FIGURE 5 - uploaded by Ian Spence
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Pie chart from Playfair's translation of Denis Francois Donnant's (1805) Statistical account of the United States of America. This chart is unlike other Playfair pies because it contains a much larger number of segments and is decorated around the circumference. There are major tick marks at approximately the 10% positions and also minor marks at the 5% positions. Playfair has labeled the segments and also stated the actual values of the land areas in square miles on each segment.
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William Playfair's pie chart is more than 200 years old and yet its intellectual ori-gins remain obscure. The inspiration likely derived from the logic diagrams of Llull, Bruno, Leibniz, and Euler, which were familiar to William because of the instruction of his mathematician brother John. The pie chart is broadly popular but—despite its common app...
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Context 1
... seems to have been aware of these limitations because he used his new invention only a handful of times in his work. Other than in The Statistical Breviary (including in a French edi- tion), he used the pie in only two other publications (Playfair, 1805a; Chart 2- mislabeled Chart 3-facing p.192; Playfair, 1805b) ( Figure 5). ...
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... Line plots are typically particularly useful in time-series analyses, where it is critical to understand how data change over time [3]. Pie charts, despite their widespread use, partition a circle into sectors proportional to the whole and have been criticized for their limited effectiveness in comparing category differences [5], with bar charts preferred for detailed analysis [3]. Scatter plots are used to visualise the relationship between two continuous variables by plotting individual data points on a Cartesian coordinate system. ...
... Complex, multidimensional data may require advanced techniques, such as parallel coordinates or 3D scatter plots, to reveal patterns that are not immediately apparent in simpler visualisations. Audience expertise dictates the complexity of visualizations, with simpler forms like bar and line graphs suited for general audiences [5]. However, audience expertise dictates the complexity of visualizations, with simpler forms like bar and line graphs suited for general audiences [5], and more sophisticated ones like network graphs or heatmaps for experts. ...
... Audience expertise dictates the complexity of visualizations, with simpler forms like bar and line graphs suited for general audiences [5]. However, audience expertise dictates the complexity of visualizations, with simpler forms like bar and line graphs suited for general audiences [5], and more sophisticated ones like network graphs or heatmaps for experts. The visualization's purpose, whether exploratory or communicative, also determines the choice of technique, with interactivity being key for exploratory tasks [1] and clarity for conveying findings. ...
The ascendancy of data visualization methodologies has rendered these instruments indispensable for contemporary decision-making processes within the epoch of exponential data proliferation. This review takes an in-depth look at various data visualisation techniques, providing an in-depth analysis of their applications, advantages and disadvantages. Data visualisation is an important tool for transforming large and complex datasets into intuitive graphical representations, enabling users to discover patterns, correlations and actionable insights more effectively. This review encompasses foundational visualization strategies including bar charts, line graphs, and scatter plots, in addition to sophisticated techniques such as heat maps, tree diagrams, and network diagrams, which are particularly efficacious for the representation of larger, more complex data sets. It also explores the growing importance of interactive visualisations, including dashboards and geospatial maps, which provide users with real-time data interaction and deeper exploration. In addition, emerging trends such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality and big data visualisation were seen as important advances that will shape the future of the field. Challenges such as data distortion, cognitive overload and accessibility issues were also analysed, highlighting the importance of choosing the appropriate technology based on the characteristics of the data, the user's task and the audience's needs to enable more effective communication and decision-making.
... This powerful symbolism of circles, mirrored in Kandinsky's own influential abstract works, combined with its geometric simplicity, makes it an attractive and meaningful element in infographic design. This potential was recognized early on by pioneers such as Playfair Spence (2005), with the creation of the pie chart, and Nightingale Nightingale (1999), who developed eccentric circular visualizations for analyzing the causes of death of the British army during the Crimean war. ...
... Winning Rates in Donut Charts. The donut charts present flexible options for comparison [8]. By filtering the athletes of interest on the left (see Fig. 1c), users can compare multiple athletes and see predictions of their winning rates on the right (see Fig. 1d). ...
The official website of the International Federation of Sport Climbing (IFSC) stores information about sport climbing competitions and athletes. While the website shows comprehensive data, it was mainly static and there was limited interaction or effective visualization, impeding the attempts to understand the performance of the athletes. To address this problem, we developed IFSC, an interactive visualization system for sport climbing data from the IFSC official website. This paper details the design of the interactive visualizations, highlighting how they can be used to compare athlete performance and identify promising candidates in future competitions. Our work demonstrates the value of interactive visualizations in supporting effective meaning-making and informed decision-making in sports.KeywordsInteractive VisualizationInteraction DesignSport ClimbingSports Prediction
... Tufte (2006) stated that the simplest and most powerful of the methods for analyzing and communicating statistical information is well-designed data graphics. Spence (2005) cited that when Playfair presented statistical data for nineteenth century European countries, he did so in graphic form, because he believed that catching the eye is the best way to convey a particular idea when it comes to proportion and size. ...
This study aimed to determine the variables affecting the eye-movements of second-language (L2) learners of Turkish in Türkiye while solving a test consisting of questions that included graphics. A total of 115 L2 learners participated in the research (21 in the pilot study and 94 in the main study). We presented a test consisting of five multiple-choice questions with graphics (GT) as a stimulus on the screen and investigated the following variables to see whether participants’ eye-movements were affected by age, gender, native country, mother tongue, reading direction in the mother tongue, department at the university, education level, opting to have questions with graphics in the Turkish Learning, Research and Application Center (TÖMER) and the Language Teaching Research and Application Center (DİLMER) exams and success on the GT. We investigated whether these independent variables had an effect on the eye-movement measurements and examined the relation between the GT success and success on the TÖMER/DİLMER comprehension exam. Results indicate that gender, education level, opting to have graphic questions in the TÖMER/DİLMER exams, and GT success had significant effects on various eye-movements.
... Şekil 2: 1801'de Playfair tarafından çizilen ve Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nun toprak varlıklarını gösteren ilk pasta grafiği (Spence, 2017) ...
... A composition chart is helpful in demonstrating static data through a pie chart, a stacked bar chart or a treemap. A pie chart is used to demonstrate a simple share of the whole and even though it is a frequently used chart, 23 it is considered a very poor graphical Fig. 5. A control chart example. ...
Aim of the study. An image has the power to facilitate comprehensibility of complex data. The aim of this paper is to discuss chart selection in medicine, dentistry and health sciences articles, increasing data comprehension and memorization.
Design, mathematical, statistics, health, and technology papers, books and websites were used to best describe data visualization through graphic use. Authors searched MEDLINE, Cochrane Library, and grey literature for chart styles and which one best suits specific data. Some articles were included as examples.
Some principles of data visualization were discussed. Chart types (comparison, combination, distribution and relationship) were clarified, and a practical guide of selection was performed. Colours option and some aesthetic aspects were considered.
An appropriate chart selection is extremely useful to researchers and readers, making data more assimilable
... For instance Ref. [36], incorporated a pie chart to represent the energy use of different buildings within a geographical area. A pie chart is a circular graph divided into slices where each represents the contribution of a given category of the whole [62]. [56], for instance, implemented a pie chart to depict the contribution of each household member of the total household CO2 emission levels ( Fig. 12). ...
While adopting eco-feedback systems can lead to significant energy savings, in the region of 5–20%, research has shown that the inappropriate use of visualisation patterns and techniques decreases their effectiveness. However, existing reviews on energy feedback visualisation provide little guidance on when to use them and how to enhance their effectiveness in various scenarios. The uncertainty and lack of clarity surrounding eco-feedback visualisation techniques and their impact on end-userengagement present challenges to the design of eco-feedback systems. This paper presents the first systematic review of a wide range of energy eco-feedback visualisation techniques, including, for the first time, Augmented-Reality (AR) and thermal imaging visualisation. We analysed 82 relevant studies published between 2000 and 2021 using the PRISMA protocol for systematic reviews. The visualisation techniques have been reported under five distinct categories, which we have identified: (a) statistical visualisation, (b) architectural and geospatial visualisation, (c) game-based visualisation, (d) artistic visualisation, (e) emerging visualisation. Furthermore, they have been analysed based on the following criteria: type of visualised information, the purpose of use, end-user perception, scholar suggestions, and potential impact. The findings show that statistical visualisation techniques are essential in any energy eco-feedback system. Furthermore, they suggested combining different visualisation techniques to accommodate different user profiles, but such combinations must be carefully planned based on usage scenarios. Following this analysis, a series of considerations and good practice guidelines are presented for each of the reviewed techniques to assist practitioners in this area (e.g., designers and researchers) while providing recommendations for future work.
... Şekil 2: 1801'de Playfair tarafından çizilen ve Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nun toprak varlıklarını gösteren ilk pasta grafiği (Spence, 2017) ...
... Pie charts are useful to display simple percentage data, but avoid for more complex data where accuracy is required (Spence, 2005;Hawley et al., 2008). ...
Infographics are becoming a common tool in the communication of public-health information. However, research-based resources in how to create effective infographics are rare. The application of design principles in the creation of infographics has been shown to more effectively communicate information. Here, the research explores the adherence of 84 research-based infographic design principles on 3 designs of varying levels of application. A multi-method approach, including eye-tracking, was used to record information location efficiency, memorability and user perception. Support was found in favour of utilising design principles in the creation of public health infographics; resulting in improved user opinion and information location.
... genes, enhancers). Pie charts, which are typically used to represent the abundance of a particular feature for different genomic regions, are recently under discussion and often substituted by bar plots 56 . We recommend to integrate each available visualization that might address a biological question to generate a consistent interpretation of the data. ...
Large-scale sequencing techniques to chart genomes are entirely consolidated. Stable computational methods to perform primary tasks such as quality control, read mapping, peak calling, and counting are likewise available. However, there is a lack of uniform standards for graphical data mining, which is also of central importance. To fill this gap, we developed SeqCode, an open suite of applications that analyzes sequencing data in an elegant but efficient manner. Our software is a portable resource written in ANSI C that can be expected to work for almost all genomes in any computational configuration. Furthermore, we offer a user-friendly front-end web server that integrates SeqCode functions with other graphical analysis tools. Our analysis and visualization toolkit represents a significant improvement in terms of performance and usability as compare to other existing programs. Thus, SeqCode has the potential to become a key multipurpose instrument for high-throughput professional analysis; further, it provides an extremely useful open educational platform for the world-wide scientific community. SeqCode website is hosted at, and the source code is freely distributed at