Figure 1 - uploaded by Paul Robinson
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Pioneer Run oil field in 1859. Photo used with permission from the Pennsylvania Historical Collection and Musem Commission, Drake Well Museum Collection, Titusville, PA. 

Pioneer Run oil field in 1859. Photo used with permission from the Pennsylvania Historical Collection and Musem Commission, Drake Well Museum Collection, Titusville, PA. 

Source publication

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... Drake's oil well was not the first -according to one source, the Chinese beat Drake by about 2200 years -but it may have been the first drilled through rock, and it certainly triggered the Pennsylvania oil rush. Figure 1 shows some of the closely spaced wells that sprang up in 1859 in the Pioneer Run oil field a few miles from Titusville. According to a report issued in 1860 by David Dale Owens, 12 the state geologist of Arkansas: ...
Context 2
... heavy fuel oil and/or asphalt residue drops to the bottom of the tower, where it is drawn off. The vapors rise through the distillation trays, which contain perforations and bubble caps ( Figure 10). Each tray permits vapors from below to bubble through the cooler, condensed liquid on top of the tray. ...
Context 3
... traditional solvent deasphalting, residual oil and propane are pumped to an extraction tower at 150 to 250°F (65 to 120°C) and 350 to 600 psig (2514 to 4240 kPa). Separation occurs in a tower, which may have a rotating disc contactor ( Figure 11). Liquid products are evaporated and steam stripped to recover the propane solvent, which is recycled. ...
Context 4
... extraction is used to remove aromatics and other impurities from lube and grease stocks. The feedstock is dried, then contacted with the solvent in a counter-current or rotating disk extraction unit ( Figure 11). The solvent is separated from the product stream by heating, evaporation, or fractionation. ...
Context 5
... it means that heavy molecules are split ("cracked") into a smaller molecule with a higher H/C and another smaller molecule with a lower H/C. Molecules with low H/C - polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) -can condense to form coke ( Figure 12). Condensation reactions release hydrogen, lowering H/C even more. ...
Context 6
... HCGO can go either to an FCC unit or a hydrocracker. Figure 12. Representative thermal-cracking reaction. ...
Context 7
... Steam Figure 13. FCC riser-reactor and regenerator sections ...
Context 8
... one extent or another, all of the chemical reactions listed in Table 15 occur in hydrotreaters and hydrocrackers. The reactions are discussed in greater detail in Chapter 14. Figure 14 illustrates the process flow for a fixed-bed hydrotreater. At moderate-to-high pressure -300 to 1800 psig (2170 to 12,512 kPa) -mixtures of preheated oil and hydrogen pass down over fixed beds of catalyst, in which the desired reactions occur. ...
Context 9
... process flow scheme in Figure 14 can describe a gas-oil hydrotreater, a mild hydrocracking, or a once-through high-conversion hydrocracker. In a hydrocracker, the first few beds are likely to contain hydrotreating catalyst while subsequent beds contain hydrocracking catalyst. ...
Context 10
... conversion of naphthenes to aromatics and the isomerization of normal paraffins provide a huge boost in octane. H 2 is produced by dehydrocyclization of paraffins and naphthene dehydrogenation, which are shown in Figure 15. Figure 15. ...
Context 11
... 2 is produced by dehydrocyclization of paraffins and naphthene dehydrogenation, which are shown in Figure 15. Figure 15. Dehydrocyclization and dehydrogenation ...
Context 12
... and isomerization reactions are shown in Figure 16 and Figure 17, respectively. Hydrocracking, which is undesirable in this process, occurs to a greater extent at high temperatures. ...
Context 13
... and isomerization reactions are shown in Figure 16 and Figure 17, respectively. Hydrocracking, which is undesirable in this process, occurs to a greater extent at high temperatures. ...
Context 14
... are three major process flows for catalytic reforming: Figure 18 shows a semi-regenerative reformer, a fixed-bed unit in which catalyst cycles last from 6 to 12 months. A catalyst cycle ends when the unit is unable to meet its process objectives -typically octane and overall C 5 -plus yields. ...
Context 15
... Gas Figure 18. Semi-regenerative catalytic reforming Some catalytic reformers operate at low pressure (100 psig, 791 kPa), while others operate at >500 psig (3549 kPa). ...
Context 16
... a CCR unit (Figure 19), the hydrotreated feed mixes with recycle hydrogen and goes to series of adiabatic , radial-flow reactors arranged in a vertical stack. Catalyst flows down the stack, while the reaction fluids flow radially across the annular catalyst beds. ...
Context 17
... Liquids Figure 19. CCR catalytic reforming ...
Context 18
... main purpose of n-paraffin isomerization is to produce iso- paraffins with substantially higher octane numbers. An isomerization reaction for normal hexane was shown in Figure 17. ...
Context 19
... on the process make higher olefins and aromatics such as cumeme for petrochemical applications. Figure 21 shows the main chemical reaction for the dimerization of isobutylene. ...
Context 20
... oil industry has been consolidating since oil prices exploded during 1978-81, after the revolution in Iran. According to the United States Energy Information Administration, 56 in 1981 there were 324 refineries in the United States ( Figure 31 1949 1954 1959 1964 1969 1974 1979 1984 1989 1994 1999 Refineries 1949Refineries -2002 It's tempting to conclude that 171 refineries were shut down during the past 20-plus years and the remaining plants got a whole lot bigger. Indeed, there were a lot of shut-downs and expansions, but that's not the whole story. ...
Context 21
... Dietz invented a flat-wick kerosene lamp in 1857. The Dietz lamp was arguably the most successful of several devices designed to burn something other than animal fats. The availability of kerosene got a sudden boost on August 27, 1859, when Edwin L. Drake struck oil with the well he was drilling near Titusville, Pennsylvania. By today’s standards, the well was shallow – about 69 feet (21 meters) deep and it produced only 35 barrels per day. Drake was able to sell the oil for US$20 per barrel, a little less than the price of lard oil and 70% less than the price of whale oil. In 1861, US$700 per day was a tidy sum, equivalent to US$5 million per year in 2002 dollars. 11 Drake’s oil well was not the first – according to one source, the Chinese beat Drake by about 2200 years – but it may have been the first drilled through rock, and it certainly triggered the Pennsylvania oil rush. Figure 1 shows some of the closely spaced wells that sprang up in 1859 in the Pioneer Run oil field a few miles from ...


... In the energy production and chemical industries, there are some severe operating conditions, including high pressure and high temperature. These work conditions dictate the presence of installation equipment with hot surfaces, such as fluid catalytic cracking regenerator with 550 ℃, catalytic reforming reactor with 521 ℃ and so on [3]. ...
There are many potential hazards related with hot surface in industrial processes. Therefore, the ignition characteristics of liquid fuels on hot surfaces play an important role for fire safety engineering involved with energy utilization. In this study, thermogravimetric analysis and hot surface tests were systematically conducted for some typical liquid fuels. In the hot surface tests, ignition parameters were measured and investigated, including ignition probability and characteristic ignition temperature. It was found that the ignition of liquid fuel on the hot surface was probabilistic. The boil-over phenomenon was observed for transformer oil when the hot surface temperature was above 693 K, where the liquid fuel burned over the pan. For the three liquid fuel selected in our studies, the order of lowest ignition temperature was not consistent with the order of the kinetic parameter. Furthermore, the comparative analysis revealed that the lowest ignition temperatures with ignition probability of 5% were observed to be within the temperature ranges of combustible gases generation, indicating that the ignition of the liquid fuels on the hot surface was significantly influenced by the combustible gas generated during the evaporation and thermal decomposition. Finally, the model describing the profiles for the concentration and temperature of combustible vapor was introduced to provide a detail explanation for the ignition mechanism of liquid fuels on hot surfaces. The established model could provide scientific basis to the fire risk assessment for liquid fuel fire caused by the hot surface, and further optimize the safe usage of liquid fuels.
... Fluid-particle systems are essential in many human-related operations, including petroleum processing [1], ocean mining [2] and blood circulation [3]. In most cases, the particles involved come in a wide variety of shapes. ...
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Fluid-particle systems are highly sensitive to particle morphologies. While many attempts have been made on shape descriptors and coupling schemes, how to simulate the particle-particle and particle-fluid interactions with a balance between accuracy and efficiency is still a challenge, especially when complex-shaped particles are considered. This study presents a Metaball-Imaging (MI) based Discrete Element Lattice Boltzmann Method (DELBM) for fluid simulations with irregular shaped particles. The major innovation is the MI algorithm to capture the real grain shape for DELBM simulations, where the Metaball function is utilized as the mathematical representation due to its versatile and efficient expressiveness of complex shapes. The contact detection is tackled robustly by gradient calculation of the closest point with a Newton-Raphson based scheme. And the coupling with LBM is accomplished by a classic sharp-interface scheme. As for refiling, a local refiling algorithm based on the bounce back rule is implemented. Validations on three settling experiments of irregular-shaped natural cobblestones indicate the proposed model to be effective and powerful in probing micromechanics of irregular-shaped granular media immersed in fluid systems. The potential of this model on studies of shape-induced physical processes is further investigated with numerical examples on the "drafting, kissing and tumbling" phenomenon of pair particles in various shapes.
... The purpose of these facilities is to ensure the production of a wide range of high-quality oil fractions from crude oil. Requirements for the quality indicators of various oil products produced through these technological facilities require the creation of more modern and perfect control systems [1]. Most of the catalytic processes in the chemical, petrochemical and oil refining industries are refers to the number of non-stationary complex and multi-stage processes. ...
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As it is known, one of the initial and important stages in the creation of optimal control systems of oil refining technological units is the development of a mathematical model that can adequately record the processes at any time. The operative and accurate measurement of all input and output variables is one of the important conditions in the development of a mathematical model of technological processes. Studies have shown that the lack of information about the state of complex oil refining processes in many cases reduces their efficiency and effectiveness. On the other hand, the wide range of both quality and quantity of raw materials for processing makes their efficiency even more unsatisfactory. Under these conditions, it is difficult to develop mathematical models that can adequately describes the static modes of technological processes; the development of mathematical models is relevant both in scientific and practical terms. A priori information required on input and output variables during normal operation of the technological complex in order to implement mathematical models identification for the vacuum block of the oil refining process unit is provided in the article. On the basis of this static information, mathematical dependencies were constructed between the variables characterizing the static mode of technological processes and the adequacy of the obtained mathematical models was confirmed through the statistical apparatus In order to solve the problems, the research was determined to be able adequately describe the current technological conditions, which can quickly adapt to current technological situations and ensure the production of oil fractions with relatively stable quality, regardless of the disturbing effects of the system
... Fluid-particle systems are essential in many human-related operations, including petroleum processing [1], ocean mining [2] and blood circulation [3]. In most cases, the particles involved come in a wide variety of shapes. ...
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Fluid-particle systems are highly sensitive to particle morphologies. While many attempts have been made on shape descriptors and coupling schemes, how to simulate the particle-particle and particle-fluid interactions with a balance between accuracy and efficiency is still a challenge, especially when complex-shaped particles are considered. This study presents a Metaball-Imaging (MI) based Discrete Element Lattice Boltzmann Method (DELBM) for fluid simulations with irregular shaped particles. The major innovation is the MI algorithm to capture the real grain shape for DELBM simulations,where the Metaball function is utilized as the mathematical representation due to its versatile and efficient expressiveness of complex shapes.The contact detection is tackled robustly by gradient calculation of the closest point with a Newton-Raphson based scheme. And the coupling with LBM is accomplished by a classic sharp-interface scheme. As for refiling, a local refiling algorithm based on the bounce back rule is implemented. Validations on three settling experiments of irregular-shaped natural cobblestones indicate the proposed model to be effective and powerful in probing micromechanics of irregular-shaped granular media immersed in fluid systems. The potential of this model on studies of shape-induced physical processes is further investigated with numerical examples on the "drafting, kissing and tumbling" phenomenon of pair particles in various shapes.
... To improve the quality of the oil used and ensure its safer use, the oil is purifi ed from sulfur, nitrogen and oxygen compounds with hydrogen gas.In this case, the process of replacing sulfur, nitrogen and oxygen in the oil fraction with hydrogen takes place due to the chemical reactions that take place in the technological process as a result of purifi cation of oil fractions with catalysts and fi nally is formed industrial wastes and gaseous wastes such as H 2 S, NH 3 , CO [2][3][4]. ...
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In the article, measurements were made to determine the amount of gas emissions obtained during the process of hydrogen purifi cation of petroleum oils. As a result of purifi cation of oil fractions with catalysts and fi nally is formed industrial wastes and gaseous wastes such as H 2 S, NH 3 , CO. Measurements of ecotoxicants in the gas wastes formed in the process of hydrogen purifi cation of Autol 8 and Autol 15 oil distillates with the participation of catalysts as the main raw material in the above device were carried out in different parts of the plant with the Drager X-am 2500 device. According to the results of the research, it should be noted that despite the fact that the emissions from the oil refi nery No.501 are within the permissible concentration limits, these emissions allow to pose an environmental threat to the ecosphere and biosphere.
... Assuming 360 days of operation per year, this represents a total annual raw material cost of 1,908 million dollars. According to Robinson (2006), the cost distribution typical of oil refineries is that 85 percent is crude oil and 15 percent is other operating costs. Using this, the annual operating cost is 336.7 million dollars. ...
Conference Paper
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With the determination to achieve 100% carbon free energy generation by 2050, renewable energy has been widely accepted as a feasible option for environmentally friendly and inclusive economic growth. Giving priority to this support mechanism is vital to upholding a steady and conducive atmosphere for investment in this sector while meeting the anticipated target in the energy system in an economical way, and policy makers reveal that auctions have reached their pinnacle in due course of time. Merely 29 states had applied renewable energy auctions up to the end of 2017 and their number increased to 41 in 2019. The present study aims to prepare a roadmap for achieving the carbon free green energy production target within the stipulated period while meeting future energy demand through a cost-effective auctioning scheme. The research outlines the feasibility of suggested auctioning schemes, highlighting some country-specific empirical evidence and potential benefits for countries. For this, qualitative research has been conducted to summarize and assess the necessary conditions to develop an auctioning model. The results indicate that for the emerging economics that are provided with renewable energy sources, technology-neutral site-specific volume auctions systematically scheduled, together with socio-economic development instruments under qualification requirement, result in diversified gains.
... The capacity of the oil refinery is 100 thousand barrels per day, and in the long term, the unit price per barrel is estimated to be usD 53 (Fitch, 2021), while the annual cost of raw material is usD 1,908 million in the case of operation for 360 days. Based on the cost distribution that is typical for oil-refineries -85 per cent crude oil, 15 per cent operating cost (Robinson, 2006) -the operating cost is usD 337 million per year, and the sum of these two make up the total annual cost (usD 2,245 million). ...
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The effects of climate change on the real economy are also reflected in the financial system. In this study, we examine the attitudes of key players in the financial system (central and commercial banks) towards the financial risks of climate change, based on the literature in the field. The key players in the financial system, the climate change-specific relationships of the corporate sector and the main channels connecting them are illustrated using a corporate project evaluation model, partly assessing which variables and risks a company should consider when making an investment decision. The results show that climate change can affect the performance of financial institutions in a number of ways, but these risks cannot yet be clearly identified in Hungarian interest rate spreads.
... The hydrogen treatment plant for petroleum distillates and other oil distillates at the Heydar Aliyev Oil Refinery is considered to be more environmentally and economically efficient than the old classical technological plants.As it is known, so far the complete reduction of emissions has not been achieved during the technological processes of oil refining in the developed countries of the world oil industry [1][2][3]. ...
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The article analyzes the determination of the amount of dissolved ecotoxicants in the sample taken from the industrial wastewater obtained during the process of hydrogen treatment of petroleum oils. During the hydrogenation process, different types of wastes are formed, depending on the nature of each compound contained in petroleum distillates. Every gas, liquid, solid waste formed during the process of hydrogen purification of petroleum distillates by the oil refining industry has a negative impact on the environment in various ways. One of the main directions of our scientific research is the ecological assessment of the environmental impact of wastewater formed in the process of hydrogen treatment of petroleum distillates.Based on the results obtained, the environmental impact of the wastewater was assessed. The amount of volatile ecotoxicants in the wastewater sample was determined by spectral methods and is shown in the table. We used gas chromatography-mass spectrometry method for the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons; optical emission spectrometry method for metals; spectrometry method for phenols, dyes and fluorine; nephelometry method for turbidity; the gravimetry method for total suspended particles. Based on the results obtained, it is possible to assess the environmental impact of wastewater generated during the technological process at the hydrogen treatment plant.
... Diesel fuel plays an important role worldwide because of its widespread use in diesel engines, particularly in road and rail vehicle engines [1,2]. Diesel is mainly composed of aromatic, aliphatic, and olefinic hydrocarbons (carbon numbers C9-C20) with boiling points in the range of 163-357 • C [1][2][3][4]. ...
... Diesel fuel plays an important role worldwide because of its widespread use in diesel engines, particularly in road and rail vehicle engines [1,2]. Diesel is mainly composed of aromatic, aliphatic, and olefinic hydrocarbons (carbon numbers C9-C20) with boiling points in the range of 163-357 • C [1][2][3][4]. Nevertheless, it also contains low amounts of sulfur, nitrogen, water, and other elements derived from the original crude oil source. The chemical and physical composition of diesel, as well as its properties, depends on several factors, such as the geographical origin of the crude oil and the quality of the refining unit [5]. ...
... Diesel, as a final product, is formed by blending middle distillates that are produced from refined crude petroleum oil by distillation and fractionation under atmospheric pressure [1,2]. These petroleum products are obtained at mid-height level in the distillation tower at boiling temperature ranges of 170-340 • C [1], where the heavy middle distillate, light middle distillate, and naphtha condense. ...
The properties of middle distillates, which form diesel fuels, must be monitored during production according to the specific requirements established by standard analytical test methods. Although these test methods are accurate and well accepted, they are time-consuming and expensive. Hence, the best solution is to apply a method that reduces investment, maintenance costs, and time. The aim of this study was to determine seven properties of middle distillates (kinematic viscosity, cold filter plugging point, pour point, contents of sulfur, mono-, di-, and poly-aromatics) using rapid and inexpensive method, near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy combined with chemometrics multivariate calibrations and the partial least squares (PLS) algorithm. The root mean square error of calibration (RMSEC) and root mean square error of cross-validation (RMSECV) were applied as basic chemometric diagnostic tools to optimize the NIR model predictions. We confidently predicted satisfactory results: the calibration samples were equally distributed along the line of the NIR models and observed a significant correlation between the reference values obtained by the standard methods and the calculated values by the NIR model. Therefore, NIR spectroscopy is an efficient tool for simultaneously determining several diesel fuel properties, which makes it an excellent option for online monitoring during fuel production.
... This reduces the efficiency of FFC catalyst and thus reduces the efficiency of the process. As a result, the cost of producing oil derivatives of good quality will increase in refineries [10][11][12]. Therefore, it is necessary to remove this metal from crude oil or reduce it to the lowest possible level in order to maintain the safety of equipment and catalysts and prolong their operational life and also improve the quality of oil products. ...
The existence of heavy metals together with the essential hydrocarbon components of crude oil causes a significant issue that leads to harmful effects on many petroleum processes industries in addition to reducing the value of oil product produced from refineries. The current research aims to study the possibility of removing the nickel element from Iraqi crude oil by a simple pre-treatment method based on adsorption technology. Treating of crude oil was performed using two types of adsorbents, the first one that had a high surface area, namely commercial granular activated carbon (GAC) and the other was non-valuable material, i.e., white egg shells (WES). The adsorption process was conducted in a batch mode unit and at different operating parameters of the adsorbent media amount, (water/crude oil) ratio, the contact time and the agitation speed in order to optimize the conditions for the best removal of the nickel substance from crude oil. The results indicated that the GAC had a high adsorption capacity reached to 87%, while the WES had a modest efficiency of about 45% removed of total nickel content. The results also showed that the efficiency of the treatment was increased with increase in the amount of adsorbent material, the (water/crude oil) ratio, the contact time and the agitation speed to a certain limit and then fixing or decreasing according to the type of variable. The present paper provides a simple pre-treatment method for removing one of the harmful heavy metals from crude oil in an easy and eco-friendly layout accessing to zero residue level concept.