Table 3 - uploaded by Ghulam Mustafa Shoro
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Properties of common solar cell material [13]

Properties of common solar cell material [13]

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Conference Paper
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This paper provides a comprehensive update on photovoltaic (PV) technologies and the materials. In recent years, targeted research advancement has been made in the photovoltaic cell technologies to reduce cost and increase efficiency. Presently, several types of PV solar panels are commercially utilized and playing an important role in the market....

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Context 1
... as a solar cell material has many advantages; however, it also conveys disadvantages. Table 3 from reference [13] describes that silicon is an indirect semiconductor and its absorption coefficient near to band edge is low. Thus, a fairly thick substrate is required for crystalline silicon cell manufacturing. ...

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In this work, the external quantum efficiency (EQE) of [Eu(bta)3me-phen] downshifters (DS) encapsulated by industrial procedures on photovoltaic (PV) modules is presented. The samples have been laminated using the DS layers faced-up and faced-down. The results obtained for the DS layers present an EQE enhancement of 1.2 % for the faced-up samples and 0.8 % for the faced-down samples. A climate chamber was used to evaluate the EQE performance during the ageing process; a temperature of 22 °C and relative humidity of 30 % was fixed. Several time cycles have been used to achieve a total UV dose of 454.94 kWh. After a 136.51 kWh dose, the increment of the EQE for the faced-up samples vanishes. In contrast, after a dose of 454.94 kWh, the EQE enhancement for samples with the DS layer faced down remains unaltered.
Conference Paper
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Now-a-days, power from Sun (solar light) is generated universally. At present, there is a claim of clean energy and we can get a great amountof power from sun. Energy from sun is boundless andhuge amount of energy (heat and light) falls on ground per day andif we can use that energy properly then there is a hope of satisfactoriness in energy. To get energy from sun, we use various kinds of solar cells. Solar cell converts light into electricity directly by using photovoltaic effect and there are many varieties of them. Solar cell is also well-known as photovoltaic cell (PV cell) and is used to switch sun's energy into electrical energy. Getting power from sun is considered as the solution of sustainable energy.But for that, we need to know how and where we can use solar energy and where it will be supplementary proficient to apply. In this paper, we have discussed about the types of solar cells and good things about solar concentrated tower. Mainly remarkable, to produce electricity, a block diagram has been discussed with some important applications to make this energy efficient in this paper. In the direction of gettinghuge power, only solar panel is not satisfying as solar power tower with mirror (solar energy concentrated tower) gives a large amount of power. So, in our block diagram, we are using both solar panel and solar concentrated tower as both solar panel and tower will be more efficient if connected together.