Fig 2 - uploaded by Thierry Lecomte
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Process for developing an application and the safety library. Both application and safety belt rely on the B method plus some handwritten code -mainly I/O. The safety is based on several features such as: -the detection of a divergent behaviour, -micro-controller liveness regularly checked by messages, -the detection of the inability for a processor to execute an instruction properly 3 , 3 all instructions are tested regularly against an oracle
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Industrial applications involving formal methods are still exceptions to the general rule. Lack of understanding, employees without proper education, difficulty to integrate existing development cycles, no explicit requirement from the market, etc. are explanations often heard for not being more formal. This article reports some experience about a...
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The CLEARSY Safety Platform (CSSP) is both a hardware and software platform aimed at developing safety critical applications. A smart combination of hardware features (double processor) and formal method (B method and code generators) was used to produce a SIL4-ready platform where safety principles are built-in. A first version, SK0, was released for education purpose with a restricted application template. An industry-strength version, CS0, was then released, providing more degrees of freedom at the cost of a more tricky development and engineering process. This article presents the new CS0 modelling paradigm, lists the conditions to be verified by the system developed, and briefly introduces a first application, software only: a safety flasher.