Fig 2 - Photobiont composition of some taxa of the genera Micarea and Placynthiella (Lecanoromycetes, lichenized Ascomycota) from Ukraine
Photobionts and epiphytes of Micarea and Placynthiella species in 4-weeks-old cultures: (a) cell packages of Interfilum sp.; (b) the filament of Interfilum massjukiae ; (c) schematical drawing of Radiococcus signiensis (the cells are covered with mucilage), the primary photobiont of Placynthiella icmalea and P. uliginosa ; (d) the fragment of filaments of epiphytic alga Trentepohlia umbrina ; (e) schematical drawing of Pseudochlorella sp., the primary photobiont of Placynthiella dasaea ; (f) schematical drawing of Pseudococcomyxa sp., the primary photobiont of Micarea prasina . Scale = 20 μm.