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Power / Interest matrix 

Power / Interest matrix 

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The stakeholder management has been a topic increasingly discussed in the literature about project management, though still existing, large gaps to be filled, especially in complex projects such as the implementation of science parks. Thus, in this paper is presented a case of a Brazilian Science Park which shows how the management team of the proj...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... Alltonen (2011), the management of stakeholders in a project involves a process of interpretation, which can generate different understandings of the environment surrounding the managerial actions that are subsequently taken. Therefore, the inadequate management of these stakeholders can easily lead to misunderstandings and From Figure 2 we can see that the classification of the stakeholders makes it possible to obtain a better understanding of the level of effort required for their management, allowing the management team to prioritize their project work as required. For Orlander & Landin (2005), the identification and classification of the stakeholders is one of the most important issues that should be considered by project managers, to enable them to understand the factors that motivate the stakeholders and the different types of demand they may make. ...
Context 2
... identification of the stakeholders is critical, and when the level of their power and influence are mapped, their impact on the project can be better understood (Bourne & Walker, 2005). For Olander & Landin (2005), the identification of the level of power and interest of each stakeholder allows the stakeholders to be positioned in an array of power/interest, so that the most appropriate management strategy can be chosen, as shown in Figure 2. Clement (2005) suggests that a deeper analysis of stakeholders can be made, according to which it is also possible to understand stakeholders as having three attributes: the first, as highlighted earlier, is their power level, which relates to their ability to impose their will on design decisions; the second is legitimacy, which relates to whether their actions in the project are widely acceptable from a normative or social point of view; and the third is their level of urgency, which means the level of urgency of the efforts that should be undertaken at the solicitation of the stakeholder. ...
Context 3
... can be seen from Figure 4, the majority (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) can be classified as key stakeholders of the project, but the private investors, because they have a low level of power, are in the zone where they should be informed about the progress of the project in order to maintain their engagement (Figure 2). ...

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... Two of the most used instruments for stakeholder classification: the Salience model [26] (left) and the Power/Interest matrix [27] (right). ...
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... It substantiates that, when stakeholders are managed adeptly, project performance is inclined to experience improvement. The findings of this study are consistent with the research conducted by Pacagnella et al. (2015), which underscored the project's early emphasis on comprehending the interests of key stakeholders and exploring ways in which these stakeholders could contribute to the project's success. The study also revealed that effective stakeholder management necessitates more than just the identification of technical factors that could persuade stakeholders to engage; it requires a thorough examination of the underlying, often subtle motivations that drive each stakeholder's involvement in the project. ...
The study reported in this paper investigated internal stakeholder management in ZESCO distribution projects, recognizing the influence of stakeholders on both project performance and success. The objectives of the study were to: find out factors that influence stakeholder management on ZESCO distribution projects; establish the degree of influence of stakeholder engagement on the performance of ZESCO distribution projects; determine the impact of stakeholder mapping on the performance of ZESCO distribution projects; and describe the relationship between stakeholder management and the performance of ZESCO distribution projects. The objectives were achieved by employing a mixed method research approach, incorporating both qualitative and quantitative methods. The study sample encompassed ZESCO employees engaged in various distribution projects, and data was gathered through interviews and questionnaires. The findings underscored the critical role of effective stakeholder mapping, engagement and management in the success of ZESCO distribution projects. It was established that addressing internal stakeholders' concerns and proper engagement positively influences project performance. Additionally, it was established that engaging internal stakeholders at various project stages improves project delivery. The findings also indicated that internal stakeholder mapping is valuable for project duration, cost management, environmental considerations, and conflict resolution.
... Manajer yang baik akan berusaha menerapkan system manajemen stakeholder untuk dapat memenuhi keinginan stakeholder. Namun ketika manajer telah memahami stakeholder dan memanfaatkan fitur dan kemampuan spesifik dari stakeholder maka manajer akan berusaha mengeksploitasi kelebihan tersebut untuk mencapai tujuan meskipun tujuan tersebut didominasi kepentingan pribadi manajer (Pacagnella Júnior et al., 2015). ...
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ABSTACTHow can the unconscious side of managerial style cause the failure of business ethics? So far, discussions about unethical behavior in companies, especially fraud, are often linked to motivational theories that only pay attention to the human side of consciousness. The psychoanalytic theory is one of the well-known theories in explaining the human unconscious not to act unethically. This article aims to review how the manifestation of psychoanalytic theory explains unethical behavior in a business organization which is illustrated through the failure to achieve stakeholder theory. This research contributes to the management accounting by providing a new perspective on ethical violations and fraud from the perspective of human psychology. The results of this research show that the subconscious side of the manager can be manifested in his managerial style and exploiting the loopholes in the stakeholder theory causes ethical failure.Keywords: Psychoanalytic Theory, Business Ethic, Stakeholder TheoryABSTRAKBagaimanakah sisi alam bawah sadar manajerial style dapat menyebabkan kegagalan etika bisnis? Selama ini pembahasan mengenai perilaku tidak etis dalam perusahaan, khususnya fraud, seringkali dihubungkan pada teori-teori motivasi yang hanya memperhatikan sisi consciousness dari manusia. Teori psikoanalitik merupakan salah satu teori yang terkenal dalam menjelaskan sisi unconsciousness manusia untuk tidak berbuat tidak etis. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengulas bagaimana manifestasi dari teori psikoanalitik dalam menjelaskan perilaku tidak etis dalam sebuah organisasi bisnis yang digambarkan melalui kegagalan pencapaian teori stakeholder. Penelitian ini berkontribusi pada akuntansi manajemen dengan memberikan perspektif baru atas tindakan melanggar etika dan fraud dari sisi ilmu psikologis manusia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sisi bawah sadar manajer dapat termanifestasi dalam gaya manjerialnya dan dengan memanfaatkan celah pada teori stakeholder menyebabkan kegagalan etika.Kata Kunci: Teori Psikoanalitik, Etika Bisnis, Teori Stakeholder
... Manajer yang baik akan berusaha menerapkan system manajemen stakeholder untuk dapat memenuhi keinginan stakeholder. Namun ketika manajer telah memahami stakeholder dan memanfaatkan fitur dan kemampuan spesifik dari stakeholder maka manajer akan berusaha mengeksploitasi kelebihan tersebut untuk mencapai tujuan meskipun tujuan tersebut didominasi kepentingan pribadi manajer [35]. ...
... Lima gaya manajerial tersebut dalam operasional perusahaan pasti menemukan permasalahan stakeholder yang menurut teori stakeholder terdiri dari tiga masalah utama. Tiga masalah utama pada teori stakeholder pada akhirnya menyebabkan lima kegagalan penerapan teori stakeholder dan pada akhirnya akan berujung pada kegagalan etika bisnis yang didukung oleh sisi neurosis (unconscious) dari manajer [33][34] [35] [36][30] [37]. ...
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The Embodiment of Psychoanalytic Theory in Business Ethics This article aims to review how the manifestation of psychoanalytic theory in explaining unethical behavior in business organizations is demonstrated through an approach to stakeholder theory. The research method uses literature study. This literature study involves secondary data sources, such as books, journals, previous research articles, mass media, and electronic media. Ten needs of human neurosis according to the psychoanalytic theory of Karen Horney, then classified into five managerial styles formulated by Kats de Vries (1984). Five managerial styles in the company's operations must find stakeholder problems which according to stakeholder theory consist of three main problems. Three major problems with stakeholder theory ultimately lead to five ethical failures. Previous research on fraud has always referred to Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory which is the conscious side of humans. However, by following the path of Karen Horney's psychoanalytic theory that carries the human subconscious side, the understanding of fraud becomes different by considering the needs of human neurosis. This study examines the failure of business ethics from the side of the human subconscious (neurosis). Pengejawantahan Teori Psikoanalitik Pada Etika Bisnis Artikel ini bertujuan untuk meninjau bagaimana manifestasi teori psikoanalitik dalam menjelaskan perilaku tidak etis dalam organisasi bisnis ditunjukkan melalui pendekatan teori pemangku kepentingan. Metode penelitian menggunakan studi literatur. Studi literatur ini melibatkan sumber data sekunder, seperti buku, jurnal, artikel penelitian terdahulu, media massa, dan media elektronik. Sepuluh kebutuhan neurosis manusia menurut teori psikoanalitik Karen Horney, kemudian diklasifikasikan ke dalam lima gaya manajerial yang dirumuskan oleh Kats de Vries (1984). Lima gaya manajerial dalam operasi perusahaan harus menemukan masalah pemangku kepentingan yang menurut teori pemangku kepentingan terdiri dari tiga masalah utama. Tiga masalah utama dengan teori pemangku kepentingan pada akhirnya menyebabkan lima kegagalan etis. Penelitian sebelumnya tentang penipuan selalu mengacu pada teori psikoanalitik Sigmund Freud yang merupakan sisi sadar manusia. Namun, dengan mengikuti jalan teori psikoanalitik Karen Horney yang mengusung sisi bawah sadar manusia, pemahaman tentang penipuan menjadi berbeda dengan mempertimbangkan kebutuhan neurosis manusia. Studi ini mengkaji kegagalan etika bisnis dari sisi alam bawah sadar manusia (neurosis).
... Um modelo de parque tecnológico deve representar os modelos ternários de relação universidade-empresa-governo, conforme a Triple Helix (ZOUAIN; PLONSKY, 2006) e, portanto, "servem a muitos mestres com diferentes interesses e expectativas" (HANSSON, HUSTED; VESTER- GAARD, 2005), sendo complexo gerenciar todos esses interesses (JÚNIOR et al., 2015). Destaque-se que o interesse por esses ambientes de inovação, baseados no modelo da Triple Helix, tem aumentado à medida que atores governamentais, acadêmicos e empresariais percebem seu potencial como catalisador do empreendedorismo inovador e do desenvolvimento tecnológico e socioeconômico . ...
A questão central a ser endereçada neste capítulo pode ser definida da seguinte forma: Qual é a efetiva capacidade dos Núcleos de Inovação Tecnológica (NITs) de fortalecer a interação universidade-empresa em ecossistemas economicamente periféricos? Em busca de resposta a essa questão, foi proposto um estudo de múltiplos casos nos Institutos Federais de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia (IF) situados em Minas Gerais, com o objetivo de descrever e entender as contribuições dos NIT no processo de inovação das IES, bem como a influência do contexto periférico na relação que se estabelece entre eles. Para a coleta de dados, foram realizadas pesquisas bibliográficas e documentais. Foram, também, realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com os coordenadores dos NIT dos Institutos Federais (IF) localizados em Minas Gerais.
... Therefore, SM is considered an important management function for achieving project success (Beringer et al., 2013). It ensures successful project outcomes and avoids failures by managing the interest of stakeholders through the integration of the project management process (Pacagnella Júnior et al., 2015). For the desired outcomes, it is essential to involve all the relevant project stakeholders in the entire lifecycle of projects. ...
... As a result, meeting continuous improvement, good stakeholder management, and satisfaction is worth focusing on. Complex stakeholder interdependence and competing interests, dynamics of high project unpredictability, financial oversight, and public scrutiny (Pacagnella Júnior et al. 2015). The indecisiveness and lack of cooperation of project stakeholders will have a detrimental influence on the overall project outcome. ...
... On the other hand, construction projects frequently result in varying degrees of degradation and change on a regional scale, not least at the construction site. Stakeholders are representatives of these concerns who have invested in such development plans (Pacagnella Júnior et al., 2015). ...
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The underlying risks and complexities in government infrastructure projects have increased the importance of external stakeholder management in contemporary project management. In developing countries, it is also important for policymaking and planning of infrastructure programs due to the varying nature of stakeholders and their expectations from the government. Few studies have looked at how external stakeholders are involved in public infrastructure projects and how they work together to achieve common project goals by overcoming communication and decision-making barriers. The internal stakeholders and project managers also need to properly liaise with the external stakeholders without compromising the project goals. Thus, there is a need to strategize the stakeholder management process to improve public sector infrastructure projects, especially from a developing nation's perspective. Therefore, the scope of this research has evaluated the prevalence of external stakeholder management in public sector infrastructure construction projects in Pakistan by developing and validating its five core dimensions. Among the constructs were identification and classification, communication, engagement, empowerment, and risk control. Besides this, twenty-seven sub-variables of stakeholder management have also been identified in the context of public sector projects. The results of the factor loading show that "Risk Control" is the most contributing dimension of stakeholder management, and "Empowerment" is the least concern in the current practices. The study emphasizes the importance of establishing a systematic and comprehensive framework for empowering external stakeholders, which will strengthen and improve performance and project outcomes. This study reveals insights that will assist project organizations in integrating external stakeholders into their government-sponsored projects with their effective empowerment and sufficient engagement.
... Despite limited resources and other encountered difficulties some parks, actually create value for its resident companies and therefore influence their performance and innovation potential, whereas some do not do that even if they operate in more favorable contexts (Albahari et al., 2018). In addition, several mistakes can be made in an attempt to measure the success and effectiveness of a park considering only financial criteria (investment, employment, budget, etc.) or innovation indicators (number of startups, patents, new products, etc.) , whereas there is no clear consensus about what is a successful technology park (Dabrowska, 2011;Dabrowska & Faria, 2020) and that each stakeholder can have its own definition of success (Júnior et al., 2015;Vilà & Pagès, 2008). ...
... In 2018, universities made up the boards of 93% of the technology parks in operation, followed by the Municipal Government (68%), Business associations (60%) and State government (55%). This governance process, which is a parks´ critical success factors (Chiochetta, 2010;Dabrowska, 2011;Hansson et al., 2005;Júnior et al., 2015;Kharabsheh et al. 2011;Phan et al., 2005;Parry, 2006), established by collegiate decision making, permits the stakeholders alignment and the focus in decision making process. ...
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Objective of the study: The aim of this study was to develop a systemic framework to understand the nature and dynamics of technology parks in Brazil and to analyze the mais determinants for evaluating their performance in the settlement process.Relevance/originality: This work is unprecedented for the analysis of the dissemination of technology parks in Brazil, throughout its history, and for the application of multivariate data analysis for performance analysis in the settlement (number of tenant companies).Methodology/approach: This study is characterized as a qualitative and quantitative combination of research methods, defined as combined exploratory, carried out in two phases. The qualitative approach is carried out first, with the aim of exploring the research topic in order to provide subsidies for the quantitative phase.Main results: The Simple Correspondence Analysis demonstrated that the two determinants that impact the settlement of technology parks in Brazil are financing and park´s age, confirming the thesis that they are long-term enterprises.Theoretical/methodological contributions: This study is characterized as a qualitative and quantitative combination of research methods, defined as combined exploratory, carried out in two phases. The qualitative approach is carried out first, with the aim of exploring the research topic in order to provide subsidies for the quantitative phase.Social/management contributions: The results demonstrate the importance of technology parks in Brazil and the need to maintain public policies in the long term, in order to increase the size of parks, in terms of concentration of new technology-based companies, and attraction of anchor companies, generating jobs and income qualified.
... Um modelo de parque tecnológico deve representar os modelos ternários de relação universidade-empresa-governo, conforme a Triple Helix (70) e, portanto, "servem a muitos mestres com diferentes interesses e expectativas" (24) , sendo complexo gerenciar todos esses interesses (76) . O interesse por esses ambientes de inovação, baseados no modelo da Hélice Tríplice, tem aumentado à medida que atores governamentais, acadêmicos e empresariais percebem seu potencial como catalisador do empreendedorismo inovador e do desenvolvimento tecnológico e socioeconômico (10) . ...
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O estabelecimento de ambientes de inovação, caracterizados por Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (P&D) e realização de produtos e serviços de alto valor agregado, que viabilizem a inovação tecnológica em empresas existentes e, especialmente, a criação de novas empresas de base tecnológica é considerado crucial e estratégico para o desenvolvimento social e econômico. Espera-se que esse ambiente possa ser desenvolvido pelos parques tecnológicos, que podem ser compreendidos como uma organização intermediária entre universidade, indústria e governo, equilibrando as aspirações dos stakeholders e da sociedade para o desenvolvimento sustentável. Nesse contexto, a fim de contribuir um pouco na compreensão dessas questões, obviamente, sem ter a pretensão de respondê-las, em definitivo, foi desenvolvido o projeto “Estudo sobre os sistemas de gestão e governança dos parques tecnológicos do Brasil à luz do modelo da hélice tríplice”, pelo Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovações (MCTI), com o apoio técnico e metodológico do Núcleo de Tecnologias de Gestão (NTG), grupo de pesquisa da UFV.
... However, they could be prioritized regarding the authority they have over the project and their interests to the project. The matrix in Figure 8 was proposed for the prioritization of stakeholders by the authors of [24]. ...
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This study addresses maturity and capability assessment of Security Operation Centres (SOC). It aims to contribute to continuous improvement for SOCs by proposing a complementary methodology that provides SOCs a self‐assessment capability. The method basically involves an assessment of the gaps between the current and the desired states of the organization and facilitates determining critical aspects that have priority. The proposed methodology is based on the define, measure, analyze, improve, and control methodology of the Six Sigma approach and offers a service‐oriented improvement process for SOCs. The applicability of the methodology is demonstrated by a case study. We evaluated subject matter experts’ reviews using simplified conversation analysis as a qualitative, content‐analysis approach.