Premaxilla and maxilla of Hyaenodictis raslanloubatieri from La Borie (≈MP8 + 9). MHNT.PAL.2019.1.1, right premaxilla and maxilla bearing the P2-P3, the alveoli of the I1-I3, canine, P1, P4, and M1, in: a. labial view; b. occlusal view; c. lingual view; d. dorsal view. Abbreviations: inf, incisive foramen; iof, infraorbital foramen; mx, maxilla; nc, nasal cavity; pmx, premaxilla; s: suture. Scale bar equals 1 cm

Premaxilla and maxilla of Hyaenodictis raslanloubatieri from La Borie (≈MP8 + 9). MHNT.PAL.2019.1.1, right premaxilla and maxilla bearing the P2-P3, the alveoli of the I1-I3, canine, P1, P4, and M1, in: a. labial view; b. occlusal view; c. lingual view; d. dorsal view. Abbreviations: inf, incisive foramen; iof, infraorbital foramen; mx, maxilla; nc, nasal cavity; pmx, premaxilla; s: suture. Scale bar equals 1 cm

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New postcranial elements of two mesonychids that lived during the Ypresian (early Eocene) in Europe are here described. The postcranial bones found at La Borie (France; ≈MP8 + 9) can be confidently ascribed to Hyaenodictis raslanloubatieri, while the astragalus found at Palette (France; ≈MP7) probably represents H. rougierae. Our study demonstrates...

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... The material was isolated after processing the sampled sediment by careful acid etching, use of screen-washing, and sorting methods. This is the first occurrence of a peradectid metatherian in the Palette fauna, which adds to the 16 previously listed mammalian species in this locality (Table 1), most of Godinot et al. (1987), Russell and Godinot (1988), Marandat (1991), Rose et al. (1994), López-Martínez et al. (2006), Hooker and Russell (2012), Marandat et al. (2012), Hand and Sigé (2017), Boivin et al. (2018), Solé et al. (2018Solé et al. ( , 2023, Vautrin et al. (2020), Vianey-Liaud and Marivaux (2021), and this study. ...
... which correspond to eutherian taxa that have been extensively studied (Godinot 1984(Godinot , 1992Godinot et al. 1987; Russell and Godinot 1988;Marandat 1991: 110;Ramdarshan et al. 2015;Solé et al. 2015Solé et al. , 2018Solé et al. , 2023Boivin et al. 2018;Orliac et al. 2018;Vautrin et al. 2020;Vianey-Liaud and Marivaux 2021). Peradectes crocheti sp. ...
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Peradectidae are Paleogene ‘opossum-like’ stem-metatherians, largely Laurasian, whose evolutionary history remains unclear. Based on new remains (mainly dental) discovered in several French localities, we carry out a comprehensive systematic revision of all early Eocene peradectids from Europe (~MP7 reference level to MP10-11 interval). We describe well-preserved specimens from Palette (Southern France, MP7-MP8 + 9 interval) documenting the earliest European peradectid, Peradectes crocheti sp. nov. This new species exhibits an interesting mosaic of characters, including plesiomorphic traits found in the North American type species, Peradectes elegans Matthew and Granger, 1921. Molars allocated to the strikingly ubiquitous Peradectes crocheti sp. nov. are found in eight additional localities from northwestern and southwestern Europe, all limited to the time interval MP7-MP8 + 9. Moreover, the study of unpublished material of the MP8 + 9 and ~MP8 + 9 peradectids allows us to recognize two younger coeval species (Peradectes louisi Crochet, 1979, and Peradectes russelli Crochet, 1979). Our taxonomic conclusions are supported a posteriori by the first quantitative assessment of the variation in height of metatherian stylar cusps. The holotype of Peradectes louisi is reinterpreted, and Peradectes ‘mutigniensis’ Crochet, 1979 appears to be a junior synonym of Peradectes russelli. In addition to size, the otherwise similar Peradectes louisi and Peradectes russelli can be distinguished based on subtle yet consistent differences, such as lower molar proportions. Phylogenetic analyses using a novel matrix of dental characters shed new light on the relationships among Eocene peradectids, confirming the paraphyly of Peradectes with respect to Armintodelphys and Mimoperadectes. Our results suggest a single dispersal from North America to Europe in the evolutionary history of peradectids, which likely occurred immediately after the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum, Peradectes crocheti sp. nov. being recovered as the earliest offshoot of the European clade. Scarce lower molars from the MP10 reference locality and ~MP10 localities analyzed within this constrained phylogenetic framework reveal a trend towards shrinking of the entoconid in the European lineage throughout the early Eocene.