Fig 3 - uploaded by Anuj Jain
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Predicted distribution of the number of non-threatened hornbill species across Sarawak based on MaxEnt distributions of the black, bushycrested, oriental pied, rhinoceros, and wreathed hornbill.

Predicted distribution of the number of non-threatened hornbill species across Sarawak based on MaxEnt distributions of the black, bushycrested, oriental pied, rhinoceros, and wreathed hornbill.

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With land use change rapidly increasing in Asia, conservation prioritisation has emerged as an important tool in identifying critical landscapes for biodiversity to safeguard them from human pressures. In Peninsular Malaysia, the Malaysian Nature Society (MNS/BirdLife in Malaysia) developed a set of Criteria to identify Important Hornbill Landscape...

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Context 1
... hornbill), and elevation (rhinoceros and wreathed hornbills) (see Appendix A.7 for a list of variables and their contribution to each model). Overlaying areas with a detection probability of 50% or more resulted in a combined output, showing sites that support more species of non-threatened hornbills lie in eastern and north-eastern Sarawak (Fig. 3). These sites are situated in most of Sarawak's remaining hill mixed dipterocarp forests which according to Osman at al. (2014), also mainly lie in eastern Sarawak. Although this finding (Fig. 3) contrasts with survey effort (Fig. 2a), it aligns with the finding that most IHLs were identified in eastern and northeastern Sarawak (Fig. ...
Context 2
... 50% or more resulted in a combined output, showing sites that support more species of non-threatened hornbills lie in eastern and north-eastern Sarawak (Fig. 3). These sites are situated in most of Sarawak's remaining hill mixed dipterocarp forests which according to Osman at al. (2014), also mainly lie in eastern Sarawak. Although this finding (Fig. 3) contrasts with survey effort (Fig. 2a), it aligns with the finding that most IHLs were identified in eastern and northeastern Sarawak (Fig. 2b). Additionally, although there are few areas which support all five non-threatened species, most of eastern and north-eastern Sarawak supports at least two, indicating that there are ...
Context 3
... potential IHLs (Table 4) were additionally identified using the MaxEnt output in Fig. 3. These areas had an occurrence probability of 50% or more for the non-threatened hornbills across Sarawak. Except for Baleh National Park, the remaining five potential IHLs are FMUs and are not considered ...

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