Figure 2 - uploaded by Yaw Brew
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Pie chart distribution of responses on staff willingness to render prompt service

Pie chart distribution of responses on staff willingness to render prompt service

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The study assessed the quality of customer service delivered by 'chop bar' (local restaurants) operators and satisfaction levels among customers in Koforidua. Snowball sampling was used in selecting 5 chop bars. A sample of 200 customers was used. Purposive sampling was used to select and interview owners of the chop bars. Self-administered questio...

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... Kwabena, Brew and Addae-Boateng (2013) found out that 30% of customers of selected chop bars in Koforidua were not satisfied with the quality of service. Though there has been a modicum of studies on service quality in the food service industry in Ghana (Kwabena, Brew & Addae-Boateng, 2013;Mensah, 2009). ...
... Mensah (2009) found a negative gap between customers' expectations and perceptions of service quality of restaurants in Cape Coast. Kwabena, Brew and Addae-Boateng (2013) found out that 30% of customers of selected chop bars in Koforidua were not satisfied with the quality of service. Though there has been a modicum of studies on service quality in the food service industry in Ghana (Kwabena, Brew & Addae-Boateng, 2013;Mensah, 2009). ...
... Kwabena, Brew and Addae-Boateng (2013) found out that 30% of customers of selected chop bars in Koforidua were not satisfied with the quality of service. Though there has been a modicum of studies on service quality in the food service industry in Ghana (Kwabena, Brew & Addae-Boateng, 2013;Mensah, 2009). Yet these studies did not examine the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction in a university campus context despite the fact that the campus foodservice market is different. ...
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Abstract: This study sought to examine the effects of service quality and customer satisfaction on the repurchase intentions of customers of restaurants on University of Cape Coast Campus. The survey method was employed involving a convenient sample of 200 customers of 10 restaurants on the University of Cape Coast Campus. A modified DINESERV scale was used to measure customers’ perceived service quality. The results of the study indicate that four factors accounted for 50% of the variance in perceived service quality, namely; responsiveness-assurance, empathy-equity, reliability and tangibles. Service quality was found to have a significant effect on customer satisfaction. Also, both service quality and customer satisfaction had significant effects on repurchase intention. However, customer satisfaction could not moderate the effect of service quality on repurchase intention. This paper adds to the debate on the dimensions of service quality and provides evidence on the effects of service quality and customer satisfaction on repurchase intention in a campus food service context.