Figure 3 - uploaded by Çağla Gül Yesevi
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It is now widely recognized that Turkey-Azerbaijan relations have always been strong and described with the phrase "one nation with two states”. This paper is concerned with economic and political nature of Turkey-Azerbaijan relations. Initially, the evolution of Turkish- Azerbaijani relations after the independence of Azerbaijan has been examined....
... The existing literature primarily focuses on Azerbaijan's role as a significant oil and gas producer (Hoffman, 1999;Ciarreta & Nasirov, 2012;Bayulgen, 2005), the existing and prospective pipeline projects that extend from Baku to Europe over Turkey (Najman et. al., 2007), Azerbaijan's oil politics, energy diplomacy, and the geopolitics of energy (Ipek, 2009;Kubicek, 2013;Yesevi & Tiftikcigil, 2015;Aydin, 2019;Sanili Aydin & Uste, 2022). Few studies have examined the socioeconomic effects of declining oil and gas demand and prices on the sustainable energy transition in the Eurasian petrostates, as noted by Skalamera (2022). ...
Azerbaijan, a country with hydrocarbon resources, seeks to restructure its economy and energy system to become more resilient to climate change. The European Union's call for international climate action offers opportunities for a green energy transition in Azerbaijan. However, the economic, social, climatic, and environmental elements driving this transition are understudied. This article follows the example of the World Economic Forum’s System Value Analysis to study how complementary the impact of policies and solutions targeting sustainable development, the environment, climate action, and the green energy transition is in Azerbaijan. For this purpose, we analyze the energy market in Azerbaijan and the potential of renewable energy resources. The main aim is to reveal not only the economic advantages of the energy transition but also its political and strategic contribution to Azerbaijan. We argue that Azerbaijan's strategic engagement with the EU is crucial, as it serves as a means for Europe to bolster energy security and assist Azerbaijan in its political drive and strategy for transitioning to green energy. Additionally, it fulfills Azerbaijan's commitments to global climate initiatives.
... Bu boru kəməri təbii qazın yeni bazarlara nəqli üçün istifadə olunacaq. Dünyanın ikinci ən böyük layihəsi olan TANAP iş yerləri və investisiya perspektivlərini genişləndirməklə milli iqtisadiyyatları gücləndirəcək (Yesevi & Tiftikcigil, 2015). Azərbaycanın təşəbbüsü və iştirakı ilə həyata keçirilən enerji layihələrinin geostrateji, siyasi və iqtisadi əhəmiyyəti beynəlxalq səviyyədə yüksək qiymətləndirilir. ...
Bu tədqiqatda Azərbaycanın müstəqillik qazandıqdan sonrakı dövrdə enerji sahəsində gördüyü işləri, enerji siyasətindəki xarici əməkdaşlığı, gələcək dövlərüçün enerji strategiyasının əsas istiqamətlərini təhlil etmək hədəflənmişdir. Tədqiqatda enerji strategiyasının təhlili sistematik və analitik metodlarla incələn-mişdir. Bu nöqteyi-nəzərdən həm keçmiş illərin strategiyası və xarici əməkdaşlığa dair enerji məsələlərinə toxunulmuş, həm də Azərbaycanın gələcəyə yönəlik enerji strategiyasına dair yanaşmalar ümumiləşdirilərək nəticəyə varılmışdır. Qeyd etmək lazımdır ki, Azərbaycanın enerji strategiyasının təhlil və tədqiq etdikdə Heydər Əliyevin bu sahədəki siyasət və strategiyalarına toxunmamaq mümkün deyildir. Bunun üçün tədqiqat işində Heydər Əliyevin də enerji sahəsindəki siyasətinə yer verilmişdir.
... According to the findings of this study, a full transition to renewable energy sources in Azerbaijan will provide long-term economic and environmental advantages, as well as lead to the development of sustainable energy in the country. In their research, Yesevi and Tiftikcigil (2015) look at the major trends and contributions of energy projects to Turkey-Azerbaijan ties. While the importance of energy is frequently stressed in Turkey-Azerbaijan ties, Turkey only imports 1.5 percent of Azerbaijan's oil, according to the study's findings. ...
... This pipeline will be used to transfer natural gas to new markets. TANAP, the world's second-largest project, will boost national economies by expanding job and investment prospects (Yesevi and Tiftikcigil, 2015). ...
The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between Azerbaijan`s traditional energy production, renewable energy production and unemployment rates. While performing the analysis, it was first tested whether the data were stationary or not. The data were stabilized by using the Augmented Dickey–Fuller test (ADF). After making the data stationary, the VAR model was established, and appropriate lag lengths were determined. The relationship between the data was analyzed by using the Granger Causality test at the end. Finally, the direction and strength of the relationship between the variables were tried to be determined by making correlation analysis between the variables. According to the results of the Granger analysis, a causal relationship was found between unemployment and renewable energy production, and between renewable energy production and traditional energy production based on 2005-2015 data in Azerbaijan.
... The literature on the economic Turkish-Azeri relationship remains more cautious. It offers a potential academic dualism potential/lack of and fights against the adages of impeccable bilateralism by mixing the positive dynamism of mutual investments (Kardas, Macit, Ismailova Gamlet;2015, the little surprising energy cooperation and the potential for transformation of scale from state-transit to state-hub that it implies (Bülent Aras ;2014) with the disagreements regarding the monopolistic environment of the Turkish internal energy market or the untapped potential for cooperation of the non-oil sector (Nurmammadov;. ...
While the economic instability of the international system resurrected debates about the future of the World Order, diving against the current and studying in a destabilizing pandemic context a bilateralism touted for its durability and solidity seemed academically attractive. Thus, the purpose of this research paper is to verify whether COVID-19 is causing fatal economic disruptions among the iron alliances, or if on the contrary one is witnessing an "unnatural" strengthening. By reconciling empirical data (reports of the Central Bank, the OSCE, press articles) and academic papers, this study analyzes the surprising Turkish-Azeri economic consolidation before questioning its still-perceptible limits in the short and long term. This work concludes that through the neorealist prism, Ankara and Baku managed to transform Covidian negativity into an element of strategic economic cooperation aimed at repairing financial loopholes on a national scale.
#strengthening #neorealism #limits #prospects #opportunities #agreements #liberalization #war #rights #instrument #asymmetry #resources
... Firstly, the energy sector is a priority area of cooperation between the coalition partners, i.e. the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline, by which oil is exported from the Caspian Sea bed to the Turkish port of Ceyhan (launched in 2006); the Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum gas pipeline (launched in 2007); the Trans-Anatolian Gas Pipeline (TANAP) which is part of the Southern Gas Corridor that connects to the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP), running from the Georgian-Turkish border to the western border of Turkey (completed in 2018). 72 From the Turkish perspective, these are effective tools for diversifying the supply of energy resources (without depending on cooperation with Russia). 73 As Esmira Jafarova points out, in recent years, there has been an upward trend in gas imports from Azerbaijan, while exports from Russia have been decreasing. ...
The article aims to analyze the autumn war in the Nagorno-Karabakh region, which took place in 2020, and explain its impact on the strategic balance of power in the South Caucasus region. This issue is important for regional security and power projection in the South Caucasus. The author focused on 1) The characteristics of the course of the war; 2) The impact of the war on the politics of Armenia and Azerbaijan; 3) The impact of the war on the new division of the sphere of influence between Russia and Turkey. In the course of the research, research techniques and methods characteristic of political science and security science (neoclassical realism paradigm) were used, including critical analysis of the literature on the subject, analysis of policy makers' statements, secondary analysis, and interpretation of quantitative data.
... The pipeline is expected to start transporting gas to Turkey in 2018. 36 The coup attempt and the following troubles ...
The 15 July failed coup in Turkey changed the country's foreign policy priorities. Since then, the country has redefined its relations with a number of countries based on how they responded to the coup attempt, and whether they cooperated with Ankara in apprehending the penetrators, the FETÖ. Given that 2017 marked the 25th anniversary of the establishment of official diplomatic relations between Turkey and Azerbaijan, and that the two countries have had steady and mutually supportive policies throughout this time, this paper examines whether the post-15 July environment has led to changes in the relationship. Specifically, the paper analyzes Azerbaijan's response to the 'fight on FETÖ', and the development of relations following the coup attempt. Our assessment of the post-15 July political developments suggests that bilateral relations have affirmed the path dependency of the two countries. The attempted coup and its consequences have not had any kind of negative impact on relations; on the contrary, the support Azerbaijan showed to Turkey in the 'fight on FETÖ' has deepened mutual trust, thereby further strengthening the path dependent solidarity and cooperation.
... Despite the tension between the two countries, they have nonetheless announced that they have frozen energy relations. While Turkey remains open to all the energy-producing countries, it has implemented special energy policies seeking to target the European energy market with the Caspian basin and the Middle Eastern energy resources (Yesevi and Tiftikcigil, 2015). Turkey is well positioned to supply energy resources from Iran, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, and other energyproducing countries to the European energy market. ...
Since Turkish Republic has seen outstanding economic growth developments in recent years, the demand for energy sources has increased significantly. This development has motivated Turkey to create secure and reliable energy routes to its energy market. Turkey is now ranked as one of the largest energy consumers, and this consumption constantly continues to increase. Turkey currently depends on imported natural gas resources for 98% of its total consumption, which is supplied by Russia, Iran, Azerbaijan, etc., Turkey’s accepted state program 2023, indicates the country’s vision to become part of the top 10 economies in the world, and within the bounds of such a target, Turkey’s demand for energy resources will increase even more in volume. The Turkish Republic has been very much aware of these situations and as such the country has used its unique geographic location to play an important role in implementing its energy strategy.
... Due to its growing economy and developing industries, this country is bound to experience an economic crisis in next future unless it finds alternative energy sources in addition to available ones. Yesevi and Tiftikcigil (2015) explored the Turkey-Azerbaijan energy relations, highlighting that the economic relations between these countries are below the expectations. In fact, neither a free trade area was not established, nor a visa-free regime was not implemented. ...
The scope of the paper is to investigate the relationship among economic growth, carbon dioxide emissions
and energy use for the South Caucasus area and Turkey in the 1992-2013 years. We estimate a 3-variable Vector
AutoRegressions using a panel VAR technique. Empirical results show that the response of CO2 emissions to energy
use is negative and statistically significant in both the estimated coefficients and impulse responses. Moreover, the first
lag of CO2 (with a negative coefficient) is statistically significant in the real GDP equation. Instead, the energy use is
only positively affected by its own lags. The forecast errors in real per capita GDP are mainly due to uncertainty in
GDP itself and (marginally) in energy use emissions. The error variances in the carbon dioxide emissions are sensible
to disturbances in all three equations. While the errors in predicting the energy use are sensitive to disturbances in its
own equation. Thus, for the estimated sample, these results reinforced the VAR and IRFs analyses, suggesting that the
“neutrality hypothesis” holds.
The cooperative relations between Türkiye and Azerbaijan have benefitted them in recent years individually and collectively; they have developed and pursued collective interests. This study aims to discover the nature of the relationship between Türkiye and Azerbaijan in the context of the security community. With the expanding brotherly relations among the people, the two countries created a common entity similar to what Karl Deutsch called a “security community”. Constructivist scholars Adler and Barnett brought some path-dependent variables and classifications to the concept of the security community, making research on this subject easier to conduct. This paper will evaluate the recent developments between the two countries using the case analysis method in light of the criteria these security community theorists developed and determine its place in security community classification. It will argue that the relationship qualifies a mature security community as cooperation created common goals and interests that bound them together and developed mutual trust and identity. The paper will contribute to the literature on the security community and the countries’ foreign policy.
Could the Caspian Region replace Russia's or the Persian Gulf's immense energy potential with their energy resources? Yunis Gurbanov explores the strategic importance of the region in post-USSR Eurasian policies of major global actors, namely China, the EU, the USA, and Russia, and examines Azerbaijan's, Kazakhstan's, and Turkmenistan's oil and gas resources as alternatives to conventional suppliers. He shows that the Caspian region's resources could serve as alternative energy sources on a global level, mitigating dependence on traditional suppliers and stabilizing energy prices.