. In this paper, we want to go further and propose scalable notifications, which adjust the intensity reaching from subtle to obtrusive and even going beyond that level, while forcing the user to take action. To illustrate the technical feasibility and validity of this concept, we developed three prototypes providing mechano-pressure, thermal, and electrical feedback and evaluated them in different lab studies. Our first prototype provides subtle poking through to high and frequent pressure on the user's spine, which creates a significantly improved back posture. In a second scenario, the users are enabled to perceive the overuse of a drill by an increased temperature on the palm of a hand until the heat is intolerable and the users are forced to eventually put down the tool. The last project comprises a speed control in a driving simulation, while electric muscle stimulation on the users' legs conveys information on changing the car's speed by a perceived tingling until the system independently forces the foot to move. Although our selected scenarios are long way from being realistic, we see these lab studies as a means to validate our proof-of-concept. In conclusion, all studies' findings support the feasibility of our concept of a scalable notification system, including the system of forced intervention. While we envisage the implementation of our proof-of-concept into future wearables, more realistic application scenarios are worthy of exploration.
... However, not all humancomputer interaction is merely technical/mechanical. It also triggers emotions and reactions, which should be taken into account and measured [3,105]. ...
The moment immediately before the “add to cart” decision is very critical in online shopping. Drawing on theories of transfer, spreading activation and human-computer interaction, the superiority of markerless Augmented Reality (AR) and Marker-based augmented reality (M) over Conventional Interactive (CI) is hypothesized. Although those multimedia tools are not part of the product/brand motivating the consumer interest they interfere in the interactive performance of the ecommerce. 150 consumers in a lab experiment showed higher emotional response, interactive response and brand evaluation in M and AR than CI. Contrary to what was expected the usability results were the inverse. That is, usability of CI outperforms M and AR. Considering only AR and M interfaces their effect on psychological variables was not statistically significant. A sophisticated or a simple interface had no impact on intention to buy the target brand, but the brand recommendation improved from M to AR. The differing effect of those three interface systems was mediated by brand familiarity, perceived risk, opinion leadership and positive emotional traits.
... Buyer and wearer behaviour and the multisensory experience of clothing have shown to be used as a social tool for self-development and expression, linking with the self, emotions, moods and memories with the body. Emotions, defined as a set of feelings that affect behaviour, can be evoked, for example, by variable multisensory clothing experiences (Arafsha and Alam 2013). In recognising the social significance and role facilitator of clothing, research shows that clothing is used to match, reflect, compensate and manage emotions, moods and personality factors, and the importance of new clothing (Moody et al. 2009(Moody et al. , 2010Kang et al. 2015), highlighting the relationships with well-being, change and desire for enhanced and multiple product experiences. ...
While the numbers of Do-It-Yourself (DIY) home modifications have increased, there is little available information that assists people to do their own home modifications. This is in the context that the traditional Australian home has generally been built with little consideration for anyone who may be less agile or who may have any other ability issues. For instance, someone may find themselves no longer able to step into a bath or have difficulty standing up from the toilet and need to make changes to their home to remain independent and safe. Home modifications describe these types of changes in the home typically made in response to loss of ability and are designed to help people to remain independent and safe whilst reducing any risk of injury to their carers and care workers. This paper outlines the participatory design process used to create the smartphone App and reports on its beta testing and final launch.