Figure 2 - uploaded by Fabrice Mantelet
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Principaux critères de choix des produits par les consommateurs Cette étude a été réalisée par le Crédoc pour le compte de la Direction générale de l'industrie, des technologies de l'information et des postes (DiGITIP).
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The objective of this research is to prove that it is possible to integrate a tool which makes it possible to quantify the felt emotional of the consumer compared to a product or an intermediate representation of a product in the process of design in order to optimize this one. Indeed, nowadays, face to an economic environment in strong growth, the...
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... 55 : Apport de l'utilisation de l'outil en amont dans le processus.........................110 Figure 56 : Logique de construction des constats à l'expérimentation n°2......................111 Figure 57 : Positionnement de l'expérimentation par rapport aux hypothèses.................112 Figure 58 : Principe du logiciel Kn6 [KENSYS 2005] Figure 70 : Apport de l'outil OQRES dans la phase d'interprétation du besoin. ................123 Figure 71 : Logique de construction des constats à l'expérimentation n°3......................124 Figure 72 : Positionnement de l'expérimentation par rapport aux hypothèses.................125 Figure 73 : Positionnement de l'utilisation de l'outil sur les différentes représentations intermédiaires du produit... Figure 84 : Positionnement des ambiances selon les qualificatifs. [Patouillard 2005] .......136 Figure 85 : Synthèse des résultats du dictionnaire adjectifs sémantiques/aspects physiques. ...
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The objective of this research is to prove that it is possible to integrate a tool which makes it possible to quantify the felt emotional of the consumer compared to a product or an intermediate representation of a product in the process of design in order to optimize this one. Indeed, nowadays, face to an economic environment in strong growth, the...
... We validated this method in various contexts and through several different industrial case studies. We obtained efficient results so that this method can be considered as generic (Mantelet, 2006, Bouchard & al, 2009) (see figure 1). Some recent studies introduced in addition the notion of familiarity through which an artefact might be characterized (Sanabria & al, 2012). ...
Kansei studies refer to the more and more holistic consideration of the cognitive and affective processes which occur during user experience. In addition, few studies deal with the experience of the designers during the design process, and its influence on the final design outputs. Historically kansei engineering has been firstly focused on the semantic differential approach. Afterwards emotions were integrated into kansei approaches. The semantic differential approach enabled to evaluate products and then to generate automatically design solutions with semantic input data. Thereafter, evaluations have been completed by physiological measurements in order to reduce the subjectivity involved in those evaluations and also to capture some unconscious reactions. This implementation is still in process. Today kansei studies have been much enriched from the three disciplines of design science, psychology and artificial intelligence. The cross influence between these disciplines brought new dimensions into kansei approaches (multisensory design information, personality, values, and culture, new formalisms and algorithms) which lead progressively towards the consideration of a whole enriched kansei experience. We propose in this paper a description of the nature of kansei information. Then we present some major orientations for kansei evaluation. Finally we propose an overall table gathering information about kansei dimensions and formats.
... Or, ces faiblesses résultent de choix d'attributs produit (couleurs, formes, matériaux, textures, …). Elles peuvent donc une fois identifiées, être corrigées au travers des attributs produit afin d'améliorer l'acceptabilité du produit (Alexandre et al., 2018;Mantelet, 2006). Le terme « acceptabilité » employé ici renvoie à la définition donnée par Nielsen (2004 primaires (Gibson, 1972). ...
... Figure 14 : Schéma de principe du Kansei Engineering System développée par Nagamachi (1989) L'application de cette méthode permet ainsi d'évaluer les produits et de générer automatiquement des règles de conception et des solutions à partir de données sémantiques d'entrée issues de l'utilisateur (Bouchard et al., 2014). Elle permet alors aux concepteurs de prendre des décisions conséquentes sur les caractéristiques du produit à développer (Mantelet, 2006). L'utilisation de bases de données d'images existantes permet de s'adapter facilement à des produits grand public, bien établis sur le marché. ...
L’objectif de notre recherche est de proposer une méthode permettant de caractériser la perception d’un produit hybride dit sport-santé.En effet, l’expérience utilisateur liée à un produit est devenue, de nos jours, un facteur de différenciation majeur parmi la concurrence et peut grandement influencer le succès d’un produit. Les utilisateurs/consommateurs ne cherchent plus seulement un produit fonctionnel, mais aussi un produit simple à utiliser qui leur procure de la satisfaction tout au long de son usage. Ce dernier aspect, la satisfaction de l’utilisateur, est devenu un enjeu industriel important. L’objectif est de procurer la meilleure expérience possible à l’utilisateur et ainsi d’améliorer les chances de succès du produit. Cela dépend notamment de la façon dont le produit est perçu.Néanmoins, dans certains cas, concevoir la façon dont est perçu un produit peut s’avérer complexe. C’est le cas notamment de produits hybrides qui mêlent des caractéristiques issues de domaines produits distincts. L’entreprise SC-Ergomedical a expérimenté cette difficulté en constatant que les produits hybride sport-santé développés n’étaient pas compris à leur juste valeur. En effet, ils étaient perçus soit comme des produits de sport soit comme des produits de santé, mais jamais de manière conjointe. Force est de constater que cela les rend moins acceptés par les utilisateurs/consommateurs. Cet écart de perception résulte à la fois de la nature dialogique des univers produits du sport et de la santé et que la perception de tels produits dépend de leurs contextes d’usages contraires mais aussi d’une sémantique manquante traduisant l’identité du dit produit hybride sport-santé.Afin de réduire cet écart de perception et d’améliorer la compréhension des produits hybrides sport-santé, nous proposons dans cette thèse une méthodologie basée sur l’approche de l’Ingénierie Affective. Les résultats observés permettent alors de construire un espace de conception pour caractériser la perception d’un produit sport-santé. En effet, les deux premières expérimentations menées ont permis de définir une sémantique sport-santé ainsi que l’influence des contextes d’usages contraires qui conditionne la perception de ces produits. La troisième nous a permis de caractériser l’espace attributs des produits sport-santé et de le relier à l’espace sémantique prédéfini. L’ensemble des trois expérimentations, nous a conduit à la création de l’espace de conception caractérisant la perception d’un produit sport-santé.Cet espace de conception fournit un guide aux concepteurs pour développer des produits hybrides sport-santé et réduire l’écart de perception constaté. En effet, via cet espace, il est alors possible de préconiser des attributs produit à partir d’une sémantique sport-santé dans un contexte d’usage du sport et/ou de la santé, d’évaluer les valeurs sport-santé d’une solution ou d’un produit final ou encore d’explorer des combinaisons d’attributs produit sport-santé et de visualiser les valeurs qui en résultent.Ces différentes possibilités sont exploitables dans un outil d’aide à la conception pour des produits hybride comme celui que nous proposons dans ce manuscrit spécifique à la conception de produit hybride sport-santé.
... These powerful tools help model human cognitive and affective needs to identify current trends at an early design stage and determine essential key attributes for the product solution. The work undertaken by Dr. Fabrice Mantelet [Mantelet, 2006] have furthered this research field in identifying developing tools to quantify the emotional representation of products to integrate the emotional and semantic perception during the design process. Finally, with the current advances in technology the research work of Dr. Vincent Rieuf [Vincent Rieuf, 2013] have explored the impact of virtual reality technology on mood-boards in the early product design process on a cognitive, behavioural and physiological level. ...
... The selection of the semantic attributes is obtained through a CTA analysis[Bouchard, C., Omhover, J., Mougenot, C., & Aoussat, A., 2007] of the brand. A dimension reduction was then conducted to reduce the variables, which eventually reduces the complexity of the product analysis[Mantelet, F., 2006]. The third phase uses the image mode of questioning answers to allow the consumers to select an environment that best stages the purchased product. ...
This project involves the study of a new methodology to assist in the design of virtual sales environments, based on consumer behaviour in virtual reality. The e-commerce market is constantly evolving, redefining consumer purchasing behaviour. As part of a CIFRE agreement, DIAKSE, a company specialising in the creation of virtual reality shops for e-commerce sites, is seeking to develop a new intelligent behavioural analysis solution. The state of the art has enabled us to focus on how we can integrate the analysis of consumer behaviour in order to optimise the creation of a virtual sales environment. This issue has allowed us to focus on methodologies for quantifying perception based on emotional engineering. These methods are often used in the framework of product development and design. The obstacle that we are trying to overcome through this research consists in considering the environment in which the products are put into situation in order to evaluate the perception of a product in a virtual environment.
... Batra, 1987a, 1987b), satisfaction (e.g. Westbrook and Oliver, 1991), but also directly to the aesthetic of the product (Mantelet, 2006) or behaviour at the point of purchase (Lichtlé and Plichon, 2014). Nowadays, therefore, some advertisers play on surprise, desire and love, such as Coca-Cola with its recent advert 'Star Wars 2017 -Full Force Zero Sugar'. ...
Based on the concepts of brand personality and emotion, this article focuses on their respective impacts on the main variables of brand relationship, trust, attachment and overall commitment with the brand. Based on a large panel of consumers, the statistical processing was conducted according to a covariance structure analysis (CSA) or a partial least squares (PLS) approach, with measurement error carefully taken into account. The corresponding model confirms the impact of brand emotion and personality on consumer commitment through the mediating effects of trust and brand attachment. More precisely, the results show the total mediating role-played by trust in the impact of a brand’s personality on commitment. Finally, the analysis highlights the stability of the results on the six brands tested in this research. However, it also illustrates significant differences between brands depending on their evaluative or hedonic nature.
... Holbrook et Batra, 1987a ;1987b), à la satisfaction (e.g. Westbrook et Oliver, 1991), mais aussi directement à l'esthétique du produit (Mantelet, 2006) ou aux comportements dans les lieux d'achat (Lichtlé et Plichon, 2014). Ainsi, de nos jours certains jouent sur les facettes de surprise, d'envie et d'amour comme Coca-Cola dans sa récente publicité « Star Wars 2017 -Full Force Zéro Sucres ». ...
Adossé aux concepts de personnalité de la marque et d’émotions, cet article s’attache à montrer leur incidence respective sur les principales variables de la relation à la marque, la confiance, l’attachement et l’engagement global envers la marque. Basé sur un panel conséquent de consommateurs, les traitements statistiques sont conduits selon une analyse des structures de covariance (ASC) ou une approche des moindres carrés partiels (PLS), en prenant soin de tenir compte de l’erreur de mesure. Le modèle correspondant valide l’incidence des émotions et de la personnalité de la marque sur l’engagement du consommateur via les effets médiateurs de la confiance et de l’attachement à la marque. Plus précisément, les résultats montrent la médiation totale de la confiance au regard de l’impact de la personnalité de la marque sur l’engagement. Ils indiquent également la médiation partielle, mais centrale, exercée par l’attachement sur l’engagement. Enfin, les analyses soulignent la stabilité des résultats sur les 6 marques testées dans cette recherche. Elles illustrent cependant des différences notables entre les marques suivant leur caractère évaluatif ou hédonique.
... This method also allows to anticipate and avoid encountering any zones of resistance. [27] Twenty-one cards were finally selected and classified into six categories more or less focused on each of the profiles using the workspace. Keeping a lot of ideas and prioritizing them in time suggests that the invested users really want to project themselves in to the future and wanted to continue the project (Fig. 3). ...
... These questionnaires were a combination of a picture, a written presentation and a test with two questions, one on the semantic dimension of the concept and the second on the emotional dimension. These questionnaires were based on semantic scales [27] to quantify these emotional and semantic indicators. We chose two indicator types, five qualifying the user feeling in relation to the concepts, and ten qualifying the installation itself. ...
Today, lots of companies work on the quality and the image of the workspace b as that has a real impact on the quality of their productions. Generally, this consideration involves the redevelopment of a space favourable for the well-being and the communication between users. However, this work on space is still too often treated as a fad and thus summarized to an imitation of the mythic groups communicating on their actions.
... Financial supports for this sector increased by three to reach 102 M€ in France between 2013 and 2016 [2] and favour the development of products for silver economy, disease treatments or users' daily life. Those products result from a design process transforming an immaterial state (like idea, concept or function) to a material state [3] following the steps defined by Pahl & Beitz [4]: the task clarification, the conceptual design, the embodiment design and the detail design. The design evolves at each step and is subject to evaluation and selection to obtain a finalized product. ...
Health devices or product are parts of a complex environment where misuses can conduct to heavy consequences. Directives and standards require to integrate human factors in the design process in order to reduce risks of misuses and to guide the design process. However, few studies present Human Centred Design criteria helping to design process. Therefore, we aim within this paper to observe the relevance and the use of Human Centred Criteria in a health context. Our paper presents then the Human Centred Design and health criteria and ways to use them over the design process. As result, we present a selection of criteria for each stage of the design process to help considering health constraints.
... La méthode d'ingénierie affective proposée vise à établir des relations entre la perception subjective des consommateurs et les attributs concrets d'un produit industriel. Nous pouvons également citer les travaux de Fabrice MANTELET qui ont porté sur la prise en compte de la perception émotionnelle du consommateur dans le processus de conception de produits [Mantelet, 2006]. De nombreux autres travaux, réalisés au sein du LCPI, explorent des thèmes connexes portant sur l'anticipation et l'intégration des besoins utilisateurs dans la conception de produits. ...
... L'importance de la prise en compte des émotions dès la phase de conception, pour développer un produit répondant aux attentes des consommateurs est connue [De Rouvray, 2006;Mantelet, 2006]. En effet, ce ne sont pas les sensations brutes qui provoquent l'acceptation ou le rejet d'un produit, mais plutôt les émotions positives ou négatives que la perception du produit engendre. ...
Medicine development must satisfy efficiency and safety objectives. Patient compliance with physician’s prescription is an essential condition to achieve these objectives. Patient acceptability of a medicine improves patient compliance and thus ensures drug success, in particular in paediatric and geriatric populations. Acceptability could be defined as the overall ability and willingness of the patient to use, and its care giver to administer, the medicine as intended. Acceptability is driven by the users’ and the products’ characteristics. Thus, designers have to consider the specific features of the targeted users to develop a medicine with the most adapted characteristics to reach the best acceptability. Evaluation of the acceptability should be an integral part of pharmaceutical and clinical development. Today, knowledge on this complex phenomenon is still fragmented and there are no internationally agreed method available to assess this multidimensional concept. Consequently, there is a limited knowledge on acceptability. This document sets out the development of a methodology supporting product design, based on a validated tool, the acceptability reference framework. This tool provides designers with relevant knowledge usable from the early stage of medicine development. Furthermore, standardized medicines acceptability evaluation provided by the tool ease validation of requirement. As this research was carried out in a medical field, we propose a formalized methodology transferable to other domains.
... Functionality, desires and needs are in intimate relationship with the experience of consuming and making use of a product. It is not a matter of manipulation, but the necessity of creating experiences that affect the user positively [8,9]. According to McCarty [10], heavy and embarrassing designs "reinforce isolation feelings and the people's inadequacy with disability, contributing to their stigmatization for the society". ...
The present article approaches as central theme the Assistive Technology. Its main objective is to enhance the understanding of the user-centered design and the emotional dimension involved in the process of innovation of the assistive equipments. The adopted method was the situational analysis. Starting from counterpoints with renowned authors of the literature and emphasizing the fact that disability is an individual experience, pleasure and emotion are approached to clarify the design method in order to provide positive experiences for the necessary affective link between product and user. As a result, it becomes clear the possibility to provide the assistive equipments with style, formal, functional and emotional quality inspiring the innovation processes that harmonize the designer's ideas with the real needs of the users who constantly struggle with the improvisations and the lack of design.
... The cognitive response to the stimulation is measured via a 7 point semantic differential scale 6 questionnaires (Osgood, May, & Miron, 1975) (Likert, 1932) (Mantelet, 2006). The first questionnaire is a set of 10 opposed semantic descriptors (we shall call them 'couples of descriptors') per moodboard, obtained via precedent tests through designers' verbalization, selection and sorting. ...
... This questionnaire, also evaluates the valence and intensity of the designers emotional state when stimulated by trend representation (Lang, 2007). As it is likely that the immersive and traditional moodboards only induce secondary emotions during cognitive emotional evaluation, we have left out the study of dominance often used to assess primary emotions (Mantelet, 2006) (Damasio, 2005) (Schifferstein & Hekkert, 2008). ...
This paper deals with how industrial design could be assisted by virtual reality tools based on a computerised approach. More specifically it presents a new vision of early design methodologies through immersive technologies. It also presents the results of an experimentation aiming to compare traditional moodboards with a newly developed immersive moodboard. Our results highlight the fact that immersing the industrial designer in a moodboard induces a high emotional activity, without radically modifying the meaning of the represented trend. The spatialisation of the traditional moodboard stimulates and engages the designer to interact with the immersive moodboard. The virtual reality system provides the illusion of a potential reality, which can be used by the designer as a basis for reflection. We believe that delivering this immersive experience during the early design process will help the industrial designer make style related decisions.