Fig 4 - uploaded by Vladan Djordjević
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-Pimpinella tragium Vill. subsp. tragium (SE Serbia, Bosilegrad) (photo G. Fodulović).

-Pimpinella tragium Vill. subsp. tragium (SE Serbia, Bosilegrad) (photo G. Fodulović).

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This paper represents the fourth part of the inventory of the flora of Serbia (Niketić et al. 2018, 2020, 2021), which contains nomenclatural, taxonomic and floristic notes related to taxa from the Magnoliopsida group. At the same time, this contribution is the basis for publication of subsequent volumes of the An annotated checklist of vascular fl...

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Context 1
... subspecies occurs in a relatively large population on Mt Rudina (Fig. 21), in the extreme southeast of the country. In the new locality, the optimal habitats for this plant are limestone rocks and screes, as well as open steppe pastures formed on a shallow limestone substrate, at lower altitudes (Fig 4). Another taxon, P. tragium subsp. ...


... This phenomenon can be observed in the frequent occurrence of plants with intermediate morphology at sites where T. montanum coexists with T. polium or T. capitatum. Hybrids between T. montanum and T. polium or T. capitatum in different parts of their distribution are described as hybridogenic taxa: T. × castrense Verg., T. × bogoutdinovae Melinkov and T. × rohlenae K.Malý [23,24]. ...
... It is important to emphasize that in the last century, the species T. polium L. and T. capitatum L. were considered conspecific, whereas T. capitatum was treated as a synonym or subspecies of T. polium [19,24]. According to Navarro [17], species T. polium and T. capitatum are considered separate species, which is also confirmed in Salmaki et al. [18] and relevant checklist [21]. ...
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In this work, we analyzed the morphology and genetic structure of Teucrium montanum, T. capitatum and their hybrid T. × rohlenae from three syntopic populations. A morphometric study showed that the parents and their hybrids exhibited continuous morphological variation, with the hybrid positioned exactly between the parents. Genetic analysis revealed that plants morphologically identified as T. × rohlenae are fertile hybrids that produce hybrid swarms dominated by later-generation hybrids. This suggests that introgression, rather than speciation, is the more likely outcome of hybridization between these plant species. The extent and direction of gene flow between the two species differed markedly between the three syntopic localities. At the Trilj locality, it was clearly unidirectional, with T. capitatum playing the dominant role. At the Sićevo locality, gene flow was slightly asymmetric, favoring the genetic background of T. capitatum, while at the Sliven site, it was completely asymmetric in the opposite direction. The extreme case of unidirectional gene flow was observed at the Trilj locality where plants morphologically identified as T. montanum could not be genetically distinguished from T. capitatum. This suggests that interspecific hybridization occurred long ago, leading to introgression and cryptic hybrids, blurring of species boundaries and generating evolutionary noise.
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In this paper we suggest three new nomenclatural combinations and specify two new synonyms. There are five taxa (species and subspecies) of the vascular plants that are new for the flora of Serbia, and four species that have been confirmed for the flora of our country. Five plant taxa are a novelty for proper Serbia, Vojvodina, or Kosovo and Metohija, of which four are autochthonous and one is an allochthonous and invasive plant. There are twelve taxa whose presence in Serbia or in its territorial units has been refuted. the name Viola ×foliosa Čelak., which was proposed in the previous issue of this scientific journal, has been corrected to the currently accepted V. ×kerneri Wiesb.