Figure 2 - uploaded by Daouda Ngom
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Pluviométrie décadaire des sites de Séfa (SF), de Kolda (KD), de Vélingara (VLG) et de Sinthiou malème (SM) en 2015 et 2016

Pluviométrie décadaire des sites de Séfa (SF), de Kolda (KD), de Vélingara (VLG) et de Sinthiou malème (SM) en 2015 et 2016

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Bamba et al., J. Appl. Biosci. 2019 Effet de la date et de la densité de semis sur la croissance et le rendement en grain du mil tardif [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br] dans les zones sud est et sud du Sénégal Effet de la date et de la densité de semis sur la croissance et le rendement en grain du mil tardif [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br] dans les...

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Context 1
... 2015, elle est fixée à la 3 e décade à Kolda, Vélingara et Sinthiou Malème, à la 2 e décade à Séfa. En 2016, cette date est fixée à la 3 e décade à Séfa et à la 1 e décade à Vélingara ( Figure 2). Un démariage de 3 plants a été effectué au 15 e jour après levée (JAL). ...


... In Eastern Senegal and Casamance, it is widely growing during rainy season and occupies with sorghum, 75 percent of arable lands. However, despite this importance, pearl millet production has continued to decline over the year (Bamba et al. 2019). Yields are generally low around 650 kilograms per hectare. ...
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A study was conducted to determine the effect of climate gradient and previous crop on weed flora structure in pearl millet crop. Thus, floristic surveys were carried out during 2016 and 2017 crop years on station in Sahelian, Sudano-sahelian and Sudanian zones of Senegal. The results revealed that flora consisted of 81 species distributed in 59 genera and 19 families. Higher number of species were recorded in Sudanian zone (Kolda and Séfa) with respectively 61 and 45 species and the lowest number of species were found at Vélingara in Sudano-sahelian zone (28 species) and Sinthiou Malème in sahelian zone (28 species). According to previously crop, the higher number of species was registered in previous fallow (64 species) followed by previous pearl millet (57 species). In previous mucuna and peanut, flora is 14 percent lower than species recorded in previous fallow. Spectrum analysis indicated that the flora is largely dominated by therophytes, which includes 81.5% of the recorded species. It's presence in pearl millet field was higher in Sahelian zone (93%) followed by Sudano-sahelian zone (89%) and Sudanian zone (Kolda and Séfa) with respectively 80 and 84% of recorded species. Domination of therophytes is more accurate in plot with previous fallow (86%) followed by previous millet (82%), previous peanut (81%) and previous mucuna (79%). Also, it was observed a decreasing of perennial species from Sudanian to Sahelian zone.
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Cette étude a été conduite en milieu paysan dans la commune de Tibiri, où la pratique de la régénération naturelle assistée, RNA est bien ancrée dans les pratiques culturales des populations. L’objectif générale est d’étudier les effets de F. albida sur les paramètres de croissance et de rendement du mil (Pennisetum glaucum). Pour ce faire, une expérimentation a été conduite dans le Village de Waraou ayant plus de dix ans d’expérience dans la pratique de la RNA. Un dispositif expérimental a été installé sur le site avec des placettes annulaires concentriques centrées sur le tronc d’arbre. Ainsi, trois (3) auréoles R1, R2 et R3, du tronc de l’arbre vers l’extérieur du houppier, ont été définies pour chacun des individus. En vue de comparant les résultats avec une situation de référence, des témoins où le sol est supposé être hors influence de l’arbres ont aussi été installés donnant ainsi quatre traitements à savoir la 1ère, la 2ème, la 3ème auréole et le témoin. Les paramètres étudiés sont les paramètres de croissance et les paramètres de rendement. Enfin, une analyse en composante principale (ACP) a été effectuée pour comprendre les liens entre les paramètres étudiés et les différents traitements appliqués. Les résultats ont montré qu’il n y’a pas eu de différence statistiquement significative entre tous les traitements au niveau des paramètres étudiés sauf pour le paramètre de rendement en biomasse. L’ACP a fait ressortir que la 1ère et la 2ème auréoles sont caractérisées par beaucoup de feuilles, un bon diamètre de la tige principale et un bon diamètre en épis alors que la 3ème auréole se caractérise par des feuilles larges et un bon rendement en grain. Le témoin se caractérise par un bon rendement en épis et un nombre élevé en épis. Les résultats obtenus témoignent que F. albida améliore conséquemment les paramètres de croissance et de rendement du mil. This study was carried out in a farming environment in the commune of Tibiri, where the practice of RNA, assisted natural regeneration, is well anchored in the cultural practices of the populations. The main objective is to study the effects of Faidherbia albida on the growth and yield parameters of millet (Pennisetum glaucum). Thus, an experiment was conducted in the Village of Waraou wich has more than ten years of experience in RNA practicing. An experimental device was installed on the site with concentric annular plots centered on the tree trunk. Therefore, three (3) aureole R1, R2 and R3, from the trunk of the tree outwards, were defined for each individual. To comparing the results with a reference situation, controls where soil is assumed to be outside of tree’s influence giving so four treatments namely the 1st, 2nd, 3rd aureoles and the control. The parameters studied are growth parameters and yield parameters. Finally, a principal component analysis (PCA) was carried out to understand the links between the parameters studied and the different treatments applied. The results showed that there was no statistically significant difference between all the treatments in terms of the parameters studied except for the biomass yield parameter. The PCA shows that the 1st and 2nd aureoles are characterized by many leaves, a good diameter of the main stem and a good ear diameter while the 3rd aureole is characterized by wide leaves and a good grain yield. The control is characterized by a good yield of ears and a high number of ears. Results obtained demonstrate that F. albida consequently improves the growth and yield parameters of millet.
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Fonio is an identity and orphan cereal of Africa whose production system has remained traditional. This work assessed the responses of selected genotypes of fonio to different sowing methods in Benin from 2018 to 2019. Split plot design with three replicates was used. Four genotypes from mass selection and two control varieties were randomly arranged in four planting modalities (ordinary broadcast sowing, continuous row sowing at inter-rows 20 cm (SLC20) and 25 cm (SLC25) and in seed hole sowing (SP25 × 20)). Agro-morphological data were collected and subjected to variance and multivariate analyses. On all traits, interaction (variety × sowing × year) was not significant. Other interactions (variety × sowing, variety × year, sowing × year) were significant on some morpho-phenological traits. Genotypes AS19-1-1, AS1 and ‘Yoro’ were the earliest, especially AS19-1-1 presenting sowing–heading cycle less of 65 days. Improved genotypes were the most grain yielding mainly AS15-1-1 (1056.5 kg/ha) showing an excess of 405.9 kg/ha compared to control ‘Yoro’ (650.9 kg/ha), the least performing. However, control ‘Iporawan’ was the most yielding in dry matter (>8000 kg/ha). Based on sowing methods, plant density was negatively correlated with tiller number. The best growth and grain yield performances were obtained in broadcast sowing and especially in SLC25 (911.4 kg/ha). Cropping systems in which the new genotypes (AS1, AS13-1, AS15-1-1, 19-6-1-1) sown in continuous rows at 20–25 cm apart, or by broadcasting, were better in terms of grain yield (971.7 kg/ha). These systems constitute cultivation innovation which will enable to optimize fonio production and bring added value.