Figure 3 - uploaded by J.Guillermo Viera-Santana
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Hearing impairment may constitute a barrier for accessing to information and communication in public places. Since the oral communication forms the basis of the learning process, this problem becomes of particular relevance at schools and universities. To cope with this situation is not enough to provide a textual translation for people with hearin...
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User testing in Media Accessibility has often profiled users based on their disabilities. Subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing, for instance, have been generally tested with their expected target audience, which is deaf and hard-of-hearing users. This article argues that selecting users based on sensory disabilities may not be the best strate...
... Em uma pesquisa sistemática realizada nas bases Scopus e Web of Science em novembro de 2017, a pesquisadora investigou sobre a produção de recursos didáticos digitais orientados a surdos e encontrou uma diversidade de termos para as mídias nas quais os recursos foram produzidos. São elas: Os principais recursos didáticos encontrados nas pesquisas são relacionados à tecnologia de vídeo e à educação online, como: materiais didáticos online (CROW, 2008), objeto de aprendizagem (FERREIRA, et al., 2016); vídeo didático assistivo (DEBEVC et al., 2010;POLITIS et al., 2014;MUTALIB et al., 2016), material online interativo (CHEN e LIOU, 2014; POOBRASERT e CERCONE, 2009); Portal de educação online (ZERVAS et al., 2014); vídeo educacional multimídia (MUTALIB et al. 2015;GUIMARAES et al., 2015;VIERA-SANTANA et al., 2015;INGAVÉLEZ-GUERRA et al., 2017); Sistema de elearning (HAMMAMI et al., 2017). ...
Resumo A inserção de Recursos Educacionais Digitais (RED) no Brasil vem ganhando espaço nos últimos anos. Especificamente com relação à educação de surdos, a produção de RED é recente, existem muitos objetos, recursos e ferramentas online disponíveis, mas que não recebem uma classificação adequada para que sejam encontrados por professores e alunos. Portanto, o objetivo desta pesquisa é identificar os conceitos relacionados a objetos didáticos, explorar os recursos existentes para a educação de surdos, bem como categorizá-los. Para tanto, esta pesquisa é exploratória, com técnica bibliográfica, a partir de pesquisas em bases de dados, artigos, sites e repositórios de recursos educacionais. Como resultado, os recursos educacionais digitais para estudantes surdos foram identificados e categorizados conforme a classificação proposta por Area (2017) para produtos educacionais digitais. Palavras-chave: recurso educacional digital, objetos de aprendizagem, classificação, mídias, multimídia educacional. Abstract The insertion of digital educational resources in Brazil has been gaining ground in recent years. Specifically with regard to the education of the deaf, the digital educational resources production is recent, there are a large number of online objects, resources and tools available, but they do not receive an adequate classification, so that they can be found by teachers and students. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to identify concepts related to didactic objects, to explore existing resources for the education of deaf people, as well as to categorize them. To do so, this research is exploratory, using a bibliographical technique, based on searches in databases, articles, sites and repositories of educational resources. As a result, digital educational resources for deaf students were categorized according to the classification proposed by Area (2017) for digital educational products.
La accesibilidad universal es fundamental para fomentar la autonomía e inclusión social, pero su diseño e implementación enfrentan importantes desafíos. Estas dificultades surgen de la interacción entre las capacidades físicas, sensoriales y cognitivas de las personas y las características físicas, comunicacionales y simbólicas de los bienes, servicios y entornos. Este artículo presenta pautas generales para mejorar la accesibilidad, basadas en una revisión sistemática de la literatura que responde a las siguientes preguntas de investigación: ¿Cuáles son los temas más frecuentes asociados a iniciativas que promueven la accesibilidad universal? ¿Qué tipo de iniciativas se implementan para mejorar la accesibilidad? La revisión incluye un análisis de 148 artículos publicados entre 2013 y 2023 en Scielo, Scopus y Web of Science. En el presente documento se describen iniciativas que promueven el diseño universal de productos, servicios y entornos, junto con lineamientos específicos para mejorar la accesibilidad en el tránsito peatonal, edificios públicos, medios de transporte, viviendas, y recursos digitales y tecnológicos. Además, se profundizan aspectos relacionados con la accesibilidad a entornos físicos, comunicacionales, sociales, culturales, educacionales y turísticos.
O acesso à educação é um direito negligenciado das pessoas com deficiência, embora garantido por lei. A construção de ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem (AVAs) inclusivos necessita considerar a autonomia de todas as pessoas na utilização da ferramenta. Este trabalho busca identificar, por meio de um mapeamento sistemático, critérios de acessibilidade para AVAs. São discutidos os critérios para a construção de interfaces acessíveis, que atendam às demandas de um desenho universal. A personalização é apontada como uma estratégia para conciliação de critérios para diferentes deficiências. São apresentados problemas e desafios para a implementação de um AVA com desenho universal.
Everyone is entitled to education because education serves to improve the quality of a person's life. Education for deaf disability children, also needs to get focused of attention according to the limitations basic motor motion. The application of adaptive aplication learning media is used to improve motor skills of the disabled child's motor disability.The purpose of this research is to find out about: (1) the impact of application of media SIBI can help locomotor motion of deaf disability children, (2) the impact of media SIBI application to help manipulative motion of deaf disability children, (3) the impact of application of rainbow flag to help locomotor motion of deaf disability children, (4) the impact of the application of rainbow flags to help manipulative motion deaf disability children, (5) the magnitude of the increase in locomotor activity of deaf disability children using the application of media SIBI and rainbow flag, (6) the increase in manipulative activity of deaf disability children using the application of media SIBI and rainbow flags.This research is quantitative with quasi-experimental. The research design uses matching-only design, data analysis using Paired-Sampels T Test. The process of data collection is done with a pretest and posttest weight using the instrument of adapted motor skills, and validated by the expert to retrieve data locomotor motion and manipulative motion.The result of data analysis using SPSS version 20 on average data between pretest and posttest each group, namely: (a) Locomotor: media SIBI group increased 10,10%, sig. = 0.003 and the rainbow flag group increased 13.40%, sig. = 0.001. (b) Manipulative: media SIBI group increased by 10.10%, sig. = 0.063 and the rainbow flag group increased 13%, sig. = 0.007. Is increasing the influence of media SIBI and rainbow on locomotor motion 11,75% while in motion manipulative 11,55%.The result of the the study, that the application of media SIBI to improve locomotor motion not for manipulatif motion behind rainbow flag to improve of locomotor motion and manipulative deaf disability children.One of the fundamental strategies in attempts to develop athletic sports in Surabaya was to conduct special training through athletic extracurricular activities in schools, hence it was the starting point for the discovery of potential athletes. The purpose of this study was to determine the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and Threat from athletic extracurricular management which included Planning, Organizing, Implementing and Supervising which was conducted by Dr. Soetomo and Jalan Jawa Junior High School in Surabaya. The approach used in this study was a qualitative approach and the type of evaluative research (Evaluation Research) used descriptive methods. The evaluation design used in this study was the SWOT Analysis. The results and conclusions of this study indicated that the athletic extracurricular management at Dr Soetomo Junior High School; The Planning was already a good program, The Organizing used the organizational structure and cooperation which already existed so the working mechanism was clear of its functions and parts, The Actuating contained the schedule of activities, the attendance of students and the coaches are well-monitored by the extracurricular coordinator, The Controlling implemented a routine evaluation that carried out at the end of the school year, but for the achievements have not been as the expectation. On the other hand, Jalan Jawa Junior High School implemented the management as; The Planning of this school did not have a good program, The Organizing included the involved cooperation of leaders, teachers and parents of students was very good, The Actuating related to the exercise did not run well, The Oversight represented almost every championship in Surabaya, Jalan Jawa Junior High School got good marks. The researchers have conducted more in-depth analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and Threat of athletic extracurricular management which included Planning, Organizing, Implementing and Supervising which was conducted by Dr Soetomo and Jalan Jawa Junior High School in Surabaya, furthermore resulting some recommendations for Dr. Soetomo and
This study aims to measure the impact of a visual content presentation by refining augmented reality in the development of some visual culture skills for people with hearing disabilities. the case study was based on a student with hearing impairment in the seventh grade at Al Manara practical school for the State of Barka, Sultanate of Oman in the academic year 2018/2019.
The results showed that there were statistically significant differences between pre and post-measurement in favor of the display mode by purifying the augmented reality and that it has contributed significantly to the development of some of the skills of the visual culture of the student such as visual production skill and reading skill of optics and this was measured through experiment using observation card.
Keywords: Visual Culture - Augmented Reality - Hearing Impairment