Phi correlation coefficients between ISO 14001 certification status and ISO 14031 guidelines

Phi correlation coefficients between ISO 14001 certification status and ISO 14031 guidelines

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Conflicting research results regarding the application of environmental management systems on the environmental performance of industrial organizations between positive, negative, and no effect made studying this relationship a complex research problem. This study aimed to assess the extent of the commitment of industrial organizations in Saudi Ara...

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... addition, 74.00% of the certified organizations answered that they implemented I1, representing 64.20% of the 271 organizations implementing this variable. Table 4 presents the Phi coefficient values, which were 0.505, 0.430, 0.415, 0.358, and 0.537 for P1, P2, P3, P4, and P5, respectively, in association with the organizational status variable Y. This suggests that there is a positive association between the variables. ...

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... The implementation of an EMS improves the environmental performance of the organization by implementing better technologies, which include, among others, the protection of natural resources [38]. Moreover, the implementation and certification of an EMS in accordance with the ISO 14001 standard contributes to reducing the amount of waste generated [39]. ISO 14001 contains requirements whose application in an organization allows for minimizing the negative impact on the environment by reducing pollutants and emissions [40]. ...
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... A number of studies have demonstrated the advantages that firms may achieve by adopting ISO 14001; most of them categorize the benefits as environmental management (EM), environmental indicators (EIs), and environmental awareness and social aspects (EA) [2,3]. Unfortunately, ISO 14001 literature does not agree on the effect of adopting the standard on the environment [4]. Furthermore, few research works have investigated the drawbacks of implementing the standard and showed that the cost of adopting ISO 14001 could be high [5]. ...
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The most frequent drawback of ISO 14001 observed in existing studies relates to the cost of certification and implementation process. This drawback requires scaling the benefits of adopting the standard to assign organizations limited resources based on each benefit scale. This paper reports the first research results that scale the benefits of adopting the standard. A quantitative method was adopted, where data were collected using a questionnaire survey. A total of 120 respondents were recruited from organizations operating in six industrial sectors to take part in the study. MANOVA and discriminant analysis methodologies were used to analyze the 14 most cited benefits in the literature on adopting the standard. A novel feature of our approach is the comprehensive statistical analysis of the collected data, which yields robust results due to assumption satisfaction. The results demonstrated that the mean vector of the benefits was not equal per each sector. Environmental management and indicator dimensions can discriminate sectors more than the environmental awareness dimension. This study provides insights into the necessity of assessing the benefits of ISO 14001 adaptation that helps organizations allocate their limited resources optimally and support the listing of standard key performance indicators in ISO 14001. In addition, it calls for combining ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, and ISO 45001:2018 in one standard.
... Recently, there has been great interest in adopting environmental management systems (EMSs), mainly the international standard ISO 14001, due to their role in enhancing the public image, relationships with stakeholders, and environmental performance (EP) of industrial companies [1][2][3]. In particular, an increasing number of companies have implemented the standards to manage their EP [4]. ...
... To scale EPEs in the Saudi industry, ISO 14031 was utilized. A questionnaire that was scaled as either 0 or 1, as listed in [3], was developed based on the requirements of the ISO 14031 standard and emailed to the selected companies. The questionnaire constructs comprised 13 items characterized by three descriptor variables: utilizing information and data, planning for EPEs and reviewing and improving EPEs [45]. ...
... It takes the level of 1 when the company is ISO 14001certified and the level of 0 if the company is not certified. The explanatory variables represent the guidelines outlined in ISO 14031 (see the measuring tool given in [3]). The model was developed and evaluated based on an α of 0.05 in terms of fit measures, model coefficients, and predictive measures. ...
... Recently, there has been great interest in adopting environmental management systems (EMSs), mainly the international standard ISO 14001, due to their role in enhancing the public image, relationships with stakeholders, and environmental performance (EP) of industrial companies [1][2][3]. In particular, an increasing number of companies have implemented the standards to manage their EP [4]. ...
... To scale EPEs in the Saudi industry, ISO 14031 was utilized. A questionnaire that was scaled as either 0 or 1, as listed in [3], was developed based on the requirements of the ISO 14031 standard and emailed to the selected companies. The questionnaire constructs comprised 13 items characterized by three descriptor variables: utilizing information and data, planning for EPEs and reviewing and improving EPEs [45]. ...
... It takes the level of 1 when the company is ISO 14001certified and the level of 0 if the company is not certified. The explanatory variables represent the guidelines outlined in ISO 14031 (see the measuring tool given in [3]). The model was developed and evaluated based on an α of 0.05 in terms of fit measures, model coefficients, and predictive measures. ...
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The research aims to determine the size of the gap between the actual reality of environmental management in the General Company for Food Products / Detergents Production Directorate and the requirements of the international standard ISO 14001:2015, which is represented by the context of the organization, leadership, commitment, planning, support and operation, and performance evaluation and improvement through analyzing the results. This is done after... This is a diagnosis of strengths and weaknesses, as the problem of the research was represented by high operation, which leads to the achievement of high environmental pollutants and the resulting waste and pollutants and high costs borne by the company, which may increase and multiply in the future, in addition to the lack of environmental interest among managers and individuals working, which reflects negatively. To implement the requirements of the specification. The research adopted the case study approach to achieve the objectives of the study and reach the required scientific facts. The General Company for Food Products / Directorate of Detergent Production was chosen as the spatial boundaries for conducting the study, and checklists were used to collect data to reach facts related to the application of the system and achieve the objectives of the research. Also, reliance was placed on field experience, observation and discussion, and a number of statistical tools were used. To get the arithmetic mean.
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EMS in accordance with ISO 14001: 2015 is considered an entry point to reduce environmental impacts, especially the effects resulting from the oil industry, which is the main source of environmental pollution and waste of natural resources, since the second revision of the standard took place in September 2015. The problem of the research was manifested in the weakness in understanding the correct guidelines that must be followed in order to obtain and maintain the standard. The purpose of this research was to give a general picture of what is behind ISO14001:2015 and how it is possible to create a comprehensive base for understanding its application by seeking the gap between the actually achieved reality, standards requirements, and the diagnosis of their causes in the Medline Oil Company/ A field east of Baghdad by using the checklist and a number of statistical analysis methods (arithmetic mean, weights and percentages). The research reached a number of results; the most important of which is the existence of a gap in the application of the standard at a rate of (47.03%) resulting from a weakness in the application of most of the standard’s clauses in the company and lack of interest in the programs related to the treatment and reduction of environmental impacts. The added value in this research is evident by diagnosing the strengths and weaknesses in each clause of the environmental specification in preparation for setting plans to eliminate or reduce the gap in the company under consideration. Paper type: Case research.
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Sensory attribute is one of quality parameter that affects buying intention of consumer for commercial instant chocolate drink product. Evaluation of consumer liking using hedonic method or ideal profile method was not enough to fulfill consumer satisfaction. This research aims to identify sensory attributes which are able to give consumer satisfaction using survey method integrated with structural equation model (SEM), Kano method, and total unduplicated reach and frequency (TURF). Kano method is used to evaluate sensory attributes based on consumer satisfaction, while TURF is used to identify sensory component which is able to increase buying intention of consumers with regard to the range and frequency for chocolate instant commercial drink. Preliminary research conducted by modelling consumer preferences suggested that there was an influence of 0.76 sensory attributes to consumer satisfaction. Seven samples were purchased from market and evaluated by 30 untrained panelists using home use test with an approach of consumer habit to consume hot chocolate drink once a week. The panelists were chosen from people who consume commercial instant chocolate drink. Results of this research showed that sensory attributes creamy (texture) and dark chocolate (color) were attractive features which were able to improve consumer satisfaction. Atribute sweet (taste) was categorized as must-be features, while flavor, aroma, and color were classified as one-dimensional features. Combination of attributes in one category can improve the range to reach the targeted consumers and frequency of consumers towards the product, for example attribute creamy can reach 97%, but combination of attributes creamy and thickness can reach 100% of the targeted consumers.