Procedures of a Single Lesson

Procedures of a Single Lesson

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تتناول الدراسة الحالية تأثير عامل الوقت على انجاز درس اللغة الانكليزية في المدارس العراقية لمرحلة المتوسطة. اعتمد الباحث في هذه الدراسة على اجرائين علميين هما المسح الاستقصائي بواسطة مدرسي اللغة الانكليزية والمعاينة الصفية اثناء اداء درس اللغة الانكليزية. وقد بدأت الدراسة بالاعتماد على سؤالي فرضية. فقد استفهم السؤال الاول عن مدى وضوح وصحة توزيع الو...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... procedures are to be followed in the current study, which are classroom observation and a survey. The two procedures are to be achieved depending the same design (see Table 4 below). ...
Context 2
... for Iraq. Table 4 involves the exact activities suggested by the Teacher's Guide as a plan for the successive stages of a single lesson. For purpose of the current study, Table 4 also designed to include a column of time consuming for each activity. ...
Context 3
... 4 involves the exact activities suggested by the Teacher's Guide as a plan for the successive stages of a single lesson. For purpose of the current study, Table 4 also designed to include a column of time consuming for each activity. Accordingly, this table represents the main procedure on which the data collection is to be done. ...

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